Chapter 7: You Make Me Begin Part 3


Final part of 'You Make Me Begin'

Jimin let out a huff as he placed the last box on the floor, hands on his hips as he tried to catch his breathe. He looked around the living room, proud smile on his face. The place wasn't in the order he wanted yet, but it was still progress. He did a lot of unpacking today and there was only one box left. Who knew moving would be this much work.

But to Jimin it was worth it. Not only because he finally has a place to call his own.

This was their home.

It's not the most lavish of apartments, not even close, but with a little TLC Jimin was positive it would be fine. After talking about it, he and Jungkook decided that they should move in together and find their own place. After being together for a little over a year, it was the start of a new chapter in their lives.

Jimin picked up the box and carried it across the room to where their small bookcase stood, the shelves were lined up with textbooks. He bent to open the box that was filled with even more textbooks, they should really sell the ones they don't need anymore.

After fixing the bookcase in the order he found acceptable, he decided he should make a start on dinner. He was feeling kimchi fried rice today.

Jimin made his way to the kitchen, washing his hands and putting on his pink apron, the one that Jungkook tried so hard not to laugh at but Jimin thought it was cute, thank you very much.

He put Pandora on through his phone as he started cooking, humming along to the music and swaying his hips to the beat. He was so into it that he didn't hear the sound of the front door and someone walking into the kitchen.

"I could get used to coming home to this."

Jimin whipped around, hand on his chest and eyes wide, "Jungkook!" he let out a huff "You scared the life out of me!"

Jungkook was leaning on the door way, smirk in place as he chuckled. "Sorry love" he apologized, not sorry at all.

He walked over to the older who turned his attention back to the stove, wrapping his arms around his waist and resting his head on his shoulder. They stayed like that while Jimin cooked, both swaying and humming along to the music still playing. Jungkook occasionally kissing up the older's neck, Jimin giggling as he shied away from the ticklish feeling.

Once the food was done, Jimin started dishing it out, pausing the music as he did so. He grabbed a few side dishes out the fridge before joining Jungkook in the living room. They had a small low table with a few cushions. They didn't own a couch yet, but they were working on it. They made comfortable conversation as they ate, Jungkook talking about his day at college and all the assignments he needed to work on. Jungkook had classes 6 days a week, leaving him with only Sunday off. Jimin only had 4 days of classes a week, but they both worked part time jobs. It was stressful at times, sometimes it was just too much, but Jimin realized that after having Jungkook in his life right by his side, they could accomplish anything. Being able to get their own place was proof of that.

Jungkook looked around, noticing the lack of packed boxes he was sure was there when he left this morning. "You unpacked all the boxes?"

Jimin looked up, proud smile on his face, "Yup!"

Jungkook smiled "Good job baby."

Jimin's smiled turned shy, blushing at the praise, a feeling fluttering in his chest he couldn't explain.

"Oh! I bought something for you." Jungkook stuffed the last bit of rice in his mouth before jumping up and bringing over his backpack he left at the door. He sat back down beside Jimin, opening the bag to pull out something.

Jimin couldn't help let out a surprised gasp at the item in Jungkook's hand. It was a small brown teddy bear, with a cute red bow around one ear. Jimin thought it was adorable. Once Jungkook passed the teddy to him he couldn't help but hug it to his chest, blushing as he did so. "I love it."

Jungkook chuckled as he watched his adorable boyfriend, "You're welcome." He dug around in his bag again before pulling out something else.

Jimin watched carefully as Jungkook placed 3 coloring books on the table, a pack of crayons following soon after. They were children coloring books. Jimin tried to digest that.

" this ok?" Jimin's attention was brought back to Jungkook, who was watching his reaction carefully.

After that time in Jungkook's room, they spoke about this from time to time. They researched together, had conversations to understand each other. Jungkook told him how he felt, the things he wanted and was curious about. At the time Jimin was hesitant, but they communicated and worked together, and soon Jimin found he was able to open up and talk about it. He remembered when they searched up 'Things for littles' and Jimin was honestly surprised at the amount of results that came up. Websites and blogs after blogs. Knowing that there was so many people with the same interest comforted Jimin. 'Coloring' seemed to be a favorite among littles, and Jimin had said he wanted to try.

He ran his fingers gently over the coloring books, one was a book of 'Zoo Animals', he couldn't explain the almost giddy feeling he was feeling.

"Y-yes...this is fine."

"Ok" Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck, looking nervous suddenly "I err, I got you one more thing."

Jungkook was once again in his bag, he hesitated for a second before he sighed and pulled out the item.

Jimin's eyes widened as he took in what was in Jungkook's hand, lost for words. It was a baby blue pacifier, still in its packaging, with little white stars on it.

"It's ok if you don't want it. I just saw it and kind of...thought of you? I don't know it was a stupid idea I'm sorry." Jungkook stumbled over his words as he was about to put away the pacifier.

"Wait!" Jimin grabbed on his wrist, Jungkook looked up at him stunned.

"I…" Jimin let go of Jungkook's wrist, slowly taking the pacifier from his grasp, "I, I want it...thank you."

Jungkook was still silent as his stared at him, but soon his features soften into something soft, smiling fondly, "Ok. Do you want anything else?"

Jimin blushed "No, this is fine for now." He couldn't help but fidget nervously.

Jungkook shuffled forward, encasing Jimin in his arms and pulling him close, "Hey, hey, it's ok to like these things hyung. I want to make you happy...I want to take care of you."

Jungkook never meant something more than he did with that statement, he really did want to take care of Jimin.

"I know you're still not entirely comfortable with..this yet." Jungkook continued, "But that's ok, I'm nervous too. But we'll work it out, together."

Jimin nodded as he nuzzled into the younger's chest. Jungkook was right. They will work it out, together.

"I love you little one." It slipped out so naturally that Jungkook didn't realize what he said. He kissed the crown of Jimin's head, unaware of his beet red face.

The feeling was almost too much, being in his boyfriend's arms, he felt so protected. So, so...Little.

"I love you too...Daddy."