Exchange People For Dagger

Song Tian looked ordinary but his body was well built. His gestures subtly hinted that he was once a soldier. Although Wang Ling was arrogant, she took his words seriously as she snorted coldly and turned away without speaking. 

She constantly stole glances at Ling Mo and occasionally glare at Xia Na with impatience, but it was a shame that neither Ling Mo nor Xia Na reacted at all.

After asking Li Yu about the situation, Song Tian sent him away and invited Ling Mo and the others into his "office." 

He was the head of the campus after all. This suite was different from those unfurnished units on the second floor. His unit wasn't only furnished, but even fully equipped. It was obvious that someone lived here before the apocalypse began. Song Tian's office was renovated from a bedroom. All the extra furniture was moved except for a bed, a table, and a four seater couch. 

Wang Ling followed them in for no reason and sat on the edge of the bed with unhappiness written all over her face. 

"Have a seat. Don't worry. They are all clean." Song Tian leaned on his table and gestured to the others to sit on the couch. But he added on like drawing legs on a snake, making Liu Yuhao and Wang Cheng to feel odd. 

He obviously meant that someone died on the couch before… 

But after experiencing all sorts of things in the apocalypse, even Wang Cheng became more resistant to things like this after these two days. They could sit in a pile of dead bodies, let alone a couch like this. 

"Li Yu said that my team dragged you guys behind. I'm very sorry about that." 

Song Tian apologized and Wang Ling immediately humphed in displease. 

Ling Mo didn't plan to say anything but he immediately laughed coldly upon seeing Wang Ling's reaction, "We were staying there perfectly safe and we were forced to abandon it after your people came. It's fine if we just had to move, but all the supplies we put in efforts to collect were all left there." 

Liu Yuhao and Wang Cheng's expressions became weird after hearing what Ling Mo had said. It was true that they left in a hurry, but Ling Mo didn't lose anything other than his climbing rope, did he? Did he want them to compensate him by mentioning it at a time like this? They had to remember that this was their campus and in the apocalypse, supplies were more important than their lives. Even though Song Tian looked kind and gentle, it was the wildest thing to think that Song Tian will compensate him. 

But how could Ling Mo not consider what they thought of? He dared to speak because he had backup support. 

First, if Song Tian wanted to cross their bottom lines, Wang Ling wouldn't let it happen because of Xia Na's existence. Thus, it was unlikely for this situation to turn ugly; second, they could fight well. Without counting Ling Mo, Xia Na and Ye Lian together were enough to flip this entire campus up. Although some of them were decent at fighting, they were far from the power of mutated zombies. 

The most important thing was that Ling Mo wasn't intending to rip things out of them. 

After he finished speaking, he glared at Wang Ling with extreme annoyance and Song Tian immediately picked this up. 

Ling Mo's implications were clear. Not only were these people dragging us down and making me lose supplies, but she's also even asking something from me! 

Song Tian's head was swimming. He saw it with his own eyes when Ling Mo killed that zombie and hence, he was rather fearful of Ling Mo's ability to fight. It was exactly why he stopped Wang Ling and intended to ask the dagger back for her in a gentler way. Now that Ling Mo said this, he didn't know how to open his mouth no matter how thick-faced he was. 

And if he gave Ling Mo a tough attitude? Although they were on his campus, Song Tian didn't want any trouble as he put so much effort into building a campus like this. Although the campus looked as if they were in perfect order, there were still many internal problems as it wasn't established for long. Other people could try to seize and fight for the dagger, but he could not do it as the head. 

True skills were the only advantage in the apocalypse but since it was just established, Song Tian needed to win over these people's hearts. 

The main thing was that when Song Tian first laid his eyes on Ling Mo, he immediately realized he had to make them stay! If a strong fighter who could fight mutated zombies joined them, it would be a heart-strengthening shot! 

"I'm really sorry…" Song Tian forced himself to ignore Wang Ling's glances and said, "Mr. Ling, what do you think we can do…" 

"You can call me Ling Mo." Ling Mo frowned and pondered for a while, "I know you have a lot of people here and you are short of supplies. I don't intend to make you compensate for it… But the dagger…" 

Song Tian pretended to be heroic as he embraced Wang Ling's murderous eyes and laughed, "It's only a dagger. We'll give it to you!" 

A dagger for a skilled new member was definitely worth it! As for Wang Ling… He would just have to deal with her rolling her eyes at him for a few days.

"Humph, coward!" Wang Ling cursed furiously and slammed the door shut as she left. 

Song Tian smiled in embarrassment and spoke again, "I'm sorry that we made you lose your shelter and lose your supplies. Well, we are short of people right now. Do you want to join us?" 

Although the campus was small, Ling Mo was respectful of Song Tian as he could see Song Tian's methods of management. But joining them? No thanks. It was more intense to have two female zombies staying with a bunch of survivors than dancing on knives. Not to mention that the zombies, especially Ye Lian, needed to eat more gel parts to evolve. There were too many restraints here when he needed to hunt more mutated zombies down. 

Ling Mo shook his head without hesitation. "Thanks, but those two and I have something else to do so we can't join you for now. But my friend is not bad." Ling Mo turned to Liu Yuhao as he spoke. 

Song Tian was greatly disappointed by the answer but since Ling Mo didn't make it definite, Song Tian thought that he still had hope. After all, Xia Na was Wang Ling's cousin! 

 The disappointment on Song Tian's face ceased as he thought of this and he turned to Liu Yuhao as well. "Are you willing to join? What about that guy?" 

The second person he asked was obviously Wang Cheng. Wang Cheng heard of it and cast Ling Mo a nervous glance. Then, he nodded firmly, "I will join!" 

This campus was obviously not for worms and a perfectly well young boy was needed definitely need to go out and collect supplies, Wang Cheng made a big choice by staying here. 

And if he didn't join? Ling Mo would support him! And the main thing was that he knew that Xia Na was a zombie! 

Wang Cheng didn't think his heart could bear the intensity of living with a zombie all the time. But since Wang Ling was here, he didn't dare expose this. Who knew what kind of attitude Wang Ling had towards Xia Na? Not to mention that Xia Na looked completely the same as ordinary people, who would believe it even if he exposed the secret? He was looking for death if he offended Ling Mo without any control…