Good Ability, But Don't Expose It

It's been more than a day since Ling Mo killed the zombies and dug out the gel part. He took out two of lower purity, gave them to Xia Na, and hid the rest carefully in his pockets.

To avoid getting infected by the virus, he intentionally put all the parts in a plastic bag. 

Although he touched it with his hands before, it was only for a few seconds. If he had to put it close to him for a long time, he was disgusted by the thought of it before he worried about potential infection. 

When Xia Na ate the parts yesterday, the gel's appearance didn't change at all. But after the night, it became like this.

There were quite a few pieces in it before, but they silently merged together and Ling Mo could barely separate it into two pieces. Despite this, the overall volume shrunk by over a half! 

Did these viruses eat each other? Ling Mo lifted the plastic bag to his eyes and found out that they indeed looked different from before.