Chapter 6

It was a couple days since the Packs altercation with the Cullens, and things had gone back to normal for the most part. Well... as normal as shapeshifters could expect.

After the incident Jacob, Sam and Leah met with Carlisle and Esme in private. The meetings location was at the edge of their territories and they discussed changing the frankly, outdated terms of the treaty. One point Jacob had insisted on was the use of their land whilst the Cullens were gone. He found it unreasonable that the tribe couldn't cross border when the Cullens had left. Who knows how long they'd be gone for next time? Or if they'd ever come back.

Carlisle was quick to agree after a moments thought. Another rule that had been implemented was the sharing of certain information. If the Cullens knew of any rouge vampires in the area, they were required to inform the pack so they could deal with it accordingly. Especially vampires who fed off humans. If they were found to have broken this rule, they'd suffer the consequences.

Carlisle agreed to this on the condition that the pack would inform them of any new shifters that had awoken their gene. The Black pack was already one of the largest in generations and this made the entire Olympic Coven nervous. He wanted to keep an eye on their size.


Jacob was currently out on patrol with a large black wolf, sifting through his thoughts. Although this black wolf was large, she was still smaller than Sam. Clara, the newest addition to the pack. She had been told about shifters as soon as Embry imprinted on her in hopes of making this new transition easier. Although Jacob was worried it'd be a little obvious that she wasn't born with gene, since she wasn't even Native American.

Unlike the rest of them Clara was young caucasian girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. Her family originated from somewhere in Europe, but she was born and raised in Forks. This new member definitely stood out the most when in human form. Jacob had made it clear that she was to avoid phasing in front of any vampires who didn't know of their ability to turn others. So all vampires.

Jacob had also triggered the gene in Quill and Paul with a two day gap between them. Paul was known for being bad tempered, Brash and hard to deal with. That was not a shifter he wanted to give too much power over others to.

Despite all the drama that had gone on recently, the pack had done their best to keep in high spirits. They still held parties and bonfires every week or two. Being a shifter at such young ages wasn't easy and Jacob wanted them to take a load off and have some fun every now and then.


Jacob was currently in the passenger seat with Harry Clearwater driving and Leah in the back. The three of them drove in silence and eventually arrived at a nice house at the edge of town. Stepping out the car they made their way to the front door.


After knocking three times a pretty girl who looked to be around 18-19 years old opened the door. Before Jacob could say anything Leah leapt forward and gave her a hug "Hey Em! Good to see you cuz." She said softly whilst letting go.

Emily Young smiled apologetically at her younger cousin, "Sorry I haven't visited in a while Leah, but.... wow. You grew. A lot." She looked Leah up and down in awe at how the little girl she knew, could pass as an Olympic athlete now.

Leah chuckled nervously and quickly changed the conversation, "My dad and Jacob are here too." She gestured behind her.

Emily turned and gave them both hugs before commenting on Jacobs shocking growth as well. "Not that I'm not glad to see you three, but what are you here for?" She asked curiously. "We haven't got many visitors since we moved here from the Makah reservation"

The three of them shared a look before Jacob stepped forward, "Let's take a seat Emily. You're gonna want to be sitting when you hear this." He advised.

Nervously leading them to the garden patio like Harry insisted, Emily sat down along with Harry, whilst Jacob and Leah stood a small distance away.

With a calming voice, Jacob began to explain why they were here. Emily had already learned all about the tribe legends due to her blood relation to the Ateara bloodline, but always dismissed them in the past. Jacob explained how all the legends were true, that vampires were returning to Forks, and that he wanted her to join them.

Before Emily could even laugh, ridicule or mock his words like Jacob had come to expect, a loud crack interrupted her. Where Leah was standing a moment ago now stood a massive white wolf, with ripped pieces of clothing falling off its body.

With a loud crash and terrified scream Emily fell off her seat and did her best to scramble into the house. However Harry quickly caught her arm and gave her a stern look telling her to use her brain and think.

The trio locked Emily in the house and tried to calm her down. Harry explained that her parents knew they were coming today and why. They also knew the legends were true and became delighted at the idea of their daughter becoming a shifter, spirit warrior and protecter. No other accomplishments would make them prouder.

After a hearing that her parents wanted this, and that it was a job that saved lives. Not to mention the power that came with, Emily agreed to it all.


With another member having joined the pack, this made them 8 wolves strong. Jacob was surprised and happy at how quick they grew. Along with Quill and Paul about to phase, that was 10 shifters. Jacob looked at a list in his had that Harry had given him. It included all the distant relatives who were likely to agree in joining the pack. The names totalled to about 12, not including the elderly or children below 15.

A second list in his hand was one he got from Carlisle. It included the name and location of several covens that fed off human blood. The information would only be reliable for around two years, and by then the always moving vampires would have left. Jacob insisted on this information as compensation for the Cullens breaking the treaty and crossing on to their land.

Fighting these covens would be simple as they all lived in small dreary towns like Forks. This made this far simpler. Fighting in the city would be impossible for the them. Shifters just made too much noise and drew too much attention.

Some of the covens were smaller than the tribe was now, and some were bigger. Jacob made the decision to wait until Paul and Quill phases to start hunting them. From there the packs numbers would gradually increase with eventual phasing of others, and in time the likes of Collin Littlesea, Brady Fuller and Seth Clearwater would be old enough to join.

Meeting up with Harry a few days later, this time with his dad coming along, they went through a similar process as they did with Emily and managed to add two more to their ranks. Jayden Hunt and Logan Reed. The boys were both 17 and had learnt the tribe stories at a young age, similar to Emily.


Edward Cullen was currently pacing back and forth in the large and beautifully decorated living room that Esme had personally furnished. He wasn't alone in his nervousness. The whole coven was on edge. They had just gotten news from Jacob Black that more shifters were on the way, although not a specific number, it was definitely more than one.

With a loud groan Alice threw her plate of food she couldn't even eat across the room, smashing it against the wall, "I...I can't see them! It's like they just put up giant wall of fog and dog breath, and I can't see past it" She seethed in anger.

Alice wasn't the only one frustrated. Edward hated that he couldn't read their thoughts and Jasper their emotions. All of this on top of the fact that their pack was clearly stronger than the past and would be getting bigger? They were right to be nervous.

Walking in, Carlisle took a seat and tried to placate everyone, "We need to stay calm. I'll try and find out how big their pack might become, the rest of you just need to avoid conflict. Go to school, act normal and come home. Stay out of La Push and always hunt in threes or more." He said stoically

Raising her head Rosalies eyes narrowed, "Why did you give them that list of covens in the first place? Since when did we help mutts kill other vampires?" She asked accusingly.

Esme was quick to jump to her mates defence, "We don't know what they want with that list, so let's not assume the worst"

Emmett rolled his eyes, "Assume the worst? Let's hope those wolves kill some of those losers. Never liked the Vikar Coven anyway" He joked good Naturedly.

The room was filled with quiet chuckles, and even Rosalie smirked. "You would like that wouldn't you. Still bitter about that baseball game?" The chuckles quickly turned into laughs as they tried to get their minds off the wolf problem.

However Edward could hear everyone's thoughts. He knew they were ready to fight if need be, or even go to the Volturi if the pack became too big and targeted them. 'Let's hope it doesn't come to that' he thought.