Chapter 2

"I really appreciate you watching him for me hyung" Jungkook said through the speaker as he makes another right turn.

"Its no problem, really Jungkook-ah. Besides Taehyung is happy to see him" Yoongi's voice was heard through the speakers of the car. It was a Saturday and Jungkook was on his way home from work, normally he wasn't too worried about leaving Jimin home alone but because his baby was still sick he called his hyung to babysit for him.

"I'm sure Jiminie is happy to see him too. I should be home in about twenty minutes" Yoongi hummed before Jungkook pressed the 'end call' button on the steering wheel. He was about to make another turn when he saw the sign for 'Toys R Us' indicating the store is up ahead. Jungkook took of his indicator, heading straight to the store with an idea in his head.

Jimin, who was wrapped up in a blanket on the couch, was giggling at his friend Taehyung as he was entertaining him with the two dolls in his hand. Ken was just about to save Barbie from the evil hot wheels car when they could hear keys jiggling through the door.

They looked up, including Yoongi who was sitting at the dining table looking over some lyrics, as Jungkook struggled to walk through the door. Jungkook was holding up a giant teddy bear, huffing as he finally was able to get it through the door.

"Daddy!" Jimin whooped as he got up from the couch, running over to his boyfriend. "What's that? It's taller than Daddy!"

"It's your new friend baby" The giant bear was indeed a little taller than Jungkook, with giant paws and a big plush tummy, it would make the perfect cuddle buddy.

"Jiminie loves it Daddy! Thank you!" he hugged Jungkook tightly, nuzzling into his chest. Jungkook chuckled fondly as he kissed the crown of his head.

"And how exactly, did you manage to get that in the car?" Yoongi said with amusement in his voice, gathering his things and putting them in backpack. Taehyung made his way to him, toys already packed away in his own bag.

"Trust me it wasn't easy" Jungkook huffed, rolling his eyes playfully.

Taehyung eyed the huge teddy with wonder, clinging to his boyfriend's arm. "Daddy, I want a big teddy bear too!" he looked up at Yoongi with big puppy dog eyes, lips pouted.

"Hmm" Yoongi pretended to think out loud, eyeing the ceiling in thought. "If you be a good boy and do all your homework, Daddy MIGHT buy you one too".

Taehyung smiled his big infamous rectangular smile, nodding with determination in his eyes. Yoongi smiled fondly at his baby, kissing his temple. "Say goodbye to Jiminie and Jungkook baby, time to go home"

Taehyung bounded over to his friends, giving each one a hug " Bye Minnie! Buy Kookie!"

"Bye little one. Thank you for keeping Jimin company, you did a good job" Jungkook smiled at Taehyung as he hugged him. The latters smile growing bigger under the praise.

"Tell TaeTae and uncle Yoon bye baby, and thank you for keeping you company" Jungkook encouraged Jimin gently, who hugged his best friend just as tight and bowed slightly to his hyung.

"Bye TaeTae! Bye uncle Yoongi, thank you for staying with Jiminie!"

Yoongi ruffled Jimin's hair "No problem kiddo" and patted Jungkook on the shoulder before making his way to the door, Taehyung's hand in his.

Jungkook walked them to the door, waving before closing it behind them. He turned back to his tiny boyfriend, still holding up the giant bear. "So baby, what are we gonna name your new friend?"

Jimin thought about it, nosing scrunching up cutely in concentration "Seagull!" he cheered while slightly jumping up and down, clapping his tiny hands. Jungkook chuckled at his baby's cuteness. "Daddy can Seagull sleep with us in our room?"

"Whatever you want baby boy" he said as he kissed Jimin's pouty lips.