Aria Frost.

"So Isys how can I wake up?"

[Its simple you just have to wish it, your soul is so powerful that it can stop your heart beat if you want to, not to mention, waking up.]

So Aria did as she is told and wishes to wake up. In the next moment the dream is shattered to pieces, and Aria grumbling opened her eyes.

The first think she sees are a number of icons with dialogs in front of her vision. Well because her system is part of her soul she doesn't need these notifications as she can momentary receive the meaning just by thinking of them. But since she finds them cool and her soul is so powerful that she can read them in a blink doing any other activity at the same time, she let them be.

[Welcome! This is your personal assistant system, Isys.]

'Why I'm reading the notification in Isys voice? Damn Isys don't double me!'

[Sorry Master.]

[Since system is in the process of continuous evolution, as an absolute owner of the system you can, make suggestions for improving the system.]

[After analyzing host body and soul it is possible to display status, for activation host have to think of her status.]

'Status' thinks Aria with all her might, well a small intent will be more than enough but she will get used to it.

[Name: Aria Frost

Race: Elemental techno-human

Title: The most super cute girl in the world

Cultivation: Peak of the first realm

HP: 100% (Health)

EE: 100% (Elemental Energy)

SE: 97% (Soul Energy)

STR: 3256 (average adult male is 10, average peak first realm cultivator 500-1000)

VIT: 32015 (average adult male is 10, average peak first realm cultivator 800-1300)

AGI: 4231 (average adult male is 8, average peak first realm cultivator 400-800)

INT: State of enlightenment (restricted by realm)

DEX: 2849 (average adult male is 7, average peak first realm cultivator 50-200)

DEF: 312000 (average adult male is 5, average peak first realm cultivator 200-700)

Skills: Parkour (a mortal skill that enables the user to overcome obstacles in movement using her agility and dexterity),

Eidetic memory (granted by the powerful soul of the user),

Night vision (low mortal skill obtained after elemental enchantment),

Enchanted senses (ordinary for cultivators, but Isys enchanted and regulated the skill for Aria to adapt and use it proficiently, also cultivators of the first realm can't block their senses, but this skill is 100% user friendly),

Elemental armor (since user has enchanted her physique through all elements, it grands a certain immunity to elemental attacks),

Elemental stealth (using the ambient elements in the atmosphere in conjunction with soul energy to mask presence of the user),

Hack field (derived from 'hacking and programing' by Isys and implemented with soul scan, indicates all electronic devices in certain aria and gives the possibility to interact with them directly, by touching any electronic devise user can hack them without activating the skill),

Silent field (using soul energy around the user, inhibits all forms of energy from trespassing or generating, including sound, light and elements),

Soul vision (grants the possibility to examine surroundings through soul energy),

Elemental manipulation (enables the user to manipulate elemental particles by relying on the truth of the world that derivate from state of enlightenment using soul energy),

Elemental strengthening (using elemental energy of a specific element to boost users body performance),

Elemental absorption (passive ability that enables user to absorb elements and energy from surrounding of any source possible, grand possibility to skip intake of food and water, skill obtained through state of enlightenment),

Elemental conversion (using mutated Nano-bots in user body to transform elemental energy of one element to another or energy to elements and vice versa, grand the possibility for user to survive in any environment if there exist at least one element or source of energy),

Elemental reconstruction (a powerful passive healing technique that will make possible to regrow even missing body parts, formed by the soul of the user in tandem with elemental absorption and conversion, if the souls still exists, user of this ability won't die)]

Aria needed to only scan across the status window to read all the information.

'Well aren't I a little overpowered, Isys you can call me Super Aria from now on.'

[Master although you can be considered powerful for a mortal, as a cultivator you are not so powerful, you must know that a cultivator of the first and second realm have a difference of three to five times in basic attributes, and the same goes for other realms, not to mention that you don't know any techniques for cultivators. Even if you win a fight against a cultivator of second realm, any cultivator of the third realm can beat you easily.]

'Ok, ok I get it, you're not fun at all!'

'So Isys what the fuck is elemental techno-human from when I'm not considered a human anymore.'

[Well Master, you see because of great number of coincidences, you are now hardly can be considered as a human being. Hmm, cultivators in general can't be considered ordinary humans after practicing end entering first realm but, you Master are even more so.]

[In general you can be considered a mix of elemental and technological life form in the shape of human.]

'So do I have a benefit of being such creature? Or do I become a freak for nothing.'

It seems that Aria is irritated to no end by being an alien.

[Hmm, Master has many benefits for example powerful vitality that is replenishing permanently, or a tough body that will make possible to not get injured easily, almost endless lifespan, a super talent in technological aspect…]

Seeing that Aria is not impressed, Isys voice grew quitter and quitter, almost to a whisper, and as if stuck by inspiration she blurted out all that she can think of.

[You won't be ever hungry, cold or hot again, you won't have to poo or pee ever again and can eat all you want without getting fat, not to mention you can say goodbye to your periods.]

Hmm, Aria really wasn't impressed by the first part of Isys explanation, but the second part really surprised her, if she can live like a Queen without breaking a sweet who care if she is not human anymore.

'The more I'm listening the more impressed I am, ok you convinced me.'

At this Isys has a sigh of relief, after all it was her doing, how can all whose coincidences so fortunate transform Aria in what she is now, without the help of her little System. So she was afraid for being blamed by Aria.

'Oh yes I really like my new title, too bad it is not in universe, but I'm sure it will evolve in the future.'

Laughing like a pervert, Isys responded.

[He he he, I'm sure of it.]

[By the way Master we must make our move first, because the lab personnel are in panic, after all when they calm down they will sure be able to trace this incident to us.]

'Sigh, let's move then.'

Actually from the moment that Aria woke up from her dream till her sigh even one second did not pass, after all she is communicating with Isys in her mind, and with her soul she can easily read War and Peace of Leo Tolstoy within one second, with the premise that she'll survive the boredom, after all no matter how powerful her soul is, it did not change her basic qualities. A normal cultivator will have to train their Dao heart bud this is more bothersome than reading War and Peace so she surely wont partake in such activities.