Chapter 6: You Make Me Begin Part 2


Continuation of how Jungkook and Jimin met and how they began everything

*special guest appearance*



This is the longest chapter yet, and because it's so long there is going to be a part 3. Which will be the last part on how Jungkook and Jimin met.

Thank you Amy and Sachiyo for your hard work!

P.s. Requests are still open, so please please please send me your requests. You can request anything with Daddy Kook and Baby Jiminie ~

Chapter 6

"I don't understand what you're so afraid of, I'm sure he will understand"

"You don't get it Tae, I don't want him to think that i'm...weird"

Taehyung looked at his friend like he was from another world, he's been doing that a lot recently, "First of all, you are weird"


"Second of all, this is Jimin we are talking about. Probably the world's most understanding person."

Jungkook paused at that, Taehyung did have a point. He and Jimin have been dating for a little over 6 months now and honestly Jungkook can't remember a time he's been so happy. Jimin was all things kind and sweet, and always ready to give a comforting hand.

"But...what if I scare him away?" Jungkook whispered sullenly, looking down at his feet. He looked back up to his friend when he felt a hand rest on his shoulder.

Taehyung's hand squeezed reassuringly before he spoke "Jungkook, considering how in love Jimin is with you it would probably take a lot to scare him away" Jungkook gave a little happy chuckle at that "Look...I can't tell you for sure what will happen, but I doubt it will be anything bad. The worse that could happen is that he doesn't want to explore it and you just leave it at that."

"How did you tell Yoongi Hyung?" Jungkook questioned

Taehyung let his hand drop before he shrugged "I don't know, I just kind of...told him how it is. Told him how I felt and what I wanted, y'know?"

Jungkook looked back down in thought before looking back at his friend "So...just tell him how it is?"

"Exactly!" Taehyung jumped up from the bed "I better get going, Hyung is waiting on me. Besides, you have company coming over" Taehyung said as he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

Jungkook's face turned beet red before he got up and started pushing Taehyung out the room "Oh my God just get out already!"

Taehyung laughed as they made their way through the apartment to the front door, bending down to put on his shoes before leaving out through the door "Later coconut head, don't do anything I would do" he shouted embarrassingly loud over his shoulder.

Jungkook groaned in despair as he closed the door, rethinking his choices of best friends.

Jungkook made his way to the kitchen, taking out a carton of orange juice and pouring himself some in a cup when he heard someone else enter the kitchen.

He turned around to see his roommate, Yugyeom, walking towards the fridge next to him. Yugyeom occupies one of the other rooms, When Jungkook first moved here he was a bit apprehensive with sharing an apartment with strangers. But as time went on he and Yugyeom became great friends, them being the same age helped.

"Hey Jungkook" Yugyeom mumbled, he looks as if he just woken up.

"Hey, I didn't even know you were here" Jungkook replied before he downed his OJ

"Yeah but I'm sure the whole neighborhood knew Taehyung was here" Yugyeom chuckled

Jungkook let out a suffering groan "Tell me about it, sorry if he woke you up" he rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment

Yugyeom just waved him off dismissively "Nah it's ok, I needed to get up anyways. Dance practice soon"

They spoke a little more in the kitchen, asking how school was going for one another and catching up on some gossip. Jungkook would never admit he was quite the gossip queen. Even though he and Yugyeom go to different schools he met his friends before, Yugyeom bringing them over from time to time. Soon Yugyeom left to go get ready for his dance class, leaving Jungkook alone in the kitchen. He busied himself with cutting up fruit and putting the pieces in a bowl, then he opened up the cupboard and took out a bag of popcorn. Leaving it aside, ready to put it in the microwave when needed.

The paused at the sound of the doorbell, butterflies in his tummy knowing exactly who it is.

He tried not to run like crazy to reach the door, keyword 'tried'

He paused with his hand on the door handle, trying to get his breathing together before he opened the door.

The first thing that greeted him was that breathtaking smile, crooked front tooth on show. Rounded cheeks that caused beautiful brown eyes to squint from smiling so hard. Fluffy orange dyed locks that reflected the walkways light, creating the image of a halo. Like an angel, Jungkook's angel.

"Kookie!" Jungkook soon had his arms full of said angel, arms wrapped tightly around him. He smiled and returned the hug just as tightly after closing back the door.

"Hey Minnie" Jimin lifted his head to look up at him, they smiled lovingly at each other before Jimin raised on his tiptoes to give him a soft kiss. Jungkook readily returning the kiss

"I missed you" Jimin whispered on his lips

"Missed you too" Jungkook whispered back, kissing him on his soft lips again

He lead them towards his bedroom. Jimin hopped up on the bed while Jungkook walked over to his small desk and took up his laptop, bringing it to the bed and sitting beside Jimin "So what are we watching?"

"I heard they finally put Kung fu panda 3 on netflix"

Jungkook couldn't help but laugh "Seriously Hyung?"

"What?" Jimin pouted, looking dangerously cute "Kung fu panda is awesome"

Jungkook chuckled "Sure whatever you want hyung, i'll go get the popcorn" he kissed Jimin's temple before leaving to do said task. Once he reached the kitchen he popped the bag of popcorn into the microwave, then went to the fridge to take out a bottle of soda. He made his way back to the bedroom when the popcorn was done, only to pause at the doorway at the sight of his boyfriend with his blanket wrapped around him, only his face showing. He was too cute for his own good.

When Jimin took notice of him he smiled and lifted one side of the blanket up in invitation. Returning the smile, Jungkook made his way over to the bed, placing the soda on the floor beside the bed and the bag of popcorn in front of them. He started the movie before snuggling with Jimin in the blankets, Jimin's head resting on his shoulder as they watched the movie.

At one point Jungkook's attention strayed away from the movie as he remembered the conversation he and Taehyung had earlier. He turned his head to look at Jimin, who was quite immersed in the movie, thinking of a way he could bring it up him. Soon Jimin eyes turned to meet his, obviously feeling Jungkook staring at him

"You ok Kookie? We can watch a different movie if you want?" Jimin asked, small frown on his face

Jungkook shook his head "No it's not the movie, I um..wanted to talk to you about something"

Jimin didn't say anything as he looked at him, trying to figure out if something was wrong, before he paused the movie then looked back at Jungkook "What is it?"

Jungkook felt himself get nervous, scenarios of how wrong this could go running through his mind, Jimin's rejection of him being his biggest fear, but he needed to get this off his chest.

He turned his body to fully face his boyfriend, Jimin doing the same after, as he took Jimin's hands in his own. He took comfort in admiring his cute chubby fingers, running his thumbs gently over the knuckles. Jimin didn't like how small his hands were but Jungkook thought they were perfect.

"Minnie...there's something I wanted to share with you for a while now, but I was kinda...scared of what you would think? Of what you would say. But I need to get it off my chest"

Now Jimin looked really worried, Jungkook didn't like that look. Jimin should always be smiling, his face full of joy, and Jungkook wanted to be the reason he smiled. Wanted to be there for him and take care of him, to love him and hug and kiss him. To be his safety net, his pillar of strength when he needed him. Jimin deserved the moon and the stars, and Jungkook wanted to be the person to give it and more to him.

"Jungkook?" Jimin whispered worriedly, no Jungkook didn't like that look at all.

He cradled Jimin's face in his hands, leaning forward to place a kiss on his forehead before he spoke "I...I want you to call me Daddy"

He expect the look of surprise that Jimin was currently giving him. But he was also expecting the look of disgust, but it never came.

"It's…" Jungkook paused, trying to formulate his words "It's a little bit more than that...Ok it's a lot more than that. It's called a DDlb relationship." Jungkook's cheeks starting turning red at this point "I found out about it over the internet, through Tumblr I think, before I did a little more research about it. Not long after I found out my friend was actually into that stuff "Jungkook wasn't sure he should let Jimin know he was referring to Taehyung just yet. "He and his boyfriend are in that kind of relationship. He told me a lot about it and I found that I really like it. Basically, one person is the dominant caregiver and the other is the childlike submissive. It's one form of a BDSM relationship." Jungkook was breathless at this point, cheeks burning and unable to look up at Jimin's eyes.

The silence was almost deafening and Jungkook wished he could look up at Jimin to see what he was thinking, but he was scared to see the look on his face. Would it be a look of disgust? Anger? Disappointment? Would he never want to speak to him again? Would he break up-

Jungkook's train of thought stopped when he felt fingertips gently caress his cheek, down to his chin before the index finger gently lifted his head up. Forcing him to make eye contact with Jimin.

Jimin was looking deep into his eyes, as if trying to understand something, to understand him. "So...are you saying" Jimin looked aside, trying to gather his words before looking back at Jungkook "are you saying that you want to...try that?"

Jungkook was definitely not expecting this, he honestly doesn't know what he was expecting, but it wasn't this. The fact that Jimin was willing to talk to him about this was enough, more than enough.

"Yes, obviously after talking about it first but...yes"

Jimin nodded, soft smile in place and gosh Jungkook felt so lucky to have him.

"Sure, after we talk about it first. I love you"

And the love was so visible in Jimin's eyes that it was almost overwhelming. Jungkook doesn't know what good deed he did in his past life to deserve Jimin, but he's glad he did it.

"I love you too"