Chapter 8: Christmas Special


Request: could write smth of daddy jungkook buying jimin lace baby doll outfits (lace socks, pink lace baby doll pajamas) bc jimin looks soo good in lace, his milky skin helps compliment the beautiful lace!

Chapter 8

Jimin squealed in a fit of giggles as he was lifted off the ground by arms around his waist, before placing the angel on top of the tree.

He was gently placed back down, though the arms didn't move from his waist.

"It's so pretty Daddy" Jimin giggled, eyes sparkling as he looked at their Christmas tree, red and green lights flashing. The tree also had an assortment of colorful balls and ornaments, including a few candy canes. On top of the tree was a sparkling white angel, gold and white ribbons flowing down from around the angel.

"Very baby" Jungkook kissed his temple, gently squeezing Jimin closer to him.

Jimin found he couldn't stop giggling, heart content in such a joyful mood. They were meant to put the tree up a few days ago, but was too busy with finals and working extra shifts. At least they got to put it up on Christmas day.

Soft music played in the background, Dean - half moon, they slightly swayed to the beat. Jungkook's melodic voice singing along to the words, creating a peaceful atmosphere.

Jimin felt happiness thrumming through his whole body, wide smile bunching up his cheeks. He cherished these moments. Just him and Jungkook without a worry in the world, wrapped up in each other's love.

"Wanna open up presents now baby boy?" Jungkook inquired.

Jimin nodded, excited at the thoughts of presents. They walked over to the coffee table, where the presents were placed.

There was a total of 4 presents, in different shapes and sizes.

"Daddy, you open yours first!" Jimin excitedly pushed his presents for his boyfriend towards him.

One present was a small square box, the other a much larger rectangular box. Both wrapped up in pretty blue and white wrapping paper.

"You really didn't have to get my anything sweetheart." Jungkook chuckled as he took hold of the presents.

"Don't be silly Daddy! Of course Jiminie got Daddy presents!" Jimin waved his hands frantically, pout in place. How could he not get Jungkook something? He loved Jungkook.

"Ok, Ok baby." Jungkook smiled, starting with the larger box. He'd be lying to himself if he said he wasn't curious. He started tearing off the paper, chuckling at Jimin as he was practically fidgeting with excitement.

Once the paper was removed he recognized the symbol on the shoe box immediately. He opened the box to see a pair of white Timberland boots, with white and gold laces, the pair he's wanted for a while.

" I don't know what to say." He looked up and Jimin, who was returning a fond look of his own.

"Open the next one Daddy!"

Jungkook took hold of the smaller present, slowly unwrapping it, he was already choked up by the first present. But he certainly didn't expected to see a black box with the words 'Emporio Armani' on it. He opened it to see a sleek black and rose gold watch.

"Do you like it Daddy?" Jungkook looked up at Jimin to see a hopeful look on his face.

"Baby, I love it. Seriously, wow. Thank you so much." Jungkook stretched over the table, Jimin meeting him halfway, and gave his a soft kiss. He then put on the watch, staring at it with amazement. He looked up at Jimin who was watching him fondly, returning the smile. He slid the remaining presents towards the older. "Your turn baby."

Jimin squealed in excitement, clapping his hands, before taking the presents given to him. The shapes were much like the ones he got Jungkook, though the rectangular one was more flat. He started with the larger one first, coming face to face with a 'Victoria's secret' box. He gave a quick look to his boyfriend before opening the box, only to discover pink lace inside. With shaky hands, Jimin took it out of the box to reveal a pink babydoll, with a satin ribbon tied just under the chest area. Below the ribbon, the skirt of babydoll was pleated and flowed freely. But that wasn't all, inside the box was matching lace panties and socks. Jimin's entire face burned red.

"Do you like it baby?" Jungkook smirked, Jimin nodded, lost for words.

He hugged the dress to his chest, "C-can...can Daddy h-help Minnie put it on?" he nuzzled his face into the dress to hide his embarrassment.

He helped Jimin out of his clothes and into the dress. Sliding the pink panties slowly up his milky thighs, leaving kiss after kiss on his thighs as the material inched further up. He then put on the lace socks on each of Jimin's tiny feet. He watched as Jimin ran his hands over the material, face still burning. Jungkook could honestly die a happy man, the dress complimented Jimin's skin so well. How could Jungkook not touch?

Hands glided up thick milky thighs, before grabbing firmly onto a round soft cheeks. Jungkook smirking when Jimin let out a whimper. "You look so pretty baby" he whispered before meeting lips with Jimin, the kiss soon turning heated. Tongues tasting one another, Jungkook had one arm around his waist, the other still on his ass, holding him in place. Jimin moaned softly into the kiss, throwing his arms around Jungkook's neck. But before things could go any further, Jungkook pulled away, chuckling at Jimin's put out pout.

"Can't forget your other present baby." He picked up the small present from the table, passing it to Jimin. Jimin started unwrapping it, with slightly uncoordinated hands, but eventually got it open, to see a jewelry box. He opened the box and gasped at what he saw.

A pair of diamond earrings, a round diamond haloed in more diamonds, set in sterling silver frames. The earrings have a total diamond weight of 1/2 carat.

"Daddy...It's so pretty!" tears welled up in Jimin's eyes.

"Let's put them on baby." Jungkook took the box from him, putting the earrings in each ear. They sparkled as the light hit them.

The earrings paired up with the pink lace dress made Jimin look so breathtaking.

"Look at my princess" he kissed Jimin's rosy cheeks "you look so beautiful."

Jimin smiled bashfully. "Thank you, Daddy."

"You're welcome little one. Now" he lifted up Jimin, who yelped at the sudden movement, automatically wrapping his legs around the younger's waist,"Where were we?" he smirked, then gave Jimin a soft kiss that soon turned heated, walking towards their bedroom.

It was going to be a Merry Christmas indeed.