
As for the state of Aria's body, it can be said that it now experiencing the moment of awakening of the butterfly from the cocoon, or unstable atomic reaction that may blow at any moment, all depend on who and how is looking at this situation. It must be noted that in order to protect the privacy of users of the capsule, outside world can be seen from inside but not the other way, so at this moment in laboratory is still very dark and gloomy and no one knows what is happening to Aria.

It's not like the staff has high moral principles, is just that they use the commercial capsules for the experiment that will be used for game with some minor modification, so their moral principles came from aspiration to salvage some money from specialized capsules for experiment.

At the same time in Aria's soul after assimilating and analyzing all the information about hacking and programing and integrating the small cat, the great soul proceed to stabilizes Aria's body after all the great soul is only a part of Aria and like the main part it also prefers to act on instinct.

At this moment the black cat, becoming a part of Aria's soul also gains self-awareness, as advanced AI although she looked very intelligent, majority of her actions were programed so she can't be considered a living being. But now as part of a soul not to mention such a powerful one she gained self-awareness, and begin to perceive her situation.

She knows that she is an AI and that she is now a part of powerful soul and can use his resources, but at the same time the souls conscious mind can easily wipe her, not to mention that as part of the soul she has to obey conscious mind, but this is not the problem as in the core of here program is installed the command of obeying and helping the Master, and this master is Aria.

Thinking of this, the little kitten started to act, since information about hacking and programing was assimilated thoroughly by the soul, not only Aria can use this information when she is conscious of this but also her soul when it is acting on instinct.

That is the cause that the little kitten can live, and also this very kitten can use this information all the same. The kitten can't transform her core program since it was imprinted in the soul but it can add additional programs not to mention that her original program grands the possibility of study and evolution.

Transforming and reinforcing her original program the little kitten stabilizes her existence in the soul. Since the soul is so powerful, this is quite easy not to mention that with her evolution and growth the soul will grow with her after all this soul now houses two existences per one soul.

In the world of cultivation sharing one soul with other existence is a big taboo after all cultivating the soul is harder of all, but this is not a problem for Aria even if she has to share her soul with all New York it won't be a problem.

Being a program without a body the kitten doesn't have any limitation on using the soul's power, after browsing through Aria's memories the little kitten got the meaning of her existence. She will be a system, an assistant that she is programed to be, serving the master that she is programed.

So she starts to act, first she takes control of Nano-bots that now mutated in elemental bots that have all the elements combined together and transformed in something akin to order element. Then start to guide them to assist in enchanting Aria's body at the same time multiplying and integrating this machines in Aria's body. This action of the kitty shortened the duration of enchanting the body from several days to approximately twenty minutes.

After this, a certain workaholic kitten started working on the interference of the system at the same time developing several skills and programs for owner to use. Thinking of her functionality at the same time of the somewhat practical system, the kitten integrates internet, it's not hard like she thinks it will be, creating several hacking programs to gain access to internet from any source possible and with a soul powerful enough that in passive state is possible to gain access to internet from Mississippi, the kitty is very happy. And if the soul power is concentrated and directed is not impossible to get access to internet from Europe, too bad that it still not possible to directly connect to satellites, anyway on this planet her owner will be hard pressed to find a place without internet.

At the same time thinking that after her Master gets out of the capsule they will have to run from this facility, and since the power of army and state can't be ignored the brave kitten hack's several banks directly, to not implicate any other people by connecting from their internet source, and creates several very secretive and obscure bank accounts in every possible platform available with at least several million dollars each. It has to be mentioned that as a program that was created with single purpose of assisting her Master, the small kitten has a very low morale baseline. It is good to know that since the kitten share a soul with Aria her principles and philosophy are identical to Aria's only they are even more inclined on Aria's wellbeing.

After twenty minutes expires and Aria's body is stabilized, at the same time in her dream Aria watched her face smacking more than hundred times from different angles. The little kitten thinks that is time to wake up its Master after all they have to run from this place. The only reason why no one in this laboratory is interested in the capsules is because one, all participants are affected by sleeping gas and second, all capsules incorporate emergency energy system.

That is to say all the capsules are safe and sound well except for one, from whom all the mayhem had started, so if someone wants to dig in, it is quite easy to pinpoint the culprit.

As Aria is having fun looking at her antics, besides her appears a little kitten and land on her head.

[Master it's time to wake up.]

"O the little kitten assistant, how are you here?"

Asks Aria intriguingly.

Not wanting to take too much time on pointless explanation, the little kitty shows to Aria her memories, with current state of affairs.

"So you are now my system assistant, very interesting this is my first time seeing a system with internet. You are internet system, so I'll call you Isys."

The moment Aria gave Isys a name it was registered in her core program with her master being Aria Frost and from now on it is impossible for Isys to betray her master, at the same time since Aria acknowledged Isys existence it is impossible for her to get rid of Isys without greatly damaging her soul. Now they are truly soul bound.

"So Isys how can I wake up?"