Chapter 3

Jungkook let out a tired sigh as he left the classroom, that English class was a killer. But luckily it was his last class for the day and he can finally go home to snuggle with his baby. Speaking of his baby, Jimin should be outside the dance studio waiting for him. Not wanting Jimin to wait any longer, Jungkook made his way to the performing arts department.

Just like always when he had dance class, Jimin was waiting just outside the room for him. Normally their friend Hoseok would be seen with him but he doesn't seem to be around today. Jungkook was about to call out to his boyfriend when he noticed Jimin had his head down, posture slouched, something was wrong.

"Jimin? What's wrong?" Jungkook asked as he approached him, worry in his voice. Jimin looked up at his boyfriend when he heard his voice, and Jungkook's worry intensified when he noticed the tears in his small boyfriend's eyes, ready to fall any minute.

"Hey don't cry baby, what happened?" Jungkook ran a thumb delicately over Jimin's cheek, catching a falling tear.

"Daddy" Jimin whimpered quietly, Jungkook quickly looked around them to see no one around. They have a rule to be careful of what they do in public, saying 'Daddy' in public wasn't allowed unless absolutely necessary, and Jimin clearly needed him right now. "J-jiminie was dancing a-and he fell down and h-hurt his knee and he tried not t-to cry like a big boy but i-it was so hard Daddy!" Jimin got out in one breath, tears now freely falling.

"Slow down sweetie, shh shh it's ok Daddy is here now" Jungkook hushed his hysterical boyfriend, he looked down to Jimin's knee, he was wearing his black cargo shorts that stopped just before his knees. His right knee did look a little banged up, red from friction. It was nothing too serious but Jimin was a sensitive person and things like this could put him in little space.

Jungkook hugged Jimin to his chest, slightly rocking him back and forth "Daddy is so proud of you, trying to be big boy until Daddy got here. My brave little boy" he kissed the top of his head, Jimin whimpering into his chest. "Come on baby let's get you home"

Jungkook steered them through the crowd of students towards the exit, keeping his baby close to him. Most people probably knew about their relationship, this generation not really caring about homosexuality. But Jungkook didn't really care if anyone was giving them looks or not, focused on getting his baby out off here so he can take him home and care for him.

Once they reached their car in the school parking lot, he helped Jimin into the passenger seat and buckled him in as he kissed his temple. Once Jungkook got situated in his seat, buckled up and car in drive, he drove them out of the college campus with one hand on the steering wheel and the other secured with Jimin's.

Once they made it inside their apartment Jungkook took them to the bathroom, where he lifted Jimin up onto the counter. He bent down to grab the first aid kit they kept under the sink, he took out the rubbing alcohol and one of Jimin's Pororo band aids. Also taking out a cotton pad to dampen with the alcohol, Jimin's knee wasn't cut so it wouldn't sting which Jungkook was thankful for because Jimin really hated the stingy feeling. He looked up to his small boyfriends face and saw the panic there as he eyed the cotton pad.

"Don't worry baby, it won't sting, I promise" Jimin looked into Jungkooks' eyes, trust clearly there, so he gave a small nod and let Jungkook continue. True to his word, it didn't sting. Once he finished disinfecting the area he placed the Pororo band aid and a kiss on top. "There we go, all better!" Jungkook stood back up, hands on Jimin's waist. He still had a little pout on his lips, which Jungkook couldn't help but kiss, he was determined to make his baby happy again.

"Come on angel, let's get you changed" Jimin made grabby hands at him, wanting to be picked up and Jungkook just couldn't say no. So he picked him up, the olders legs immediately wrapped around his waist, as he supported him with his hands on his butt.

Jungkook carried him to their bedroom and gently placed him on the bed. Jimin stayed flat on his back, thumb in his mouth, a habit of his when he was feeling 'especially little'. Jungkook walked over to their closet, looking through the clothes until he found what he was looking for, a iron man onesie. He went back to the bed and proceeded to dress the little one, tickling him here and there as he did so and loving the little shrieks and giggles Jimin let out under his attack. He looked down at him once he was done, the onesies' hood over Jimin's head, and fell in love all over again. He was just too cute.

"My little iron man" he bent to give Jimin's nose a quick kiss, Jimin giggling as he did so, before changing himself into a plain white shirt and black shorts. "Do you want Daddy to give you a piggyback ride baby?" Jungkook chuckled at how excitedly Jimin nodded and stood up on the bed, he turned around so he could climb on his back and held his legs securely. "Hold on tight little one"

He walked them to the kitchen, taking out the milk from the fridge. He then took out the strawberry syrup from the cupboard and placed them on the counter. Then from a different cupboard he took out Jimin's 'special bottle'. Jimin watched what he was doing over his shoulder, squirming happily when he caught on. "Hold on baby, Daddy doesn't want you to fall" Jungkook chuckled amusedly.

"Yes Daddy" Jimin nodded as he tightened his hold on Jungkook, nuzzling into his neck and bashful smile on his face. His boyfriend was the best, he was so grateful to him.

Jungkook continued to make the strawberry milk, squirting the syrup into the bottle then pouring the milk. He shook it up, making sure it was all mixed evenly before moving them into the living room where he let Jimin climb off him into the couch. He grabbed the remote from the table and turned on the tv to cartoons.

"Come here angel" he sat on the couch, bottle still in his hand. Jimin climbed into his lap, he maneuvered them until they were stretched out on the couch, Jimin on top of him, head on his chest. He brought the bottle up to Jimins' lips, the older immediately suckling happily, holding the end of the bottle and tilting it so he can do so.

Jimin loved using the bottle when he was deep in headspace, it made him feel so little, and Jungkook loved rocking him as he did so. With a fond smile on his face, Jungkook kissed his baby on the forehead, snuggling the smaller closer to him as they continued watching spongebob.