There is never a set path

In an unknown space and time:

" Hmmm... what the... Wait! You got to be kidding me... that bastard! What did he do? Why can't I see what will happen!" shouted a feminine voice in a frustrated tone as she looked at the earth. "Damn it! All this preparation. Waiting for centuries just to influence this old, tiny, and barren rock!!! And just when we get control over it, that scoundrel goes and ruins it!" screamed the feminine voice once more. "I swear if I get my hands on you Rogen, you'll wish you were dead!" ranted the feminine voice with a menacing tone.

Location: Germany, Heidelberg, Building basement

Time: Year 1 of the era of Change Era: Era of Change

"You... How dare you compare me? Me and my gloriously handsome and strong body of that of a child's!" shouted Rogen thinking that he ought to teach this puny being a lesson.

Steven chose to stay quiet while this strange boy screamed at him. What could he say? With everything that has happened over the last few hours, it was best to observe and learn about his surroundings before acting. Steven had to remember that although this being looked like a boy, it was not, and Steven was still a mortal. Plus, a mortal that had not changed, and who was one that was still the same as always, mentally, and physically.

"Sigh... fine seems like there's no point in me trying to lecture you right now, seeing as you aren't exactly mentally capable at this moment," uttered Rogen in an exasperated tone.

"Um... who are you?" inquired Steven as he managed to form his courage and ask a question.

"Hmmm! Seems you aren't entirely as unstable as I thought you would be! I usually don't share valuable information with just anyone, but since you asked, I will answer," replied Rogen snidely. He slowly stood up and a golden light landed on him. He looked at Steven with a brilliant smile. "Be amazed mortal, I am the great, the only, the most handsome, celestial being out there known as... Rogen!" He stuck his chin and chest out, and stood a little straighter, making himself look like a valiant warrior.

"Uh cool... so... Uh... can you... could you tell me maybe what's going on?" inquired Steven.

"... are you serious right now? That's what I get?" rumbled Rogen in a shocked tone. He thought this mortal would be on his knees crying by now. Or at least praising him, for his excellent features and celestial power. All that he got was an irritating question. This kid looked at him like: "Mortal, Celestial. Who cares?"

Rogen was not happy, but he controlled his unhappiness and reminded himself of why he came to this mortal in the first place. Time was of the essence. He needed this mortal to understand.

"Sigh... Fine... What do you want to know?" inquired Rogen, defeated and deflated.

"Well, first of all, how and why did this all happen?"

"Hmm! That, I can't answer that right now. What I can tell you, is that your world, no your universe, will never be the same. Especially after today?" answered Rogen with a sigh, regretting that he couldn't answer this puny mortal's questions.

"Uuhh! Okay, but if you can't answer that, can you at least tell me what you mean, by saying that my universe won't be the same after today?" queried Steven while furrowing his eyebrows, now more confused than before.

"Well, I can at least answer that. It is simple. Your universe life, fate, destiny or whatever you want to call it, would have been controlled by a certain group of individuals after your world changed. But, now that I came, let us just state, that that will no longer be possible!" declared Rogen cheerfully. An immensely proud smile was covering his face.

"Uh... okay, then my other question is, what was that horrific creature, and where did it go?" urged Steven for Rogan to at least give an answer, especially concerning that creature... that monstrous thing was dreadful.

"Oh! That creature is called a "Maggon", but you don't have to worry about that, I got rid of that vermin!" replied Rogen with an expression that told Steven he should be very thankful.

"Whew... Well, at least one thing is okay!" remarked Steven. He felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted from his shoulders.

"So, what now? Can I go back or is there something else that's going to happen?" asked Steven as he thought about his friends somewhere in this building probably passed out or worried about him.

"Oooh... um... well about that..." answered Rogen in a very strange tone while trying not to look into Steven's eyes.

"What?" demanded Steven. He felt like something was wrong with the way Rogen reacted.

"Well... uh the thing is that... well you see... yeah... uh basically every minute you have been spending with me in this space, is like a year in the outside world!" mumbled Rogen. He knew time was of considerable importance to mortals and felt bad for not saying anything sooner.

"Wha... Wait... What!?" screamed Steven in horror.

"Yeah... Sorry... I know this is not what you want to hear, but it was necessary! Anyhow, I'll be sending you back now so that the time gap doesn't get too big." remarked Rogen in an attempt to change the topic.

Steven could not even form a reply to Rogen. He was still too busy trying to process what he had just heard. How was he going to survive? Were his friends, okay? Were they still alive? He did6n't know.

"Cheer up kid! I know this isn't what you wanted to hear, but just know this was the only way to help. You might not understand right now... but soon, I promise! Just know that at least this way, your universe, and you specifically, have a higher chance of survival!" Steven looked up at Rogen and realised that he was slowly fading away.

"Will I at least get to see you again?" asked Steven desperately with a depressing tone.

"If it's you, yeah most probably" replied Rogen with a sad smile and a chuckle.

"Goodbye, puny mortal!" called Rogen.

"It's Steven! Little brat!" yelled Steven trying to cheer himself up, by bullying the so-called "Celestial" called Rogen.

"Haha! I'll remember! Steven, what a cliche name," whispered Rogen from the darkness.