: Chapter 9


Request: Can you please do another chapter when Jimin's in deep headspace again? I just find it so adorable! Maybe he goes deep because he accidently watches a scary movie or something?

Chapter 9

Jungkook groaned, for probably the 5th time now, as the girl on the screen ran towards the sound of danger. Like seriously? Aren't you supposed to run away from murderers?

The screams of the girl echoed throughout the living room as she was caught by the murderer, impaling her with the ridiculously big knife. Jungkook yawned as he watched on, these 'scary' movies were anything but scary these days.

"Kookie, what are you watching?" Jungkook looked up to see his boyfriend walking towards him, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes from his nap.

He changed the channel "Nothing hyung"

Jimin sat down next to his boyfriend, head resting on his shoulder. "Why'd you change it?"

'It was a horror movie hyung, don't worry about it" Jimin wasn't very good with handling scary movies, and Jungkook didn't want the older to get scared. "It was boring anyways. I'm gonna go shower" He stretched up towards the ceiling with a loud groan "I'll be right back" he kissed Jimin on the temple before getting up to leave.

Jimin was about to grab the remote when Jungkook stopped him "Hyung. Do not watch any scary movies" he said firmly.

Jimin pouted "Why not?" not realising his bratty tone.

"Because Hyung, you will get scared" Jungkook sighed, one eyebrow raised. Which Jimin thinks is ridiculous because he was born in Busan first!

"I will not! I'm a big boy" Jimin huffed as he crossed his arms.

"Jimin I'm serious. Do not watch any scary movies" Jungkook said, giving Jimin another pointed look before leaving to the bathroom.

Jimin stuck out his tongue where the younger was before he left, making a grab for the remote. He was going to find something else to watch, when a thought came to him. 'I'm a big boy, I can watch scary movies!' With that final thought, Jimin changed the channel until he found the movie Jungkook was watching earlier.

The scene was of a little boy, walking around in the dark silent house, calling out for his 'Mommy' and 'Daddy'. The music picked up, creating an eerie atmosphere. Jimin didn't realize how tight he was holding onto the couch arm, his heart racing as the boy walked down into the basement. Jimin jumped when the murderer appeared in the background, unbeknownst to the little boy, before disappearing again. The music stopped, Jimin tensed as the boy was about to turn another corner, only for the music to begin again loudly as the little boy was grabbed by the murderer. The little boy screamed, the murderer bringing up his knife before swinging it down. But Jimin quickly closed his eyes before he could see anything else, screaming out loud without realizing.

Soon running footsteps could be heard, before a dripping wet Jungkook with a towel around his waist stood in the doorway, eyes wide and heart racing. He took in Jimin who was curled up on the couch, fat tears rolling down his cheeks as he cried out 'Daddy'.

Before he knew it, he was stepping across the room and kneeling in front of the older, cradling him in his arms. "Shh, shh. It's okay Daddy's here. I'm here now baby it's okay" Jungkook whispered in his ear. Rubbing soothing circles on his back, rocking them back and forth until Jimin's crying quieted down.

"Minnie s-sorry Daddy" Jimin mumbled in the younger's chest.

Jungkook gently cradled Jimin's face in his hands, bringing his face to meet his. "What happened sweetpea?"

Jungkook watched as the boy's face crumbled, tears once again trailing down his face as he let out a sob. "Daddy s-said not t-to watch the scary movie, b-but Jimin still watched i-it and Jimin got scared. Jimin s-sorry Daddy. Jimin don't want to be a big boy anymore!"

Jungkook sighed as he hugged the little to his chest, kissing the crown of his head. He then picked him up, carrying him to the bedroom to lay on the bed, kissing his cheek before moving to the closet to find clothes. He quickly dried himself then got dressed, after that he walked back to the bed, moving Jimin onto his lap to face him.

"Jimin, baby. Daddy told you not watch that movie, because you'll get scared right?" Jimin sullenly nodded "It's ok baby, you've learned your lesson." He gave Jimin a gentle kiss. "You don't have to be a big boy when you don't want to baby. You can be as little as you want to be. Daddy will always look after you."

Jimin looked into Jungkook's eyes, seeing nothing but love and trust. He whimpered, "As l-little as I want to be?"

"As little" he kissed Jimin "As you want to be."

Tears started falling down Jimin's face, though he couldn't understand why he was crying. He tried to talk but could only let out incoherent babbles. He looked at Jungkook in panic but saw the calm in his boyfriends eyes, who cradled him to his chest and started to rock them back and forth.

"It's ok little one, Daddy's got you." Jimin calmed at the words, letting the fuzziness in his mind take over. It was quite comforting.

"Aww look at you precious, you're so little aren't you?" Jungkook nuzzled their noses together, giving an eskimo kiss, heart warming at the giggle Jimin let out. Running his hands through Jimin's hair, then down his face, over his lips. He smiled lovingly as Jimin took his finger in his mouth, suckling gently. "I know just want you need baby boy." He put Jimin in a more comfortable position in arms, like how one would cradle a baby, before bending down slightly to pull out a box from under their bed, one arm holding onto jimin firmly.

He pulled out a teething ring from the box, Jimin's special box, they used many items from it before, but the teething ring was one they had yet to try. It was baby blue in color, orajel filled. He brought the ring up to Jimin's mouth, who hesitantly took it, chewing on it shyly.

"It's ok little one, you can enjoy it." Jungkook kissed his nose.

Jimin brought a small chubby hand up to take the ring, chewing on it more confidently as Jungkook encouraged him. Soon he found himself taking joy in the chew toy, mind blissfully fuzzy as he fell deeper into headspace, Jungkook holding him through it.

"Come on baby love, let's go watch something little boys like you should be watching." He lifted Jimin, carrying him back into the living room, chuckling at the cute gurgles Jimin let out.