Cultivation (my heart is so big what I can’t cultivate it anymore).

After some time, Aria as a mature person with a big heart, abolishes the idea of burning the book. Thinking that it will be too wasteful, after all her orphanage sometimes have shortage of toilet paper.

Jokes aside, thinking that if that old man put so much effort in keeping the book safe, that even inside the suitcase is more comfortable than her own bed, that this book must be precious. Not like her bed is comfortable enough to compare, after all only people that don't have a bed at all can say that theirs is worse than cranky bed she is sleeping, others won't have a chance.

Picking the book and trying hard not to fall asleep while reading, Aria start off to comprehend something, first of all that she has very little patience, second that the book contains something like mantra or other similar stuff, and last but not least is that after an hour of torture that is all she got.

Well not to mention several dents in the old wall and the fact that after one hour of reading the poor book transformed from pristine new book, into an antique that can be sold with pretext that she obtained the book from her ancestors.

"Is it possible that this book contains some extraordinary cultivation technique that will allow me to soar into the skies and become an immortal celestial fairy, that governs the entire realm."

Well as a progressive girl of 21 century Aria may not know Chinese but she surly read some novels from the internet, of course we are talking about novels that are translated in English.

Thinking maybe she stuck gold, and only missing some preparations, Aria take out her phone and stars to search the internet on the theme of cultivation.


The amount of trash is so big that she cannot swear when she sees this.

"Well maybe I can start with some yoga and dive in the theme of cultivation from there."

With new motivation Aria start to get to know what yoga is.

Four hours later exhausted from expenditure of brain cells. Little by little Aria start to delve in the content of the book.

"Well what I can say it is easier that I thought, maybe I'm a genius."

Certainly not, well maybe she's a little smart ass, and that's all. The problem is that the book doesn't contain any super powerful cultivation technique, but a very generic one for beginners, not to mention that Aria found several similar books in the internet, and now is feeling very down and disappointed.

What little smart ass doesn't know, that although there are similar books in the internet, what she stole today is an authentic cultivation technique for beginners to practice, and although it's not the most powerful technique it is surely the easiest and most general not to mention that it has almost none of side effects of powerful techniques.

After exhausting study session of studying, Aria eats the snacks that she always has prepared in case that she needs to run from orphanage, if some friendly cops will come looking for her to socialize with.

After all she's already sixteen and she can't be as friendly as before with the cops, who knows if they'll have any indecent thoughts, like throwing her in jail, or special school for delinquents.

As her teacher says a good girl has to be prepared for any circumstances, though she is vaguely aware that her teacher might be implying something else, she shrugs the thought away.

After some time, her roommates came back from school, with some friendly chit-chat time flies by, of course she did not forget the presents that she bought for them including the expensive wedding hat and stylish sunglasses, also blue Chinese dress, after all she only bought herself the pancake and some toilet paper 'cough' I mean cultivation technique.

At night after her roommates dispersed for night clubs or started playing games, deciding that is time to enter the world of cultivation, well not like she is serious about this, she goes to the roof, as she needs some quiet space after all.

"Who would have thought, that at night, on the roof of the dormitory we can see scenes of tribalism, I'm really impressed." Bravely comments Aria at the scene she sees.

"Well would you like to join." Asks her the girl that is participating in some tribal activity.

Although Aria put a brave front previously she is not so brave as she projected and now repercussion found her.

It seems that at this instant Aria's face and hair blended together and share the same color, afterwards like a mature lady ignoring the proposal, turning around, and at fast speed she continues to search other places to cultivate, as life don't wait for anyone. Aria disappears from the rooftop.

"My, my what a shy little lady." Comments the other girl from rooftop.

Yes, you heard it right there are two ladies on the rooftop, and for those of you who are jealous, you don't have to be, because there are only two ladies on the rooftop, and though juicy the scene is more or less tame, at least one of the girls is steal dressed.

After calming her racing heart, Aria proceed to find a good place to cultivate, thinking it might be just a good idea to go to the park, she executes it immediately.

After arriving at the park and thinking that's not too good to meditate at night in the park, Aria finds the biggest tree and climbs with ease of the monkey, well to bad the craze for monkey supermodels is no more, or else Aria may be very popular.

After climbing several branches Aria is put in dilemma, how the 'panda' can she sit in lotus position on the tree. After thinking for some time she remembers that it is not mandatory to sit in lotus position, all she had to do is to find the pose that is more comfortable and natural for her.

After making this conclusion and thinking for some time Aria sits with ease on the branch in a very awkward and unnatural position like it is most comfortable and stable way to sit in the world.

Siting in this position for some time Aria wakes up with a big yawn, although she slept only for half an hour she feels very refreshed.

"How can it be that I didn't cultivate at all, is my heart so big and benevolent that I can't cultivate it anymore." Murmurs aria in discouragement.