Chapter 7

Today was a day like any other for Lyra and Lucian. Boring as usual. The two twins spent the day parading around Shelton, Washington, pretending to be human and trying to live as normal a life as possible. Their entire Coven even wore brown or blue contact lenses to hide their vibrant red eyes from the humans. Well, she says 'entire', but there's only six of them.

They made sure not kill anybody that actually mattered to this town and only targeted the homeless or the lonely when it came to food. And whilst that didn't leave much choice of prey, they had stocked up on plenty of stolen blood bags to last them a while. Despite their predatory nature Lucian and Lyra still had some childishness to them. They been turned at 17 years old which was only 4 years ago, making them 21. Young and ambitious.

Stepping out of class together the twins raced home through the woods as per usual. It had sort of become tradition to see who could get home first. As they raced the both of them picked a uniquely disgusting scent. It was certainly familiar, but they'd never smelt anything like it before. Sharing a look of anticipation they darted towards the smells direction.

It seemed like for once in their eternal lives something even mildly interesting was going to happen. Moving from small town to small town, not making any lasting friendships, and not having fell in love didn't leave much room for entertainment.

It was only a matter of seconds before they started to recognise the scents of their coven members. It seemed they wanted to hog all the fun to themselves, they thought in annoyance. Speeding up they finally arrived at what looked to be a battle ground. Trees were knocked over, boulders broken into large pieces, even the ground was somewhat cracked.

Breaking out of their shock they spotted a severed hand on the floor. Crouching down, Lucian picked it up and immediately recognised the ring on the finger. He showed to his sister and both fell into a tense silence. It belong to the coven leader, Jade. Slowly a sense of foreboding filled them as they used their enhanced vision to observe the area. Only to spot dozens of severed body parts littering the ground, but no blood at all. And they recognised them all. Jade, Tyler, Malachai, Melissa.


With the sound of a twig snapping being the last straw, the two young vampires sprinted as fast they could in the easiest direction with fear in their hearts and one thought on their mind. 'Run!'.

Regardless of their best efforts to escape, they didn't get far. A massive grey wolf blocked them off from the front, and five others intercepted then from all directions. Six gargantuan beast surrounded the two. Grabbing onto her brothers hand Lyra looked at him with a new found terror in her eyes. She was scared before... but this was more than that. She was hysterical.

Sam didn't know if vampires could have a panic attack, however it sure did look like the girl in front of him was about to. Shaking of any doubts about killing the leach he gave a single, authoritative bark. Without any hesitation the members of the pack who were present advanced forward in a burst of speed and mercilessly tore them apart.


All across Washington similar scenes were playing out. This continued for over a month until there were practically no Covens that fed on humans left in the state. The pack wasn't foolish to think they'd gotten all vampires, but they were confident that no Coven with more than three members remained. Before killing the Coven leaders they'd be interrogated for more information on Covens they were aware of.

By employing this tactic they were capable of killing more than what the Cullens has provided on their list. Any remaining vampires moved to Washington's big cities where security cameras stopped them from getting away with too much. However they were safe for the most part, but would have to leave the cities soon due to the Volturis rules.

To save time and efficiency Jacob split the pack, which now consisted of Jacob, Sam, Leah, Jared, Kim, Embry, Clara, Emily, Jayden, Logan, Quill and Paul, into two groups of six, or four groups of three. They'd drive or run in different directions depending on the location and get their assignments done. Of course things weren't always as smooth as it seemed. The pack had its fair share of injuries, but thanks to the information on the number of Coven members they always made sure to outnumber the enemy.

During all this Jacob had made a stop to the Makah reservation with Billy and explained what they were. Just like Emily they'd heard the tribes stories and most of their elders believed in them. The tribe selected five of their young to join the pack.


Currently sitting in one of Forks many diners Jacob looked Carlisle Cullen in the eye, wondering what he wanted. "You and your pack are in danger." Carlisle announced certainly.

Jacob raised and eyebrow in surprise at the statement, "Pray tell Mr Cullen, what is this danger? And how'd you know about it?" He asked patiently.

Reluctant to expose Alice's gift Carlisle sticks to the first question, "It seems your pack wasn't as efficient as you thought. Some vampires in your little hunting spree escaped and are looking for revenge against you and your pack for killing their covens. They've begun turning humans into newborns in hopes of wiping you out" He explained gravely.

Jacobs mind was going at a mile a minute trying to make sense of the situation. It seems his interference has triggered an event similar to Twilight Eclipses Newborn Army. If he remembered correctly the Army held no more than 22 vampires. And while this may not sound like a lot, it was 22 newborns. Newborns were far more powerful than your average leech.

If what Carlisle said was true, the fifteen wolves wouldn't cut it. Not to mention his enemy's aren't the same as canon. "How long?"

After a moments hesitation he answered, "We're not sure. We'll know as they get closer to being ready. Listen Jacob, we can hel-"

Raising his hand in interruption Jacob denied his offer, "That's quite alright Carlisle. You've done more than we could ask by informing us. Trust me when I tell you, we'll be prepared for this battle." Jacob smirked, "But if push comes to shove, I'm not so prideful as to not ask for your help."

Hearing the conviction in Jacobs tone Carlisle's could only nod his head and say his goodbyes. It was obvious the pack leader wouldn't be changing his mind any time soon.

In Jacobs mind though, this was an opportunity. An opportunity to show the pack that he wasn't just building an army for nothing, to show that vampires were coming for them. Fortunately with Jacob blocking Quills imprint to the young Clair, he'd managed to find another. Another thing on his mind was Paul.

Paul was meant to imprint on his sister, Rachael Black. Jacob was unsure on whether he wanted his sisters in this life or not, but eventually came to the decision that they had both assimilated to college and city life. Dragging them from that would be problematic.

Currently the pack was split up with Leah at the Makah reservation helping the five new shifters figure out their new found abilities. Sam and the rest we're across the state hunting down any strays. They'd come across a very small number of vegetarians and made sure to let them live. To be completely honest the real reason Jacob was killing these vampires wasn't because they were 'evil' or killing humans. That was just what he used to justify the actions they were taking.

No no no. It was because they needed a base of operations, and Washington seemed as good a place as any. Once he had the states supernatural world in his grasp then things would really start to pick up. No doubt the Volturi would pay him a visit after the battle with the new borns, and he doubted they'd let the pack walk away Scott free.

After heading home Jacob started researching any missing peoples news stories

and notice that some sort of 'serial killer' or kidnapper had gained Infamy, with over ten people having gone missing in Seattle during the past 2 weeks.

Closing his eyes he called out to his father, "DAD! LOOKS LIKE WE'RE GONNA HAVE TO SPEED UP!" He shouted in anticipation.