Chapter 4

Jimin was dealing with important business, and he had a very tough decision to make. He was sitting in the middle of the living room floor, baby blue onesie that clips at the crotch on, matching blue paci in his mouth. His eyes were furrowed as he looked back and forth between the pink crayon in one hand and the yellow crayon in the other. In front of him was a piece of paper with stick figure drawings, one taller than the other, that were standing in a giant field of green grass and above them was a big yellow sun with a smily face. Jimin couldn't decided whether to draw pink flowers or yellow flowers, but then his eyes widen in delight when he decided 'I can do both!'

So Jimin got to work, drawing cute squiggles of pink and yellow flowers. When he got home from college, Jungkook promised him he can do all the drawing he wanted before bath time, but only after he finished all his homework of course.

Jimin squealed with joy at his finished artwork, before jumping up with the picture and making a run for the kitchen.

Jungkook was stood hunched over the kitchen counter, textbook in front of him. Jungkook swore the words on the page were moving, re-reading the same paragraph over and over. Calculus was a pain, but he really can't afford to fail this class. He looked up at the sound of running feet to see Jimin speeding through the doorway. "Little one what has Daddy told you about running in the house?"

Jimin halted all movements at the words,before sullenly looking down to his feet, twiddling his fingers. "To not to"

"That's right baby, or Jiminie will fall and hurt himself and then Daddy would be sad if that happened, right baby?" He walked over to where the older was stood, gently grabbing his chin between his thumb and finger to lift his head, placing a kiss on his nose. Jimin nodded at his question, sad look still on his face. "It's ok baby, just no more running ok?"

"Yes Daddy" Jimin pouted, then his face suddenly morphed to one of excitement when he remembered why he came running here in the first place. "Look Daddy! Look what Jiminie drew!"

The picture was almost shoved right in Jungkook's face, he took it in his hand before taking a look at it, smiling fondly at what he saw. Jimin is quite a talented artist, but it warmed his heart as he looked at the carefree stick figures, standing in a mess of squiggly green grass and a big red heart drawn around them.

"This one is Jiminie and this one is Daddy" Jimin pointed at each stick figure respectively "Look Daddy, Jiminie has a crown because he's Daddy's little prince and Daddy has a cape because he's Jiminie's superhero!"

There was indeed a crown on the smallest of the stick figures, and a red cape drawn on the tallest. "It's beautiful baby" Jungkook smiled fondly before moving towards the refrigerator and pinning the picture on it with one of the magnets "Daddy will put it right here so that way everyone can see it"

Jimin smiled his beautiful eye smile, and Jungkook fell in love all over again. He wrapped the shorter one in his arms before kissing him softly.

"Come on my Little Prince, time for your bath"





First of all, thank you so much for the love! I was honestly overwhelmed with the positive feedback and I'm so happy you guys are loving this!

And since a lot of you love Little Jimin, he's a chapter as a thank you~

Updates will be slow because of school ;-; sorry !

Thank you Amy and Sachiyo for your hard work!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)