Chapter 11: Too little to handle

The sound of the door slamming, echoed throughout the apartment. Jimin huffed out a tired sigh as he kicked off his shoes. Today was just awful.

First of all, he overslept, meaning he was late to class and had to get the notes from a classmate. Jungkook already left by the time Jimin woke up. Jimin stayed up all night the night before to complete his assignments, getting little sleep that night. College has been quite demanding these past couple of weeks, especially since finals are coming up.

Jimin stomped towards the bedroom, throwing off his clothes, he opened the closet, searching through the clothes until he found what he was looking for. Jimin nuzzled the panda onesie, letting it calm him a little, before slipping it on. It didn't feel the same without Daddy putting it on him. Jimin felt his mood sour again.

He walked over to the bed, kneeling on the ground, and pulled out a box from under the bed. The box was full of his play toys, with a few coloring books. He took up the box and carried it out to the living room. Jimin hesitated before he dumped the entirety of the box on the floor, Jungkook didn't like messes, but Jimin couldn't bring himself to care at the moment.

Half an hour later, the sound of keys jingling through the door could be heard, soon Jungkook was stepping into the room, work clothes on. He took in the sight of Jimin on the floor, toys everywhere around him. He was kinda surprised the older didn't run up to greet him like he usually would.

"Hey angel" he walked to Jimin, bending to kiss him on the forehead. "What's this mess about? Did you finish your homework before taking out your toys?"

Jimin shook his head 'no'. Jungkook's lips thinned in a slight frown. "Well, you know the rules baby. Homework first, play later. Go get your homework and Daddy will help you after he gets changed."

Jungkook straightened up, making his way out the room towards the bedroom, but stopped at the sound of Jimin's voice.


Jungkook turned around to look at the older, surprised, "Excuse you?"

Jimin huffed out a sigh "Jimin don't want to do no more homework. Jimin hate doing homework."

"Jimin. You know you have to-"

"No!" Jimin kicked out his legs in a tantrum "Jimin don't do no homework!"

Jungkook watched as Jimin threw himself on his stomach, arms and legs kicking at the ground. Jimin has never thrown a tantrum before, in fact, this is the first time Jimin spoken back to him. Jungkook took a minute to steel himself, before crossing his arms and raised a brow, unimpressed.

"Park Jimin. This is your last warning, go and do your homework."

Jimin stopped at the sound of his full name being said, lips trembling, then he sat up and turned his head away from Jungkook, letting out a 'Hmp!', refusing to budge.

Jungkook frowned. "Fine. You want to act like a bad boy, you'll get treated like a bad boy." with that Jungkook took steady steps towards the older. Jimin's faced crumbled as Jungkook neared him. Jungkook grabbed hold to his wrist and pulled him up to his feet, walking them over to the couch before sitting down, draping him other over his knee.

Tears welled up in Jimin's eyes as he realized what position he was in. "N-no Daddy! No spankies, Minnie s-sorry!"

"Tough" Jungkook held him down with an arm across his back. "Daddy warned you and you didn't listen. Daddy is going to give you 10 spanks, then you are going to sit in time out and think about what you did. Then you are doing your homework."

Jungkook rubbed soothing circles on Jimin's clad butt, giving warning that the punishment was about to start. Jimin's body jerked at the first strike, tears now falling down his cheeks. He started sobbing out apologies when the next strikes came down, by the last two hits Jimin was full blown crying.

Jungkook rubbed his sore bottom gently. "Good boy" he said, before lifting him up so he was sitting in his lap, Jimin whimpering in his chest. He kissed his temple before standing up, carrying the boy to the bedroom.

Once in the room, he walked over to a corner, gently placing Jimin down. "Now, you're going to face the wall and stay here for 3 minutes. Then Daddy will come back and get you and I expect an apology."

Jungkook's heart broke at the look of Jimin's face, tears still making their way down cheeks, eyes red and puffy, bottom lip trembling. But Jimin needs this, he needed a few minutes to himself to calm down. So, with that in thought, he gently encouraged Jimin to turn to face the wall, running his fingers through his hair before moving away. He tried not to let the little sobs get to him, changing out of his work clothes into a simple white tee and cargo shorts. He looked at the time on his phone, it's nearly been 2 minutes. He made his way to the bathroom, grabbing a small cloth and damping it with warm water. He timed the remaining minutes before walking back to the bedroom.

Before he could even say anything as he sat beside the little, he found himself with an armful of sobbing Jimin. "Minnie so-sorry Daddy!"

Jungkook cradled the other to him, rubbing his back "Sh, sh it's ok baby. Daddy forgives you. You're such a good boy. What had my baby really upset huh? You never throw tantrums. Is school stressing you out my love?"

Jungkook peered down at Jimin's face as he got a slight nod in response, the older's puffy eyes drooping tiredly. Now that Jungkook payed attention, he could see bags under the boy's eyes, from obvious lack of sleep and most likely stress. Jungkook's face saddened at the sight, he used the warm cloth to wipe Jimin's face clean.

"Aww my prince. When you're feeling down sweetie you have to tell Daddy, that way Daddy can make it all better. No throwing tantrums and talking back. Ok baby love?"

"Yes Daddy, sowy Daddy" Jimin's words slurred tiredly, clinging onto Jungkook tightly. Jungkook cooed at him.

"That's ok baby. Let's go take a well deserved nap." He carried Jimin bridal style towards the bed, tucking him in, thinking the homework could wait a little longer. He took up Jimin's pacifier, placing it in the little's mouth who suckled on it contently, before hopping into bed himself. He rested Jimin's head on his chest, kissing the crown of his head, before snuggling them under the blankets together.