Leave A Small Mark On You

Wang Ling watched Ling Mo and the other two leave. An odd smile appeared on her face. "Let's see where you can run to…"

Song Tian patted his head miserably. "You did something, didn't you?"

"None of your business!" Wang Ling glared at him impolitely and then winked mischievously, "You didn't help me, so I'll have to do it my way."

As Ling Mo left Gingko District, he didn't know that Wang Ling secretly left a small mark on him…

Ling Mo finally let out a breath after they were far away from the survivor campus. He wiped his forehead and his hand was filled with cold sweat. 

Xia Na's eyes faintly glowed red… It was too hard to keep her firm under control. 

"Xia Na, what's your situation really like…" Ling Mo glanced at her deeply. 

When Xia Na saw Wang Ling, her emotions immediately fluctuated. If Ling Mo didn't forcefully control her, she would've exposed herself. 

Ling Mo felt like his decision was too rushed, but at least it was a good result. 

He found a place for Wang and then got rid of Wang Cheng. Now, only the two zombies were left with Ling Mo. One was an evolving and strong mutated zombie while the other one still had the slightest consciousness left, stuck between a zombie and a human. 

It was quite troublesome… 

But in another aspect, Ling Mo felt more relaxed as there were no others there with them. With them there, he could never use his abilities freely. 

The most important thing wasn't to hunt mutated zombies but to find a suitable shelter. It was definitely unsuitable to stay in an area like the Third Middle School. If Ye Lian consumed another virus gel part and began to evolve, he would be affected greatly as well. If something happened like this morning, he could do nothing but wait for death. Hence, the new shelter had to be well hidden. 

 Ling Mo touched the gel part hidden on him and smiled a little. He jogged with Ye Lian and Xia Na on what soon turned into a desolated street. 

He wasn't familiar with the environment around here, but he knew that he would be able to find a suitable shelter if he continued to follow a street like this. 

As this was a bustling area, both sides of the street were filled with shops and on top of the shops were homes, they would easily bump into zombies. But with Ye Lian opening up a path at the front, many zombies were killed before they could react. 

Ling Mo didn't wander on the street boldly, but he lurked in the shadows cautiously as he moved forward. 

There were some suitable places around here but it was too close to Gingko District. Thus, it was unsafe to Ling Mo. As for others, the campus may be the best shelter but it was more difficult to control two zombies in a crowd of survivors than fighting with zombies. 

After he walked through this street, a public square appeared in front of him. Ling Mo had visited this newly built square a few times. There were shops surrounding it and there was a huge hotel here. 

Ling Mo observed from a distance and targeted a two-story building next to the river. The first floor was a shop and the second floor was a teahouse. Ling Mo liked that the stairs to the teahouse were narrow and there was an iron gate that shut it off completely. Also, there was some distance between this place and the nearby building. Since there was a shallow river at the back, he could escape even if he was surrounded. 

The most important point was that it was rather desolated from the other areas and it was unremarkable. 

After he slowly approached it, he made Ye Lian go into the shop first. As expected, there were two zombies inside the shop. However, these two zombies didn't attack Ye Lian and Ling Mo decided not to kill them. With two zombies there, no one would expect people to live in it even if they walked past it. 

Xia Na didn't grab the attention of the zombies either. Ling Mo held his breath and quickly ran upstairs after he controlled Ye Lian to make a small sound. 

Xia Na already searched the teahouse and discovered three zombies altogether. She killed two of them quickly and the last one flung itself at Ling Mo when it saw him. There were many obstacles in the teahouse and the zombie's movement was limited. It was blocked by a table and Xia Na appeared behind him, piercing her sword downwards fiercely. 

This method of attack was far from the tyrannical way she fought when she was still conscious. But now, she was much faster and stronger, killing the zombie completely as she stabbed her sword through its body. 

Although skills were important, this kind of straightforward method was more amazing when she reached a certain level of skills. 

Ling Mo faintly thought that the so-called evolution was urging humans to act with their instincts and the potential of their bodies was aroused because of it. However, the flaw was enlarged as they didn't know what tactics were and when to attack or back off. 

For example, Ling Mo was stronger when he killed zombies compared to Xia Na when she was conscious. But if they fought each other, he wasn't her opponent. Although he got stronger in all aspects, his combat skills were gained through fights and it was nothing compared to Xia Na's sword skills. 

After Xia Na became a zombie, she was much stronger but Ling Mo thought if he faced her now, he knew that it would be easy to dodge her attacks if he couldn't win against her. 

As for the evolutions… That was the real process that made the zombies more powerful! After Ye Lian evolved, she grew the slightest sense of consciousness! Becoming a zombie would only turn all humans into monsters, but evolutions would make them rational monsters! 

If a bloodthirsty monster became intelligent, what kind of horrifying slaughter machine will it become? 

The idea only flashed across Ling Mo's mind but he couldn't grasp it as his attention was shifted to what he needed to work on now. 

He flipped through the counter of the teahouse and found a huge lock that was likely for that iron door. 

He controlled Ye Lian to go down and lock the door. Then, he made Xia Na throw the dead zombies out from the window into the river. As for the bloodstains on the floor… he would just have to pretend that he can't see it. 

There wasn't a bed in the teahouse and the most he had was a two-seater couch. 

After Ling Mo locked the door and completely blocked it with some heavy furniture, he finally smiled a little and took out the gel part. 

But as soon as he took it out, his expressions became odd. "What happened here?"