Chapter 1

Griffin had died. Of that he had no doubt

After his death he had appeared alone in a small white room with a single desk, and chair. He tried to stay as calm as possible, but his emotions were rampaging, proving difficult to tame.

Could you blame him? He had just died after all.

"Take a seat will you? The sooner we get this over with, the better". An ancient voice filled the room, not only reaching David's ears, but his soul as well.

With a loud gasp, his body unwillingly forced itself to obey and sat in the available seat. Despite having his free will stripped from him David wasn't angry, in fact he barely felt anything. All the stress, fear and uncertainty from earlier had been pushed aside by the powerful voice. It was still there, only weaker.

David was finally able to see his assailant, coming face to face with.... "A ball?" He muttered in confusion.


David immediately regretted his words as the room began violently shake in response, "I am NOT a ball! I am being beyond your comprehension, and just as unwilling in this situation as you are. So let's begin, shall we?" The ball of light thundered the first part and spoke kindly during the second.

David could only nod at the crazy ball and stay silent, to pleasure of the ball. "Thats wonderful. Well I'm sure you have no clue what's happening, so here's the gist of it." A wave of light travelled from the ball and hit David square in the head.

He didn't fell any pain as information pertaining to the situation bombarded his mind. Sitting in silence, his face shifted through multiple changes before he sighed in resignation. "I understand" He responded tiredly.

He had been given a challenge by god. It seemed the man upstairs had a bet with somebody and now David had to live a new life in the fictional world of twilight. His task was to take the Wolf Shapeshifters and make them a large and united species, to the point they were equal to vampires in the world of twilight.

If they managed to become stronger that was bonus points. It also turned out this version of the world would have a larger population of vampires. Not by a ridiculous amount, but still big enough to make a difference.

While this task seemed impossible at first, he had been given a few perks to give him a fighting chance. Just like vampires, Shapeshifters could now turn humans into Shifters with a bite. David felt like this was an obvious necessity if he even planned to attempt this.

Second he could force any potential Shifters to begin phasing whenever he desired, no longer needing vampires to be nearby.

Another obvious change was the power buff he and all shifters would receive. Whilst they were strong, vampires were usually stronger unless the vampire was below average. The same went from practically everything else, speed, senses and they had the advantage of having humanoid physiques that were easier to fight in.

Now however, most wolves would be equal to vampires in these aspects and the rest would surpass them. Of course there would be exceptions. A very powerful vampire could kill an above average wolf, and a powerful wolf could kill an above average vampire. David didn't know how the strengths of different Shifters would be decided, although he was informed he would be the strongest with only 2 others being able to contend with him.

Lastly he could decide who Shapeshifters DIDN'T imprint on. This was to avoid any future conflicts or in fighting. As to who they did imprint on, that wasn't up to him.

"Oh, and since god has a bet on you completing this task, failure is only an option if you want to suffer. The deadline is 30 years. If you succeed, expect to be generously rewarded. Bad luck, I hope you fail". The ball said sincerely.

With those last words of reassurance David was engulfed in a flash of white before vanishing.


When David opened his eyes next he instantly knew who and where he was. Similar to before he had been force fed another's memories. Not everything, only an identity. He was in the body of Jacob Black, future Shapeshifter and alpha.

He was currently 12 years old, this was a three years before canon begins, although Jacob wasn't sure when the Cullens would arrive. He knew it should be at least a year before canon since they were well known in Forks before Bella arrived.

Sitting up in bed he began to think. "Where to start?" He mused aloud.

He knew the smartest thing to do was strengthen the pack as much as possible first. His first thought? Strength in numbers. Having already decided that he would be the first to phase, he wasn't sure who should be next. He didn't want everybody to phase simultaneously because that wouldn't allow him to create a clear hierarchy of power. Why listen to someone as inexperienced as you after all?

Even though Jacob was the rightful alpha he needed something else. Something that set him apart from the rest. And what else if not experience. He chose to add a second wolf to his pack 1-2 months after phasing and then a few more later. Once the Cullens arrived he'd expand the pack largely.

Despite all this Jacob could only sigh, unaware of how to start the phasing process. Closing his eyes he sat there in silence attempting to get some sort of reaction. After a few minutes he began to sweat and opened his eyes. Not entirely sure if he had managed to do something, Jake put the wolf thing aside and made his way out of the room.

His new home didn't have an upstairs and he lived alone with his wheelchair bound father. His two sisters left home after they graduated, both wanting to escape La Push and the memories of their deceased mother that came along with it, leaving Jacob to care for their father. This was everything he could remember about the Black family off the top of his head.

It took a few seconds for him to realise he was home alone. Bored and with nothing better to do Jacob searched the house for anything that could help him better assimilate with his new identity.


Time alone went by quickly and Jacob soon heard a car pull up. Finally, someones here, he thought. Excited to meet his first person in this world, he jumped off the couch and ran at the front door.

Stepping outside he could see a police car with two men. A tall white guy with a short moustache looked to be around 40 years old dressed in a police uniform with a sheriffs badge. He was helping a Native American man that looked to be around the same age out of the car and into a wheelchair.

Jacob immediately recognised the duo as his own father, Billy Black and Chief Swan, the father of Bella. Even though they hadn't met yet Jacob had a good impression of the sheriff from canon. He truly believed Charlie could win the award for most lenient father of the decade.

Jogging up to them Jacob waved, "Hey! Need any help?" He grinned familiarly.

Not waiting for an answer Jake lifted up his dad from one side whilst Charlie did the other. Without realising it his hand was touching his dads, skin to skin.

Billy's eyes widened in concern and shock as he felt his sons drastic temperature, "Jacob are you feeling well? You have a fever." He asked, hoping his son would say he was ill.

Jacob eyes narrowed for a moment as realised his earlier attempts of phasing worked, "No dad I feel fine. Actually I feel better than fine, like I have all the energy in the world." He replied, waving of his dads worries.

Jake knew he was laying it on thick, but he wanted Billy to recognise the signs soon. There was no real reason, or point to keeping it a secret. His dad knew about Shifters since his own grandfather, Ephraim Black was one.


A month went by and Jacob was certain he was nearing end of his phasing. Even though he was only 12 years old he had reached a ridiculous height of 5 foot 11. He far more muscular than before and his voice had deepened.

Despite his fathers attempts to lower his temperature, it had only increased. Billy started to tell him stories and myths about their tribe, mostly the spirit warriors. It was obvious he had reluctantly accepted that his son wouldn't have a normal life now.

Billy hadn't told his son about Shifters because he thought Jacob wouldn't believe him. The only way to show him, was to let it happen naturally when he first phased.