The Start of Intertwining Paths

"In the silence behind what can be heard lies the answers we have been searching for so long." -Andreas Fransson

In an unknown time and location:

"Hehe... those fools... they do not know what they have unleashed!" rasped a sinister voice.

"... with this, everything is going to change!" prophesied the voice with a sigh as it slowly faded away.

Location: River of Greed, Steven's location

Time: Year 11 of the Era of Change Era: Era of Change

"Why do these things keep happening to me? I am destined to suffer no matter what... I try and try to smile and say I'm fine, but I can't anymore! I'm weak... I'm a coward and I... I'm afraid. I! I just don't know what to do anymore! I've tried staying strong, but I... I don't know what to do anymore... can I... no should I..." as Steven was crying and contemplating about what he had to do next, somewhere else on the ship Colin was singing with a mournful tone.

"Where are you... Oh, beautiful day... Where are you... the peace I lost... I miss you... more than anything... where are you... my sweet sanctuary... where are you... where are you... when I need you!" as Colin finished singing, tears streamed down his face, as he was clearly in emotional pain.

"Mom, Dad, Bro, I survived, but I don't know if the way I did it was right! I've killed, I've betrayed, I've destroyed! Just to stay alive! I always thought that it was okay! Everyone else was doing the same. Times had changed, we all changed. Survival of the fittest we said! But I don't know why, but I can't do this anymore!" moaned Colin as he looked at a worn-out picture of his family.

"I don't know what's right anymore! Once I tried to change, tried to help, but it didn't work. I don't know if I can do it again!" gulped Colin as he put the picture away and slowly stood up.

"Thanks for the talk, guys... I hope you're doing well..." whispered Colin as he walked out of his cabin and closed the door behind him.

Somewhere else on the ship:

"Brother... I'm afraid... where are we going?" asked a little girl that was around eight years old. She had ragged clothes and was very dirty. Yet it could not entirely hide her beauty. She had lush brown hair and two beautiful hazel brown eyes.

"It's going to be fine Violet! I'll protect you no matter what. All right?" said Violet's older brother that looked like he was sixteen years old. He, just like Violet, had ragged clothing on, and he was also very dirty. But unlike his sister he had silky grey hair, that if one looked at for a while, one would be astonished at the beauty of his hair.

His facial features were also very handsome. Additionally, his body was slender, and it seemed that even the slightest breeze would make his body break apart.

"Brother... aren't you hungry?" asked Violet in an innocent voice as she was yet to be corrupted by the world.

"Don't worry Violet... I'm not hungry... But I think it's time for you to go to bed. We still have a long journey ahead of us," murmured Violet's older brother.

"Mhmm... okay brother... night..." answered Violet as she slowly fell asleep while lying on her brother's shoulder.

"Don't worry Violet, no matter what, I'll protect you!" growled Violet's older brother in a quiet voice as he started at their cabin door.

On the main deck of the ship:

"Hmmm, a few more days, then we'll arrive at the harbour. Colin, prepare the crew, I don't want anything happening before we arrive at the harbour!" ordered the captain as he stared into the distance.

"Aye-Aye Captain!!" said Colin with a neutral expression, not showing any sign of his previous emotions.

"Alright then... let's hope nothing happens! Like last time," said the captain in a grim voice as he closed his eyes.

Location: Unending Primal Forest

Time: Year 11 of the Era of Change Era: Era of Change



The sound of people running at intense speeds could be heard at a certain part of the Unending Primal Forest. These people were Flaven, Barion and the elites of their previous hunting group.

"Alright guys, if we follow this scent, we'll be able to catch up on no time. But be prepared! Who knows what we'll encounter on the way? The forest has, although extremely dangerous, been our sanctuary for most of our lives! We can easily deal with primal beasts, but when it comes to other beings... be warned! The ancestors told us that there are many more cruel and savage beings out there, worse than any primal beast. For example, humans! They are a crafty bunch!" exclaimed Flaven at the front of the group.

"Ah come on Flaven! We're not idiots ya know! sighed Barion as he rolled his eyes.

"You know I'm serious Barion!" chastened Flaven with a glare.

"Ugh! Fine, I know! Just trying to lift the mood! Sheesh!" snaped Barion defensively.

"I know Barion, but you and I both know, that I'm right." admitted Flaven with a sigh.

"Yeah... I know" replied Barion quietly.

Location: River of Greed, Steven's cabin

Time: Year 11 of the Era of Change Era: Era of Change

There was only silence in Steven's cabin. Steven was silently staring at his hands with a contemplating expression. It seemed as if he was uncertain of what to do next. Should I... just end it all... end the pain... the troubles?" As Steven was asking this to himself, he suddenly remembered the flashback he had a while ago.

"No... I promised that I wouldn't.! At least not until I meet them again! I won't give up! Not yet!" declared Steven with determination as he slowly stood up and walked to his cabin door.

"I'll show everyone what I'm made of, and I'll find my friends no matter what!" declared Steven as he tried to open his door.

"What the? You got to be kidding right?" exclaimed Steven with a dumbfounded expression as he saw that he couldn't open his door.

On the main deck of the ship:

"Oops! I forgot to tell Steven he won't be able to leave his cabin in the next few days! But oh well, I think he'll be okay!" murmured Colin in a submissive tone, not wanting to think about Steven and his previous emotions.

"Hmmm, what did you say Colin... who is Steven? " asked the captain with a creepy smile.

"Ah! Uh... no-one captain! Uh it's no-one!" said Colin as he quickly tried to convince the captain.

"Hmmm... then you better get back to work! No?" said the captain with a bright smile.

"Of course! Don't worry about it captain," panicked Colin as he quickly ran away.

"Hehe... stupid boy!" chortled the captain while laughing as he looked at Colin running away

"You can't hide anything on this ship from me," warned the captain with a smile, while staring off into the distance.