Nothing lasts forever

"Nothing lasts forever. Forever is a lie. All we have is what's between hello and goodbye."

In an unknown time and space:

"I... often wonder... what could have been, had it not changed... had it... stayed the same... But I know... no matter how hard I try... change will always come... no matter where... no matter when... " said a sad sounding voice. "Hmm... in the end... only time will tell... if what we did... was truly worth it... "

Location: Germany, Heidelberg

Time: Year 1 of the era of Change Era: The Era of Change

"Drip..." "... drip..." "... drip..."

One could only hear water dripping from the ceiling, there were no other noises. That was until Steven and his friends came into the building.

"Wow... it's... uh pretty quiet in here... eh?" remarked Phillip feeling a little spooked while darting his eyes around their surroundings.

"What you scared?" said Evelyn with a mocking tone.

"Uh... no... I... was uh... only stating the truth!" whined Phillip trying to convince the others that he was not scared.

The rest of the gang all turned to him questionably, smiles growing on their faces.

"Hmmm... sure! I believe you!" quipped Evelyn with a mischievous smile.

"Are you guys sure this place is... uh safe?" questioned Steven.

"Don't worry Steven, even if it isn't, I think Evelyn, Phillip and I are strong enough to protect you!"

"Uh... Alright."

"Yeah man, I don't know why you didn't change like us, but that doesn't change the fact that we are still friends," stated Phillip with confidence as he knew that he had to focus on his surroundings.

"I wonder if our families are alright?" mumbled Michael to himself.

Both Phillip and Evelyn were silent after hearing that because they both knew that now was not the time to worry about that. Even though they also wanted to know if their families had survived the horrific ordeal of the monsters or if they too had changed in some way with other strengths. The silence continued. They suddenly heard something.

"Finally... Finally! I found you!" shrieked a horrific voice.

"What the hell is that?" shouted Phillip, his eyes showing white in fear.

"Ooogggh... mine... you are... long have I waited!" shrilled the horrific voice.

"Wh… Where is that n… n… noise coming from??!" stammered Michael in a terrified voice.

"Guys calm down! Let's form a triangle around Steven so that we can cover all our angles and protect him from whatever thing, is in this building!" hissed Evelyn with a loud voice as she positioned herself in front of Steven. After hearing Evelyn's plan, both Phillip and Michael both tried calming themselves down enough to walk over and positioned themselves at the two opposite sides of Steven.

"Hmm... Stop me you cannot... Hide you cannot... Die you can!" screeched the horrific voice as it jumped out of one of the offices in the building.

"What on earth! What a weird and disgusting creature! Even my mom's homemade lasagne looks better than this!" bellowed Phillip as he saw the horrific creature. Humour was his go to method to ease his own fear and tension. The creature had a deformed human body. Every joint had been twisted and pulled beyond belief. The creature's face was full of maggots, and one could also see that the face was rotting away. Its face was so ugly that Steven and the others wanted to throw up.

"Ugh!" grunted Evelyn as she was tossed aside by the horrific creature as it charged to Steven. "Evelyn!" cried both Phillip and Michael as they charged at the beast wanting to stop it. The creature tossed both boys through the nearby office wall. Destroying the elegantly decorated offices and leaving both unconscious.

"Guys!" shouted Steven trying, somehow, to do something. Still, he knew he could not do anything, for he was still his normal self. Yet that did not stop him from charging towards the beast to try and stop it.

"Hehe... Try you can... Weak you are... Fail you will!" declared the horrific creature with a mocking tone.

"Steven... run...!" whispered Evelyn weakly.

However, before she could continue Steven and the monster disappeared.

"Steven? Steven!" screamed Evelyn in a panicked voice.

In an unknown space and time:

"Now what do we have here? A Maggon! Damn! I thought we wiped out those disgusting things! Oh well, since I'm anyhow going to go down, why don't I just make sure that that brute of a creature stays extinct!" affirmed the cheerful voice.

Location: Germany, Heidelberg, Building basement

Time: Year 1 of the era of Change Era: Era of Change

"Wh... where am I?" stuttered Steven as he realised that he wasn't in the same place he previously had been.

"Agggggrrr!" growled the creature.

"Where are you? You disgusting, deformed monster?" shouted Steven. He could not see anything as there was no light and he could only hear the growling noises of the horrific abnormality.

"I... am... Hok-" just as the horrific creature wanted to answer, a cheerful voice interrupted. "Now-now, I think that's enough from you Maggon! I think it's time you join the rest of your species!"

"What the..." just as Steven wanted to ask who that was, he heard a splashing noise.

"Ahh... much better. Now you and I have more than enough time to talk, don't we little boy!"

Suddenly, the lights were turned on. Steven saw a little boy sitting on a rock. He had a very handsome face with blue silver locks falling over his forehead. But the weirdest thing was that this peculiar boy was all dressed up in a tuxedo.

"A... k... kid??" sighed Steven with a questioning gaze.

"You... " claimed the strange boy with a slightly annoyed tone.

Location: Germany, Heidelberg, Building Floor 1

Time: Year 1 of the era of Change Era: Era of Change

"Ugh!" grunting noises could be heard as Phillip, Michael and Evelyn were standing up. "Where did that beast take Steven?" roared Phillip while looking around searching for his friend.

"I don't know, but if we want to stop that beast from doing anything to Steven, we better find them now!" replied Michael as he started marching off further into the building.

"I just hope we're not too late," murmured Evelyn with tearful eyes, not knowing if her best friend was still alive.