
When it was Liu Yuhao's turn, he hesitated. 

It wasn't hard to tell from his expressions that he was worried about Xia Na, but he was aware that it was impossible for Xia Na to stay with him like this. 

As for Ling Mo… Ling Mo wasn't close with him, but they merely got along with each other and that was it. 

He was already grateful that Ling Mo allowed the dangerous Xia Na to stay with him. If it was someone else, they would've immediately parted with him if they didn't kill Xia Na. 

Of course, Liu Yuhao didn't know that Ling Mo had a supernatural power to control the zombies, and he didn't know that Ling Mo took out two gel parts from the zombies for Xia Na to eat during her mutation.

No matter what, Liu Yuhao thought that the only way for Xia Na to live on like a normal person was to go with Ling Mo and he could not give Xia Na what she needed. 

But leave with Ling Mo? Liu Yuhao thought of this numerous times but Ling Mo's attitude was clear; he didn't need any extra burden. 

And was he a burden? Liu Yuhao asked himself honestly. He was aware of what Ling Mo was capable of and although Ye Lian rarely fought, it was obvious that she was good. As for Xia Na, she didn't become weaker after turning into a zombie but became stronger in some way. By comparison, Liu Yuhao was only a normal boy who was more courageous and a boy who could fight decently. 

Liu Yuhao looked at Ling Mo with complicated expressions, hoping that he could get some ideas from Ling Mo. 

Ling Mo felt his glance immediately. He had a good impression of Liu Yuhao, especially comparing him to his classmates. But if he had two zombies with him and needed to hunt more mutated zombies, it was inconvenient to bring Liu Yuhao alone. Not to mention that he didn't want to expose that he could control the zombies yet. When he first controlled Xia Na successfully, he already decided that he would find a good place for Liu Yuhao to go. 

And Song Tian's campus was very suitable in Ling Mo's eyes. 

When Liu Yuhao looked at him, Ling Mo looked at him deeply and seemingly cast a glance at Xia Na carelessly, and then nodded. 

Disappointment flashed across Liu Yuhao's eyes but he seemed to make the decision. 

"I will join too!"

He was a burden now, but one day…

Although Ling Mo and the girls were unwilling to join, Song Tian was still happy to recruit two young and strong boys. He just established this campus and he knew he would lose people every day as they searched for supplies. Bringing suitable survivors back to the campus already became a rule. But other than the minority like Ling Mo, most of the others would gladly join them as one person's survival was too limited. 

"Even if you guys don't want to join, isn't Miss Xia Wang Ling's cousin? You should at least stay for the day." Song Tian's suggestion was reasonable but Xia Na obviously wouldn't reply. 

Ling Mo thought that Xia Na was still unstable and it was more dangerous if they stayed here longer. If they figured out her situation, it would be terrible. 

Hence, he declined with a smile. "I'd love her to spend some time with Wang Ling, but we have something urgent to do. Well, I'll bring Xia Na back once we're done with our matters." 

This was merely to deceive Song Tian. Liu Yuhao and Wang Cheng knew what was going on and they knew that Ling Mo wouldn't appear in front of them within a short period of time or maybe even ever at all. 

This was the apocalypse! Zombies were everywhere and so was danger! Survivors in this world might lose their lives at any second and a promise like this seemed weak and fragile. 

Wang Cheng secretly sighed. He was afraid of Ling Mo, but he was more afraid of Xia Na because she was a zombie! 

Liu Yuhao's eyes were red as he stared at Xia Na, yet unable to go any closer. Other than Ling Mo, Xia Na didn't recognize anyone else… 

"Is that so… I won't force you to stay then. But Miss Xia should say goodbye to Wang Ling before you go. Oh, that's just how she talks. Don't mind it," Song Tian couldn't make them stay and changed the topic. 

Don't mind her attitude? How could he not mind an attitude like that? Ling Mo was pitying Wang Ling before but after they had some interactions, he had no good impressions of her left. 

Song Tian was right; Xia Na was Wang Ling's cousin and it didn't make sense to leave without seeing her. 

Song Tian got up and left while Liu Yuhao suddenly grabbed Ling Mo and whispered sincerely, "Brother Ling, I hope you can take care of her. Although she is a… zombie, you know that she won't hurt you. It'll be great if you can make her return to normal, but even if you can't, please don't abandon her… I beg you."

Ling Mo was touched by Liu Yuhao's eyes. He sighed silently and patted his shoulder, "You must live on as well." 

"Wait…" Ling Mo was just about to leave but Liu Yuhao pulled him back again. This time, he sounded more firm, "I will become stronger. One day, I think I'll go look for you." 

Ling Mo was surprised but he immediately smiled. "Then you need to put more effort in!"

It was very unlikely that he could find Ling Mo and the others. But it wasn't bad to have some hope when living in a world like this… 

Song Tian searched the building and brought an unhappy-looking Wang Ling in after a while. At this time, Ling Mo and the others were already at the door, ready to go. 

Wang Ling looked at Ling Mo even more unkindly as she didn't get her dagger back and lost her face in front of him. But when she looked at Xia Na, her glance wasn't any better. 

Perhaps it was because she refused to accept the truth. She walked to Ling Mo and Xia Na and even hit Ling Mo with her fist. Although Ling Mo could dodge it, a little girl's fist didn't hurt at all. That Li Yu was afraid of Wang Ling and even said she was "strong"? Other than her loftiness, Ling Mo couldn't tell why she was strong at all. 

"Don't think you can bully me just because the two of you joined your hands! I will make you spit that dagger out sooner or later!" 

She spat it out and immediately went upstairs. But after two steps, she suddenly turned around, "Don't bully my family or I will kill you!" 

Ling Mo widened his eyes in shock as he watched Wang Ling stomp up. This little girl definitely knew how to speak fiercely. She was shouting so much yet Song Tian still gave her dagger away. 

As for bullying… Ling Mo turned to Xia Na and suddenly smiled eerily. 

I need to help her with some things in her current state. Did that count towards bullying?