Why me?!

"Despair and unfortunate circumstances can dictate much of one's life. What one does though with this is only up to the person themselves. If fate is against you then only you can change it..."

In an unknown time and location:

"Hmm... Hope that little kid, will manage now that he is on his own," thought Rogen as he sat on a golden throne in an unknown, dark void. As Rogen thought that through, suddenly he heard an angry feminine voice screaming out his name.

"Rogen! Where are you!" roared the feminine voice with much anger and hatred in her tone.

"Oh! Oh no! I better get out of here!" panicked Rogen as he quickly stood up and moved his hand in to use one of his abilities to open up a portal.

"Rogen there you are! Where do you think you are going huh?" snarled the feminine voice. Rogen could see the anger and hatred shining in her eyes.

"Ah, sadly Valena, I'm a remarkably busy man! So, let's talk next time, ok?" replied Rogen in a hurry.

"Oh No! That won't be necessary my cute little Rogen!" Valena drove towards him while crying out, "Big sister wants you so stay!"

"Ah well would you look at the time... sadly we're going to have to catch up next time... Bye-Bye!" waved Rogen as he jumped into the portal.

"ROGEN!" screamed Valena, as she just missed him. It would be almost impossible to find Rogen on her own. Especially now, that he had gone into his portal. "If that's how you want to play... fine... let's see how the others will react when they hear about the developments," murmured Valena. A big smile spread across her face

"Hehe! By then my sweet little Rogen, you won't escape so easily," smirked Valena laughing menacingly as she opened her own portal.

Location: Germany, Heidelberg, Basement of a Building

Time: Year 11 of the era of Change Era: Era of Change

"Hmmm... well, before I have a mental breakdown or something, let me get out of this building," thought Steven as he slowly walked to the stairs leading to the upper floors of the building.

"Weird, if ten years have passed, why hasn't anything happened to this basement? Maybe because of Rogen?" questioned Steve to himself, as he had finally reached the staircase and started looking at his surroundings.

"Well let's see what's at the top of this building," murmured Steven to himself as he slowly started going up the stairs. After a good five minutes of climbing, Steven finally reached the top of the staircase. He sucked in as much air as his lungs could take, trying to get his breathing back to normal. His eyes dragged around his surroundings, and he could not believe what he saw!

Ten years had taken its toll on Heidelberg. What had become of all the urban life? Where there were once tall buildings and roads, there were now massive trees the length of Skyscrapers and the width of ten people. The world he once knew was entirely gone. The age of technology and civilisation had been utterly destroyed. All that could be seen, were the unending number of trees as if there was no end to them.

"How the heck did this all happen in ten years!" stated Steven as he could not fathom how so much had changed in a mere ten years. Nature had completely taken over any trace of human life. What would he do now? "Damn it Rogen! He didn't say anything about my environment changing so much that it seems like I'm back in the stone age!" sighed Steven in frustration while looking out onto his new surroundings. He regretted not squeezing some more answers out of Rogen. "Well, there's no point in crying over it now. I first have to find some shelter and food before I even start thinking about what to do next," decided Steven with a sigh as he looked over the new Heidelberg, trying to spot the river he and his friends dove into. Hopefully, he would be able to find a place with freshwater and food.

About 10 km away from where Steven is:

Sniff... Sniff... Sniff...

Do you smell that? That smell is the smell the ancestors told us about!" announced a ferocious looking bear that was three times larger than an average bear.

"Hmmmm... you're right! This smell... I never thought we would find it here! Also, it is so... fresh. As if it just appeared. It hasn't changed one bit! Strange... very strange... how could this human's scent not have changed in ten years?" queried the bear's companion, a wolf with silver hair that had a lot of similar features to that of a human.

"What should we do Flaven?" asked the bear.

"Hmmm... let's tell our ancestors first... in this part of the unending primal forest, who knows what can happen, but Barion, I don't want anyone finding out about this before we tell them. You know how important this is to our tribe" stated Flaven with a serious tone while baring his teeth at his companion bear, Barion.

"Of course! Flaven who do you think I am? Do you think I'm like those humans who betray each over the smallest of things?!" responded Barion. He was not happy that Flaven doubted him.

"Fine... let's hurry before the scent entirely fades..." remarked Flaven as he ran deeper into the thick forest.

"Wait for me! You know I'm still in the process of evolving!" called Barion as he struggled to keep up to Flaven.

Location: Unending primal forest (Previously Germany, Heidelberg)

Time: Year 11 of the era of Change Era: Era of Change

"Whew, finally I found a river! Hmm... is this still the same one I knew in the past or is this newly formed? I can't tell!" mumbled Steven, not knowing if this was still the river he once knew or if in the last ten years rivers appeared as trees did.

"Well, I can figure that out later. Now that I have a flowing source of water, I need to find some foo..." Steven cut himself off as a giant lizard the size of a Land Rover appeared before him. It was covered in red-black scales and had a similar appearance to that of a bulky fat dragon.

"I'm so screwed..." declared Steven as quickly started to run away.

The lizard made the sound of an obese cat dying. "Grewaaa!" It's long tongue shooting out, just narrowly missing Steven.

"Grewaaa!!!" roared the lizard again. "What the heck! Not only does it look like a fat dragon, it also sounds like one!" Even though he knew this was a dangerous situation for some reason, he was very calm, no, he was more than calm, he was excited. "Well even though it could snap me to death with its claws, it seems like it's weight heavily affects its speed. Now what can I do to get out of this situation? Hmmm... what is that?" As Steven was trying to find a solution to his problem, he saw something peculiar.

It was a giant moose. It had the same size as that of the fat lizard behind him, yet it also did not look like its previous friendly herbivore version. It had a vicious look to it. Its antlers had grown much larger and had blood dripping off them. Even some huge fangs could be seen growing out of its mouth. Steven paused in awe of the moose. Stuck in his position he saw the moose turn to Steven with a clear look of hunger. Steven was the perfect snack for the day.

"Oh, no! Why does this have to happen to me? Ugh! Damn it! What am I supposed to do now?" cried Steven as he saw the moose charging in his direction.