The Guides

"There will always be those that would want to control your life, but in the end only you have the right to decide over your life."

In an unknown time and location:

"Damn it, they're catching up again! Why are they suddenly active for once?" shouted Rogen in frustration as everywhere he went the celestials of his faction seemed to find him.

"At this rate, I won't be able to escape!" complained Rogen as he slowly stopped flying and tried to find a solution to his current predicament.

"Wait! Haha! Yes... Yes! They'll never find me this way, and even if they somehow would find me, they wouldn't be able to do anything!" declared Rogen as he thought of the perfect solution to his predicament.

"The only thing is that poor kid will possibly be implicated if I do this. But I don't have another choice! Sorry kid! I'm gonna have to influence your life once more!" reasoned Rogen with a sad smile, as he truly did not want to interfere with Steven's life ever again. However, the current situation did not leave any room for other considerations.

"Well, who knows! Maybe I'll meet him again and if I do... I'll help him with all my might!" affirmed Rogen as he slowly prepared himself to do something that none of the celestials thought Rogen would ever do. They will think he is crazy.

Location: River of Greed, Steven's cabin

Time: Year 11 of the Era of Change Era: Era of Change

"It all started ten years ago when everything suddenly changed. Humans, animals, plants and even the earth itself all of it changed, ey. We realised we were stronger than before. Everyone had abilities, ey... but we failed to notice. Oh, we did not see it coming! All the animals of the earth also changed! Some became stronger... and even smarter than some humans. Others transformed into huge monstrosities, that even with our new powers and strength, we couldn't handle them," explained Colin while gazing down at the wooden floorboards.

"And to top it off, most of the world had massive earthquakes for a few days. Until suddenly it stopped. After they stopped, we realised that the earth we once knew was no more, it was much larger and dangerous than before, ey. Forests started growing at immense speeds, and the civilisation of technology we once knew all but disappeared in a few weeks. But ya know... that was just the beginning! After all of that had happened, there was a massive influx of people from outer space who said they were the envoys of so-called celestials, and that they would allow us to join their factions and serve them," revealed Colin.

"What followed was that almost all the people who were strong and with great potential, joined these factions, ey. The rest were either oblivious, had their memories wiped or died!" After Colin finished his lengthy explanation, he looked at Steven with a sad expression.

"So, you are part of one of these so-called factions?" asked Steven in a dazed state after having such a large amount of information dumped into his mind.

"I wish, man, but ey... no I'm only in the branch of one of the lowest tier factions, but even this faction is more powerful than any organisation that isn't from outer space, eh," stated Colin with a sigh.

"But why? Why did everyone join these so-called factions? Why not create their own faction?" asked Steven as he couldn't understand why anyone would be willing to serve people that weren't even the same as them.

"Heh! do you think the most of us had a choice, ey? You're too naive Steven. We had no choice but to join them. If we didn't, we would all die eventually, man!" Colin with a bitter expression.

"But, why?" asked Steven once more.

"Because they had control over earth's so-called destiny. They said their leaders were responsible for the changes we experienced and because of that they could decide what would happen to us and earth, ey." Colin tried to explain.

"Only if we joined them, would we be able to control our own destiny again and you know what the funny thing is... most people that have only heard if these factions, call these beings "Guides". Can you believe it!? "Guides!" The people have been fooled into believing that these people are guiding earth into a great era for everyone. Hah! If only that were true, ey," remarked Colin with a sigh.

"So why did you guys pick me up then?" asked Steven as he realised that his rescue was not for anything good.

"Heh! Sorry, ey Steven! What awaits you is something terrible, but at least it's better than death, ey! None the less I'm sorry! It's because of me you'll have this fate, man! Ever since everything changed, I had to do many things to survive. We all did," cried Colin as he was filled with guilt for some reason, even though he would normally think it were fine to use other people for his needs.

For this was a dangerous world, a dog eats dog world. But for some reason, when he spoke with the naive and somewhat innocent Steven, he felt a pang of guilt in his heart.

"I see, well thanks I guess, for at least having the decency to tell me. If it would be ok, I wish to be alone right now. I have a lot to process," recoiled Steven as he looked away from Colin with a sad expression on his face.

"Sure, just know... I… never mind!" mumbled Colin.

"You better prepare yourself mentally. We will be at the harbour in about a week, ey," warned Colin as he slowly stood up and put on his previous smiling expression. But even then, that smile could not hide the sadness in Colin's eyes.

"Goodbye Steven. I hope you don't change. Don't get corrupted by this dirty world. No matter what, man!" begged Colin as he closed the cabin's door and left.

As soon as Colin was gone, Steven started to cry.

"Evelyn, Phillip, Michael... what am I supposed to do!? I'm scared... I'm so scared!" whispered Steven he cried to himself to sleep. "Will I ever see you guys again?" murmured Steven in his sleep.

Location: Mine district 5, Quadrant H

Time: Year 11 of the Era of Change Era: Era of Change

"Steven...?" whispered a man covered with dust as he held a pickaxe in one of his hands.

"Phillip what's wrong?! Keep on working before the overseers come back and punish us!" groaned a man next to Phillip in a worried tone.

"Ah yeah sorry!" apologised Phillip, as he could not understand why he suddenly thought about his old friend Steven, who was supposed to be dead.

"Are you alive Steven?" mumbled Phillip to himself as he started mining once again, not wanting to get in trouble with the overseers.

They were cruel individuals that relished in torturing and tormenting others. But for some reason, he could not let the feeling go, that his friend was still alive.

"Steven! If you're alive… wait for me! One day I'll find you, and this time I'll protect you properly!" Phillip whispered to himself as he clenched his fists and looked at the sky with determination, promising to himself that he would be free and not be bound to this cruel fate.