Painful and shameful memory.

[Master, I'll start activating Nano-bots in your system, since there are great number of them it will take some time.]

"What do you mean by this, I'm not fat."

It must be noted that sometimes Aria is quite quick witted, she even spotted so minuscule inclination for sarcasm from the AI. Actually the AI for personal assistant is rather advanced and not only it can discern and emulate emotions it can even study. So Aria remark was spot on. Still the AI played the card of acting cute, by titling her little head and blinking her big green emerald eyes, making any attempt from Aria of scolding her utterly meaningless.

[Master, for starters we can download a minor skill in your brain to check how receptive you are for this operation.]

"Okay, let's do it."

Aria is rather interesting in the possibility of obtaining skills and knowledge by doing nothing.

[Please choose what skill you would like, preferably something that won't need the use of your body since the activation and scanning haven't finished.]

A big list of skills appeared before floating mass of unformed substance of Aria.

Looking at long list of skills Aria choses the most appealing for her, as it may help her in her life and is extremely hard to acquire naturally.

[Hacking and programing good chose Master, let the download begin.]

The moment the program started activating something extraordinary happened. It must be noted that Aria Frost is a cultivator at the peak of the first realm, not to mention that her soul is so powerful that if she is to use the full power of her soul her little head might explode directly, with the majority of New York and all the population. It's good thing that she is protected by her own ignorance, but at this time some idiotic machine dares to disturb this great power, so out of instinct and a vague command of the wilder of this power her soul started to retaliate. After all it was a little unpleasant, like a little needle poking the surface of her head, nothing to sever for the great cultivator Aria Frost but her small thought of retaliation became a catastrophe for the virtual reality server of this corporation.

First of all, her soul ingested the information that is transmitted after all the soul's owner wanted this information, afterward her soul directly swallowed the little kitten with a chunk of core program of the server that is necessary for the kitten to survive and not be dissolved in the sea of information from her soul, after all the great owner thinks the kitten is cute so is necessary to take good care of her. Afterwards came the unpleasant poking that make the owner displeased, so the soul retaliated, first it destroyed the program and server, with a big bang the server room exploded in firecrackers, afterwards came the power supply, too bad for the country that the supply system of this base was connected to general power supply line, which in fact was innocent, but nonetheless bites the bullet for this laboratory and got smacked to the core. Well at least from retaliation only suffered reserved and emergency power system of this base, so New York which remain without electricity for two hours didn't suffer from panic and deaths. After all, after attacking the general supply line the great soul lost connection to the reserve systems of other facilities of the city.

As for our heroine after ingesting and analyzing the information about programing, and assimilating the little kitten the great soul managed to activate all the Nano-bots after all owner thinks that they are cool so they are needed, who would think that since the Nano-bots got connected through her soul they became part of her body at least in the eyes of the elements that are peacefully residents of her body and just wait to be exploited and used for some magical or immortal technique. And here they have the chance for action so they begin happily to integrate in the Nano-bots, at the same time thoroughly enchanting Arias body.

The problem is major, although Aria assimilated all these elements she didn't integrate with them, and the reason is simple not only she doesn't have idea that she became a cultivator but also she didn't know how to do it, not to mention integration of elemental particles she doesn't know how to attract them if they didn't take the initiative on her first and last meditation she may not have any elemental particles in her body to speak off.

In normal cases enchanting of the body with elemental particles is slow and gradual proses in the mist of cultivation, so majority of cultivators don't feel anything or maybe something akin to little numbness on skin or muscles. But here we have a cultivator with chaos elemental root at the peak of the first realm, who didn't use any elemental particles for enchanting her body. It must be noted that the more elemental roots a cultivator has the more elemental particles they'll have to assimilate in order to advance at the same time the more elemental particles they can store.

This means that Aria has nine times of particles of the geniuses' cultivators with one root. And now she experiences the enchanting process of all these elements not only she didn't notice that she is now awake in the capsule, or that where are no light in the building, she can't care less because she now experiences such anguish that she literally wants to die.

Not only is the number of elements being enormous but also some of them are conflicting with each other such as fire and water or light and dark element, the only reason she didn't explode, is because of her soul which protects her body and guide the elements, but since the soul is doing this instinctively the process is extremely painful.

Not to mention the fact that since her soul is so powerful she won't lose consciousness even if she is disintegrated on atoms.

'How painful why didn't I lose consciousness and rest already' thinks Aria with indignation, in the next moment she is in the world of darkness without any pain, and a small smile appear on her lips. After all the great soul got the command to knock out the owner so it executed it immediately.

As for Aria she is dreaming about her life in great detail, no it is not from the time she is a fetus or her childhood, it is just of one week of time, after all the great soul instinctively believes that conscious mind needs to know this detail about herself.

So now Aria experiences the state of enlightenment with her conscious mind, and is greatly affected by it, yes she thinks these small particles from whom is created our world are very beautiful and cute, not sure that this is the answer for the truth of the universe that majority of cultivators are seeking.

After appreciating the beauty of the universe for a week Aria proceed to watch today events, not only is she able to watch them from first person perspective she can even watch them from third person or any angle she desires even pause or rewind, after all from the moment that she awoke today her soul constantly scanned her surroundings.

Looking at the memory of her leap of faith, she thinks.

"What a painful and shameful memory!"