Chapter 2

It had been a few more weeks and Jacob began to take frequent walks in the woods. He didn't want to phase in the house or the street, so the woods had become a get away of sorts.

He was currently attending a birthday party at the Clearwater residence. Leah Clearwater was turning 16 and his dad had forced him to show up. Despite not wanting to go at first, Jacob had a change of heart once he learned who else was going to be there.

Not only him, but practically the entire tribe was going celebrate. He couldn't think of a better opportunity to get a few things checked off his to-do list.

The party was taking place outside at night next to a massive bonfire. Jacob hadn't seen a lot of his friends since he started phasing as his dad wanted to keep him home. Not to mention that it was his job to take care of Billy.

Safe to say everybody was shocked when they saw him, a 12 year old, easily being able to pass off as 17. The only people taller than him were the dads, he had even surpassed Sam Uley in that regard.

He was currently stood in a circle with Embry and Seth . "Yo dude, you've got to tell me how became so ripped! Are you taking steroids?" Embry asked seriously

The two others looked as if they'd just had an epiphany, "Dude! You're taking roids, aren't you!?" Seth shouted loudly.

The entire camp went mute and turned to look at them with different expressions, clearly trying to listen to their conversation.

Jacobs eyebrow twitched as he whispered in annoyance, "No I'm not on steroids, I just had a growth spurt. Now can you guys shut up? Everybody probably thinks I'm some fitness junkie now." He sighed in annoyance.

Embry had the decency to look apologetic, but Seth clearly didn't care.

Deciding to get the reason he came here out the way, Jacob looked for Leah and Sam. He had chosen these two to be his second and third in command respectively. Sam was stated to be the second strongest Shifter after Jacob and Leah was the undisputed fastest. It seemed like a good choice to have them phase next.

Standing from across from the duo on the opposite side of the fire, Jacob closed his eyes and repeated the same actions as last time. He must have stood there for over a minute, even though it felt like seconds, because the food had finished cooking.

Not knowing if it worked, Jacob closed his eyes again and attempted to do the same thing for Emily Young. This time he wanted to sever the imprint connection she would form with Sam. He didn't want Sam and Leah to grow distant and start fighting because of her.

He already planned to have Jared, Embry, Quill and Paul phase once the Cullens moved to town, in that particular order. After the Vampires had been around for a year he'd do the same with Seth. Jacob was pretty sure Emily had the gene since she was a Clearwater, but wasn't entirely sure. He'd try and phase her in a year or so and see if it works. Once they all turned Jacob would break it to them that humans could be turned and convince them to start changing some.

Jake had thought of phasing his sisters when they arrive to visit, but ultimately decided against it. They loved being normal too much to stick around. They'd probably force themselves to stop phasing until they were human again.

He never planned to stop phasing, ever. Jake couldn't understand this obsession people had with being 'normal', it made no sense to him whatsoever. Why would you give up being freaking shapeshifter just to be like everybody else?

Something else he didn't understand was the need people had to 'escape' la push and forks. He had lived in a big city before and could safely say, small towns were far more enjoyable. Not to mention they way describe it as 'escaping'. Like it's a prison.

Jacob was pulled out of his thoughts when assaulted by the most foul scent he had ever smelled. In this life and his previous life. The scent was so bad that he couldn't even smell the food or people anymore. It was as if his nose only wanted to focus on this smell.


A part of him was screamin- CLAWING for him find the cause of the smell and tear it apart. It was a piece of his very soul, telling to attack.

𝑲𝒊𝒍𝒍! 𝒌𝒊𝒍𝒍! 𝒌𝒊𝒍𝒍! 𝒌𝒊𝒍𝒍! 𝒌𝒊𝒍𝒍!

His body began to violently shake and give of steam. "Fuck!" Jacob muttered to himself, eyes widening at the sound of his voice, it sounded like a lions growl. Barely human.

Turning around he sprinted away from the party and deeper into the woods, ignoring the shouting of the tribe. Billy Black and Harry Clearwater made eye contact, coming to a silent agreement.


He didn't know how long he'd been running or where he was going, but Jake was chasing the pungent scent. Without realising it he had hit speeds impossible for any human to run.

His ragged breathing and racing heart beat was all Jacob could hear, until the sound of footsteps reached him. Coming to a stop he turned around just in time to see bright gold hair before receiving a kick to the head.

Jacob flew through the air and his body seemed to reach a breaking point, as it contracted and made over in inhuman ways.


The crack of bones resonated through the trees as Jacobs clothes were torn apart and he swiftly transformed in to gargantuan sized wolf once he landed. The ground beneath cracked slightly and the leaves were all blown away from the wind his landing caused. He was larger than depicted in canon, bigger than most horses. His fur remained the same russet colour.

The blonde vampires jaw dropped in astonishment as she froze in shock. This didn't last long though, as rapidly spun on her heal and sprinted in the opposite direction.

Trusting his instincts, Jacob didn't even focus on the fact he'd phased and chased after the leech. Not used to his new body, he didn't get far clumsily tripping over himself, causing his target to burst out in laughter.

Seeing the massive beast wasn't as much of a threat as she initially thought, the vampire blurred towards him. Reaching out her arms in attempt to grab his neck, Jacob quickly recovered and leapt at the blonde, red eyes woman. He was able to make up for a lack of skill with superior speed and strength.

Clamping down on her left shoulder Jacob sunk his fangs through her marble skin with terrifying ease. "AARRGH!" She howled in pain, arms moving to his mouth in a pitiful attempt to force it open.

With a powerful tug the massive wolf tore her entire arm straight off. They landed with Jacob on top of her, his paw on her chest restricting her movement. Seeing the woman's face clearly for the first time, she was beautiful like all vampires, however what stood out most were her blood red eyes.

No longer hesitating Jake forcefully chomped on her head, separating it from the body and launched it across the clearing.

Looking at the dead vampire his instincts slowly subsided as his more humane mind was given leeway. Finally able to experience his wolf form without any pressure Jacob was amazed at what he saw, felt, smelt and heard.

He could hear Leah's birthday party from such an impossibly large distance. Adrenaline all but gone, he began to bound around the woods in glee before breaking out into a fool blown dash. Although he buckled over his feet and crashed a few times, Jacob quickly figured out the four legged body. The trees steadily began to blur together as his speed increased to ridiculous levels.

Stopping when he reached a cliff above a large body of water, he gazed out into the night sky and gave of a loud howl.


Jacob remained in the woods as a wolf for an entire week before he managed to turn back. Afterwards he constantly practiced going back and forth between wolf and human to make it as easy and seamless as possible. Fortunately the woods are usually empty and he didn't run into anyone, otherwise he'd have to explain the why he was naked.

Once he became human again he noticed that his body went through another growth spurt, hitting 6ft. Jacob assumed this'd be his last one and he would grow gradually from now on.

His human body had also become significantly stronger than before, although not at a vampires level, it was a large improvement from what shapeshifters used to have.