"Kill yourself!"

You finally give up on calling him and turn off your phone.

"Why did we end up like this?" You asked yourself.

Then you suddenly heard someone.

"Kill yourself! You're nothing but trash!" Someone whispered.

You cover your ears and trying not to hear those voices again.

"Just get a razor blade and end your suffering!"

"NO!" You shouted.

"Come on, y/n. Aren't you sick of those haters and death threats?"

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" You shouted.

"Jimin doesn't love you. He found another girl that was much better."

"He didn't even answer your calls or messages."

"Are you sure he still loves you?"

It was like your body was moving on it's own. Your heart can't stop it anymore, as if you were a doll getting controlled.

You got a razor blade and point it near to your wrist. You were hesitating, your body was hesitating. But once you cut yourself and saw a blood coming out, your tears stopped. You didn't feel any pain.

"That's it, keep going."

You continued and started getting dizzy. You let go of the blade and sat on the floor. Tears started falling again.

"Don't worry, y/n. Just wait and you will no longer feel the pain."

"I'm... so... sorry..." You mumbled.

Then your eyes started closing and it went black.


Jimin woke up in a unfamiliar room. He noticed a half naked girl beside him.

"YAH! WHO ARE YOU?!" Jimin shouted.

The girl woke up.

"Oppa, you invited me to go here." She said.

"No, I didn't! I don't even know your name!" Jimin said.

"What? We even took a picture together last night." She said.

She grab her phone and show him the picture of them last night at the bar... on instagram.

"YOU POSTED IT?!" Jimin shouted.

"I-I'm s-sorry... I was... d-drunk and...-"


The girl follows what Jimin said and deleted the picture on her account and on her phone. Jimin quickly dress up and took his phone. He open it and saw so many missed calls and messages from you.

"SH*T." Jimin said.

"I'm so sorry, but you should stay away from me. Forget what happened last night." Jimin said to the girl and left her.

Jimin quickly went to your house and saw... a police?!

"Excuse me, but what happened?" Jimin asked to a policeman.

"Are you Miss Y/n's relative or friend?" He asked.

"I'm her boyfriend." Jimin said.

"I'm sorry to tell this, sir. But your girlfriend committed suicide last night, she used a razor blade to cut her wrist. We're still investigating and searching for any messages or clues that she left before she commit suicide." He explained.

Jimin froze...

"Where is she? TELL ME, WHERE IS SHE?!" Jimin shouted.

"Ms. Y/n was brought to the xxxxxxx hospital earlier at 7am, when her manager went to her house. " He said.

Jimin didn't waste any time and went to his car. He drove to the hospital and when he arrive, many people were looking at him but he didn't got bothered by it. He asked the nurse and went to your room. He saw your manager crying in the hallway.

"Manager-nim! Where's y/n?" Jimin asked, worried.

Jimin was going to your room, but your manager stopped him.

"Jimin..." She said.

"Manager-nim, is y/n okay? I need to talk to her." Jimin said.

"JIMIN, STOP! Y/n is.... gone..." She said.

"W-what?" Jimin asked.

"That is not true-"

"It is true... her family is inside and they knew about your scandal last night at the club. They're angry at you, so please leave... before his father comes out and see you." She said.

"No... I need to see her-"

The guards drags Jimin away from your room. He was forcing himself to go in, but he can't. The guards were stopping him. People started taking a picture of him, so he back to the dorms, only to see Pd-nim talking to the boys. His eyes met Pd-nim's eyes and he got scared. The boys look at Jimin and quickly look away.

"No one will leave this dorm without my consent, understand? I need to fix this two big problems that was happening right now." Pd-nim said, coldly and left the boys.

"Hyung... what did Pd-nim said?" Jimin asked.

"Where were you?" Namjoon asked.

Jimin couldn't answer.

"Did you know that y/n was calling you multiple times last night?" Yoongi asked.

"H-how did you guys know?" Jimin asked, scared.

"The police found her phone and the first thing that they saw was her messages to you, they clicked on your contacts and saw those missed calls." Jin said.

"I-I was drunk last night. And it was loud-"

"Why did you invited us to go to a club last night? So you could forget about y/n? Why didn't broke up with her if you wanted to forget her then?" Hoseok asked.

"Hyungs... let's not pressure, Jimin-hyung. I'm sure he was also shocked to know the news." Jungkook said.

"You wanted to know what Pd-nim told us?" Taehyung asked in a serious tone.

"He said that Y/n is gone and that we won't able to attend her funeral because of the scandal that you made. We cried and cried so hard, we begged him to let us visit her one last time. But he said that the problem will just grew bigger if we went there. He said that her family is angry at us and the agency. Pd-nim wanted to see her too, but he can't go too. Hyung... I miss y/n... I miss how she visit us and have some movies late at night, how she smiles and talk to us. Her manager told him what she found in y/n's room in your 2nd anniversary. We were having a world tour and the two of you have busy schedules. Her manager found a letter that was meant for her. She said that the letter says that y/n was so tired and wanted to give up on her dream. She wanted to stop and be a normal girl again. She also said how the two of you stopped talking and seeing to each other. She wanted a break up, but she can't contact you. She received a lot of hate and death threats, but she never told it to anybody. She was depressed..." Jungkook explained.

"After that, her manager took the letter secretly and took care of y/n, she tried to accompany her and make her smile, but she just can't. Until today, she was going to make her favorite food for breakfast, but end up seeing y/n covered in her own blood... lifeless." Taehyung said.