Mother has an upgradement in her bottom!

Miss Luan fainted from shock, but quickly recovered as she is cultivator as well! Looking at Xia Feng with disbelief, mother simply couldn't believe the events, but with Xia Xiu being here, everything must be true!

"Feng'er has become so strong... Mother is happy."

In the end, it meant that her son is strong, thus, he will be able to properly protect himself in the future! And before she could turn to face her son, Miss Luan finally realized that she was sitting on his knees, being held tightly by those strong hands.


"Are you feeling better now, mother? I can carry you to your bedroom if you want to rest."

"I am fine, let's stay like this for a little longer."

It's been a while since she felt the body of man. How could Miss Luan miss the chance of being held tightly by her son? She laid herself comfortably on his shoulder only to remember about Xia Xiu who was looking at them while still taking care of the flower.
