Chapter 1

Jungkook poured the hot water into the cup containing the tea bag, after that he added a teaspoon of honey with a dash of lemon juice. That should do the trick. Jungkook opened the overhead cupboard and took out two honey & oats granola bars.

Taking the cup of tea in one hand and the bars in the other, he hummed a little tune as he made his way to the bedroom. On the bed he could see a lump under the covers, little sniffles could he heard. Jungkook smiled a little as he rounded the bed, placing the tea and snacks on the little table beside the bed.

"How you feeling baby?" A tuft of grey locks appeared from under the sheets, followed by a cute chubby cheeked face. Jimin's eyes were slightly puffy from sleep and nose red from the nasty cold he seemed to have caught. He looked up at his boyfriend before pouting cutely.

"I can't breathe Daddy" he whined

"Aww my poor sweet pea" Jungkook cooed as he sat down beside Jimin on the bed, leaning down to place a kiss on his forehead. "Don't worry baby Daddy will make it better, I bought you some snacks and tea. Let it cool a little before you drink ok baby?"

Jimin nodded, sniffling slightly as he tried to breathe through his stuffy nose. Jungkook cooed at him again before kissing a chubby cheek. "Afterwards we can run you a nice warm bath, how that sound little one?"

"Yes please Daddy" Jimin nodded as he smiled, cheeks slightly bunching up. He raised his head up a little, lips pouted, clearly asking the other for a kiss. Jungkook couldn't say no to his baby boy.