Sensing the elements.

Deciding to take things seriously, Aria starts to cultivate with all seriousness of the girl, who can transform a new book into antique in an hour just by reading it casually. Such a skill will be sought after by any decent scammer that is dwelling in antique industry. Too bad no one is there to point a new lease in life for this talented girl.

After that thought to be an eternity for Aria of inconceivable hard meditation, in all seriousness it only took a quarter of an hour. Aria started to sense something about herself and the world around her, something different. But thinking that she is getting sleepy again, Aria ignores this feeling.

It must be noted that the first meditation is very important to cultivators, because they can sense the fabric of universe and the elements. When an ordinary cultivator starts practicing his or her master will repeatedly emphasize that they can't be distracted on their first cultivation session and then they perceive the elements they don't have to be greedy, or they will lose the chance and will have to practice for several months or even years to regain the loss. And still 9 out of ten practitioners get distracted.

And here we have a sleepy girl who didn't get distracted and is absolutely not in any sense greedy to absorb the elements, practicing in the park without any master or any idea that she can be considered to have stepped in the world of cultivation.

Also it must be noted that starting cultivating is not so easy task, potential cultivator not only has to have a master that will teach and enlighten the student, but also has to have talent for cultivation, and this is not something that is widespread to all homo sapiens. Majority of population don't have talent for cultivation, and only one in ten thousand will have the talent to start practicing, and only one from every thousand with talent for practicing will have good enough talent to achieve something by practicing.

Cultivators able to practice will have spiritual roots of different elements, and like most of you know the more diverse a spiritual root a person has the more difficult it is for him to practice. Of course there is a downside to rapid progress in practicing with one or two spiritual roots, and that is the person will have more limitations on spells and techniques he practices.

Well, all this is not important. At this time in the park, on the tree a girl with hair red like fire, sitting in a strange pose that majority of kids will think is to inhuman to use on their dolls, is soundly asleep 'cough' I mean is practicing a cultivation technique, for more than three hours. And at this time she entered a special state of communication with elements, in this state she can grasp the elements more precisely and even touch the secrets of the world.

Of course the girl doesn't know this, she thinks that she is dreaming, and maybe it is better that way, because if the girl knew what is she experiencing now she surely will be thrown away from this state.

As the girl continuing to sleep some astonishing changes begin to happen to her body, it must be noted that every grandmaster will likely kill all their family and sacrifice half of their life for a chance to experience this state for 5 minutes. It is really a waste that they likely won't have a chance.

Since the girl can now interact with elements, without any guidance from her part the elements started to interact with her and integrate in her body. Too bad for her that it seems that she has worst talent ever because not only does she have the five basic elements as fire, water, earth, wood, and metal, but also the three rare elements such as lightning, light, and darkness, and on top of that the extraordinary element of chaos.

Actually it is not so rare of the case as those who have chaos element will surely have all the other elements, because if somebody has chaos element on don't have others they'll die for sure. Actually to say more precise they'll never have the chance to be born, as for those who have chaos element and started practicing their fate is even worse, as it is impossible for them to advance past the first realm.

Even if they can conjure elements of all elements and even combine them and battle masters at higher realm, at some point in time their rivals will be able to reach a realm where they can beat them senseless, it is really a tragic story.

As Aria continuing to be immerse in elements she started to advance in realm, too bad since she has all those elements she advances at turtle speed even with this special state she is in.

The good thing is that since she has all elements she doesn't need to eat or drink and even her presence is masked by the elements, so siting in this strange posture Aria Frost vanishes from Earth for the next week. According to police report a 16 years old girl, vanished after she entered the park in the evening, in one week of search the girl corpse wasn't found.

As for Aria once she has enough sleep she yawns, gets up, stretches, jumps from the tree and proceed for the orphanage, after all she seems to be asleep for all night, she sure will be scolded once she returns to the dormitory.

As careful as she may be she didn't notice the patrolling officer that is starting at her like she is some kind of ghost. At the same time, she didn't notice the changes of her body and soul, that is to say although, increase in her realm in cultivation is extremely small compared with the amount of elements absorbed, but it nerveless already reached the bottleneck for cultivators with chaos element.

Not to mention that her soul was not restricted by her element in any way and being constantly nourished by all elements including chaos element, plus state of enlightenment being maintained for a week, her soul has grown so terrifyingly strong, that hardly anyone has or ever had a soul as strong as her. Too bad she remains ignorant of these things.