Chapter 5 You Make Me Begin Part 1


Jungkook playfully rolled his eyes as he watched Taehyung bust out through the classroom door and cheered out.

"Hyung the class isn't that bad"

"Are you kidding me?!" Taehyung snapped his head around to Jungkook, looking at the younger as if he's grown another head "Professor Choi could put plants to sleep"

Ok so maybe history class was a little boring, but Taehyung is good at exaggerating.

The two started making their way down the hall, weaving past other students.

"Can you believe it? I'm finally a senior!" Taehyung was practically buzzing at this point, Jungkook doesn't know how Yoongi keeps up with him, he smiled fondly at his best friend. "This is my last year, soon I'll be out there ready to change the world for all the children!"

Taehyung majored in child care management, with hopes of running his own child daycare. Jungkook was happy that his hyung was able to use his love for children into something productive.

Jungkook, on the other hand, still hasn't decided what he wants to do in life. But he thought it was better to go to university then not go at all. He was in his last year for his associate's degree in liberal arts. He still had half a year to decide what he wanted to do.

"Yes, yes hyung I'm happy for you" Jungkook chuckled

"What class you said you have now? You said this was an elective right?"

"Yeah" Jungkook sighed "It's some kind of contemporary dance class, I wish i could have taken something else but this was the only class that didn't clash with my schedule"

"Aww come on" Taehyung patted the younger's back "I'm sure it won't be that bad,don't you like doing them girl group dances anyways?" the older snickered.

"Shut up" Jungkook mumbled as he slightly blushed "Or I'm gonna tell Yoongi hyung you're picking on me"

"Ok, ok I'm sorry" Taehyung chuckled, not looking sorry at all.

They turned left and passed through a pair of double doors, leading to another hallway. The hallway walls was painted red, there were drawings of musical notes, white theater masks and dance shoes on either sides. There were a few dance and music studios, and at the end of the hall where two doors that lead to two big theater rooms.

"Wow, so this is what the performing arts department looks like" Taehyung whistled as he looked through the window of a couple empty classrooms.

There were people lining up and chatting about outside one of the dance studios on the right. Beside the door stood a guy with a clipboard, taking down names of people before letting them through.

"I guess that's my class" Jungkook said as the two reached the classroom, he looked around at the few people still outside the room. They looked to be around his age or a little older, most probably a year above him.

"Taehyung?" the two looked up at the sound of the voice, the guy with the clipboard was looking at Taehyung, wide smile on his face

"Hoseok hyung?!" Taehyung quickly hopped over to embrace the other.

"What are you doing here?" Hoseok asked as the two finally broke apart.

"Oh! My friend Jungkookie is taking this class" he turned around to look at said person, grabbing his wrist to tug him forward "This is him. Jungkook this is Hoseok hyung, he's a friend of Yoongi hyung"

"Hoseok? Jung Hoseok?" Jungkook asked as he shook said person's hand.

"The one and only!" Hoseok beamed, huge smile never faltered

"I remember you from the spring talent show, you won first place, you are like, so good!" Jungkook awed "Are you taking this class too Hoseok-ssi?"

Hoseok rubbed the back of his neck bashfully "Haha, thanks kid, but please call me hyung. And no I'm not taking this class, I'm just the teacher assistant. What you said your name was again?" Hoseok asked as he looked down at the clipboard again.

"Jeon Jungkook"

"Ah, here you are" Hoseok said as he checked the name off the list "You can go in and leave your bag at the back wall with everyone else, we won't be doing much today since it's the first day of class"

"Ok cool" Jungkook turned to face his friend "See you at lunch?"

"Yup!" Taehyung yipped as he punched the younger in the arm, running off back from where they came before he could even react while yelling out "Later loser!"

Jungkook grumbled as he rubbed his sore arm, though there was a little smile on his face. Hoseok chuckled at the youngers antics, patting Jungkook on the shoulder as he walked into the studio.

On one side of the room were full mirrors, some students were already in the center of the room stretching and dancing to the music that was playing. It was some kind of smooth R&B song.

Jungkook made his way to the wall where he could see a line of backpacks before placing his down on the available space in the far left corner. He looked around the room, it didn't seem to be a big class, probably around 15 students.

He felt awkward just standing there, not sure what to do with himself. He wasn't very good with socializing, especially with new people. He was about to sit on the floor and wait for the class to start before he had to do a double take at one of the most breathtaking scene he ever saw.

There on the other side of the room, was one of the most beautiful human being Jungkook has ever seen. He had soft looking orange hair and a cute chubby cheeked face, even though he looked older he seemed to be shorter than Jungkook. He was so small and cute and Jungkook was not gushing, honest.

He couldn't help but take in the entirety of the man as his gaze moved from his face down his body. Even though his frame was small, Jungkook could see the outline of muscle through his cotton white shirt. He looked down further to his thighs and woah, them thighs though.

He looked back up as the man lifted one hand to sweep the hair out his face and 'Oh my god his hands are so tiny!'

The man then reached both hands upwards in a stretch, before slowly stretching down, arms wrapping around his legs and nose practically meeting his knees and even Jungkook had to admit that, that was sexy.

'I have to talk to him'

Said man must of felt the gaze on up because he stood back up, looking around before locking eyes with Jungkook, his face turning to one of surprise.

Before his brain could even think about it his legs were already making his way to the man. He could just make out the slight blush on the man's face as he curiously looked at Jungkook as he approached.

"Hi" Jungkook said as he stopped in front of him.

"Um, Hi" the man replied with a small shy smile, unable to keep eye contact.

"What's your name? I'm Jungkook"

"J-Jimin" he stuttered and no man should ever be this cute.

"Jimin" Jungkook whispered, as if the name itself could answer all his prayers "Minnie"

Jimin's eyes finally looked up at his at the nickname, his cheeks flushing before he let out a cute shy giggle. Jungkook was not gushing!

But it was almost odd, there was a connection neither of the two have ever felt before with any other human being. The way Jungkook couldn't look away from Jimin, into his welcoming soft brown eyes. Jungkook was normally bad with eye contact, but there was something about Jimin that made him want to give him the world.

"I was wondering, if you're not too busy, would you like to go get lunch with me after class?" Jungkook was internally screaming because where the hell was this confidence coming from? But there was no way he was gonna let this one go.

"I-I...Yes, yes i would like that" Jimin nodded with a bashful smile, and Jungkook had to see that smile again.

Maybe this class wouldn't be so bad after all.