Xia Luan

If Sous Sect is one of the three biggest sects, then the closest city to this very sect is one of the three biggest cities! It was place where Xia Feng's mother, Xia Luan lives. Ever since her son went to the sect, she became flowerist and her small shop had a lot of visitors.

Of course, it was because she was the most beautiful flower here.

"Miss Luan, can I stay here for a while?"

"Oh, Little Wu, did your mother scold you again?"


Smiling at little kid who became one of regular workers here, Xia Luan nodded with her usual, bright smile which could calm down any brat! Even Little Wu who kept getting scolded by his mother because of his wild nature calmed down and worked effectively just like Miss Luan ordered.

From regular customers from any age to the passing by merchants, Xia Luan's shop was indeed crowded by many! And everyone was fine with little brats helping her as this was indeed the gentle and beautiful lady.