Chapter 12

Jimin was so excited, he had it all planned out. He grabbed his coloring books and crayons, a few of his toy cars and dolls, and skipped into the livingroom. He placed the coloring books and crayons on the table, the toys on the floor. Today he planned for him and Daddy to play all day, now that he has his toys, he just needs to find Daddy.

Jimin looked around the apartment, in the bedroom, bathroom, down the hallway, still no Daddy.

He was about to full on pout when he heard the deep voice of his boyfriend coming from the kitchen, of course the kitchen!

Jimin happily skipped into the kitchen, watching as Jungkook spooned rice into two bowls and cradling his phone between his shoulder and ear. Jungkook noticed Jimin and smiled at him, ushering him over, Jimin skipped merrily to him. Jungkook embraced Jimin, the older smiling brightly up at him. He kissed Jimin on the forehead before continuing speaking on the phone.

"Ok Wendy, see you soon."

Jimin's smile faltered slightly, Wendy?

Jungkook hung up the phone then looked back down at Jimin. "Ready to eat little one?"

Jimin nodded absently, walking towards the table and sat down, Jungkook bringing over the cooked meat and rice. As Jungkook started feeding Jimin his food, Jimin felt himself slip further into his headspace.

"Prince" Jungkook grabbed his attention as he fed him another spoon of rice. "A friend of Daddy's is coming over today. We are gonna work on a project together, so you need to be on your best behavior ok?"

Jimin pouted "B-but Daddy, I wanted us to play!"

Jungkook chuckled as he kissed the littles pouty lips. "We can play later baby." then Jungkook's lips thinned nervously "But, that also means no calling me 'Daddy' when the nice lady gets here."

"But why!?" Jimin whined, lip trembling.

"Daddy doesn't want my baby to get hurt, that's why. I promise baby when Wendy leaves, Daddy will play with you." Jungkook gently stroked the side of Jimin's face, smiling when the other nuzzled into his touch.

Jungkook finished feeding them, moving to place the dishes in the sink to wash up later. "Ok my angel, let's get you dressed."

"But I like what I'm wearing." Jimin was just full of pouts today. Jimin had on a white onsie that clipped at the crotch, little green dinosaurs printed on it.

Jungkook smiled sadly "Daddy knows angel, but Wendy won't understand, and I don't want my baby to get hurt. Now come along." Jungkook stuck his hand out, which Jimin took as he stood up. Jungkook guided them to the bedroom, sitting Jimin on the bed who nuzzled with his giant teddy 'Seagull'.

Jungkook took out a simple black shirt and sweatpants, turning back to the older with the clothes. "Tell you what baby, you can keep on the onesie, but you'll wear these over it."

Jimin perked up at that, nodding his agreement, happy he could keep on the onesie. Jungkook dressed him, humming a tune as he did so.

Once that was done the two made their way to the living room, but Jungkook paused at the sight of toys all over the floor.

"Baby boy, we gotta clean up."

Jimin whined.

"Now now, none of that. I promised we'll play later didn't I? Now clean up."

Jimin continued to whine but moved to do what he was told. He picked up his toys and coloring books, crayons following afterwards. He watched as Jungkook took them from him, walking out with them to put them back in the toy box. Jimin felt himself pout fiercely, this Wendy person was ruining his plans.

Jungkook came back in the room, he was about to say something but then the sound of the doorbell stopped him. Jungkook looked back at him.

"Remember the rules baby, no little toys in front of guests, and no saying 'Daddy'. But if you need me come and get me ok?"

"Yes Daddy" Jimin sighed.

Jungkook ruffled his hair before moving to the door.

Jimin followed Jungkook, standing behind him, clinging to the back of Jungkook's shirt. He was curious to see who this Wendy was.

But Jimin almost regretted it once the door was open to reveal said person.

Wendy was pretty, to say the least, she had long wavy black hair with blue highlights, stopping just at her shoulders. Sparkling earrings dangled by her face, her complexion was pale but her cheeks were rosy red. Her eyes were a dark shade but stood out, and her thin lips stretched out in a cute little smile.

"Jungkook!" she giggled as she embraced Jungkook, Jimin reluctantly letting go of his shirt, he felt something bubble in his gut.

"Hey Wendy" Jungkook smiled friendly "glad you could make it."

Wendy's eyes shifted to Jimin when she took notice of him, smile still in place.

"Hey, you must be Jimin!" she waved excitedly at him "Jungkook talks a lot about you."

Jimin looked at Jungkook quickly, before looking back at Wendy. He gave a little wave back, smile not quite reaching his eyes. If Wendy notices his lack of enthusiasm, she doesn't comment on it.

Soon Jungkook guides Wendy to the kitchen, the table they have there more appropriate to study. Jimin follows them but doesn't sit with them, fidgeting awkwardly as he stood there, not knowing what to do with himself.

"You wanna sit with us babe?"

Jimin looked over to see Jungkook smiling encouragingly at him, then he looked at Wendy who was also smiling at him. For some reason that made him uncomfortable.

He shook his head, no.

"Ok...if you're sure hun" Jungkook smile thinned, but his eyes still showed encouragement.

"So I was thinking…" Soon Jungkook's attention was grabbed by Wendy, Jimin felt himself frown. He wasn't used to not having Jungkook's attention.

He decided to pour himself some juice, so with that thought he walked to the fridge, taking out the juice carton. He took up one of the plastic cups, he wasn't aloud to hold any glass when he was little, and started pouring the juice.

He gasped softly when he spilled some onto the counter, he turned to Jungkook ready to ask for help, but paused when as he watched him talk animatedly with Wendy.

Jimin turned back around, pout once again in full swing. He grabbed a piece paper towel, wiping at the spilt juice, though he struggled to clean it properly. He put the carton back in the fridge, throwing the soiled paper towel in the bin.

The sound of Jungkook laughing grabbed his attention, Wendy giggling along with him. Jimin felt that weird bubbling sensation in his gut again as he watched them together, laughing together.

Jimin deemed he saw enough, storming off with his juice to the living room, oblivious to worried eyes trailing after him. He turned on the tv as he sat on the couch, putting it on cartoons. He was probably not supposed to watch cartoons right now but he couldn't find himself to care.

Jimin wasn't sure how much time went by when he heard the sound of Wendy's joyful voice telling Jungkook she'll see him at school, the sound of the door closing after that.

Jungkook stepped into the room soon after, amused smirk on his face "Is the little green eyed goblin gone?" he raised one brow.

Jimin gave him a confused look.

"I'm sure I saw him when I was talking to Wendy." Jungkook sat next to him on the couch.

Now Jimin was pouting "Daddy liked Wendy."

"That's because she's a friend." Jungkook moved Jimin onto his lap, smiling fondly as the boy nuzzled his chest.

"Daddy wasn't paying attention to Minnie." mumbled sadly.

"That's not true." he kissed Jimin's pouty lips "You always have Daddy's attention sweetpea."

"But…" Jimin eyes downcast "The lady was pretty..."

"Yeah she was pretty." Jungkook shrugged "But, my baby boy is beautiful." he gently tipped up Jimin's chin with his finger, bringing his eyes to meet his. "No one is as beautiful as you, you're my whole world baby." he kissed him lovingly. "You'll always be my number one."

Jimin blushed heavily at Jungkook's words, hiding his face in the other's chest as he let out a cute giggle. "Love you Daddy."

"I love you more little one." Jungkook kissed his rosy cheek. "Now, Didn't I promise that we could play once Wendy left?"

"Yay! Playtime!" Jungkook out right laughed as Jimin jumped out of his lap, running to go fetch his toys. "Jimin! No running in the house!"