Chapter 13: Heated

Jimin squirmed as Jungkook's heavy gaze on his body made him flush in embarrassment.

He stood in the middle of the room in nothing but long blue and white thigh high socks. A black collar with small spikes around his neck, cock ring around his slowly hardening cock.

Jungkook was a few feet in front of him, clad in only tight black leather pants and black leather boots. Looking like the epitome of a man in charge.

"Come here and greet your master properly." Jungkook pointed to the space in front of him. Smirk evident on his face, eyes hazy with dark desires.

Jimin's body quivered at the command as he fell to his knees, hands soon following. He crawled over to Jungkook, stopping to kneel at his feet.

Jungkook growled at the innocent look Jimin was giving him, eyes wide and searching, trusting. He felt something sinister lick within his chest, mind running wild with thoughts of the things he wanted to do to the other.

Jimin leaned down further to place a kiss on Jungkook's left boot, giving the right boot the same treatment after. The kisses soon travelled up Jungkook's leg, Jimin alternating giving kisses between each leg. Jungkook's body shivered as he felt soft lips through the material of his pants. Jimin slowed his pace as he neared the youngers crotch. He cradled the back of Jimin's head with hand, pressing his face against his clothed cock, humming deeply. Jimin's eyes fluttered, feeling the heat pressed against his nose and cheek, breathing in deeply and whimpering at the smell of leather.

Soon Jungkook's hand moved from his head, and Jimin continued leaving kiss after kiss up his abdomen, the muscles spasming under his lips. Jungkook groaned, Jimin still looking up at him with those wide innocent looking eyes, as if he didn't know what he was doing to Jungkook.

Jungkook firmly took hold of the other's chin between his thumb and finger, stopping Jimin as he reached just above his navel.


"Mercy" Jimin replied without hesitation .

"Good boy. Go kneel on the bed for me." Jungkook commanded as he toed off his boots.

Jimin moved to do as he told, hands and knees on the bed, back slightly arched. The bed dipped as Jungkook climbed up kneeling behind him, letting out a surprised gasp as Jungkook's middle finger ran down his spine, arching into the touch.

"So pretty for me" Jungkook's palmed softly at a butt cheek, taking a minute to admire Jimin's behind, because that ass is A1.

Jimin stuttered out a surprised yelp at the sudden sting on his cheek, the sound of the slap echoing in the room.

"Now, now baby. Can't have you making too much noise can we?" He rubbed soothingly on the reddening cheek "I know just how to fix that."

Jimin felt something being pressed against his lips, looking down to see the red ball gag. When had Jungkook picked that up?

"Open up sweetpea."

Jimin lips parted to let the gag through, whining as Jungkook fastened it firmly.

"There you go honey, now you can make all the noise you want and nobody will hear all the things I will do to you." Jungkook chuckled darkly.

Jimin's screams were muffled from the gag as Jungkook landed harsh slaps to his ass, cheeks quickly flushing a deep red, which Jungkook appreciated very much. Jimin's body squirmed after each blow, Jungkook holding him steady with one hand on his chest, tweaking his nipples from time to time. Jimin felt his mind go fuzzy from the sweet pain. He loved this, loved the feeling of Jungkook's big hands spanking his ass so hard it leaves marks and stings for days.

Jungkook gave one final blow before he rubbed soothing circles on the heated skin. "Such a good boy for Daddy." he gave a kiss at the base of his spine. "Took it so well baby." he mumbled on his skin, placing gentle kisses on Jimin's ass cheek before sinking his teeth in the soft flesh. Jimin cried out, head spinning from Jungkook's constant change from gentle to rough.

Jungkook spread his cheeks wide, watching the twitching hole, before he leaned down to give it a firm lick. Jimin moaned high pitched, squirming away from the sensation. Jungkook gave his thigh a sharp slap.

"Don't. Move."

Jimin whimpered in the sheets at the deep command, feeling his cock drip a little, but did as he was told.

Jungkook returned to licking against the puckered rim, making obscene noises as he stuck his tongue inside, fucking Jimin with his tongue. The muffled whimpers and whines he got like music to his ears.

"A-addy! Please!" Jimin hollered, words incoherent due to the gag. Jungkook gave one final lick before he pulled away.

"Please what baby? What do you want Daddy to do?" Jungkook stretched over to grab their bottle of lube under a pillow, opening it to coat his fingers. He circled the rim with his index before slowly inserting, Jimin's going ridged at the intrusion. "Is this what you wanted baby boy?"

Jimin whined as the finger rubbed against his inner walls, a second finger soon joining, stretching his hole open. He screamed as a jolt of pleasure ran up his spine down to his toes, the fingers prodding at his prostate. He couldn't take it anymore as a third finger joined, it just wasn't enough.

Jungkook unzipped his pants with his other hand, pulling out his erected cock, moaning as he gave himself a few pumps as he watched his fingers disappear in Jimin's ass. Soon he pulled out his fingers, lubing up his cock. He then leaned over to unstrap the gag and slowly pull it out from the others mouth, the ball drenched in saliva. He wanted to hear Jimin's broken cries, fuck the neighbours.

"You want Daddy's cock baby?" he rubbed the head of his cock against the hole. Jimin whimpered as he tried to push back on it. Jungkook pulled away completely from him.

"Beg me."

Jimin's face flushed, hands tightening in the sheets, he looked over his shoulder at Jungkook. "P-please Daddy. Please fuck Minnie's hole, I need it Daddy. Minnie needs Daddy's cock deep inside him! Please Daddy!"

Jungkook growled, moving back over to the other. "Good boy, such a good boy."

Jimin whined as the head of Jungkook's cock penetrated him, the slight burn almost too much. "S-so big" he gasped.

Jungkook paused for a second to let the older get used to his size. He placed one hand on the base of Jimin's spine, the other at the back of his neck to push his face in the bed, holding him in place as he suddenly set a brutal pace.

Jimin took him beautifully, moaning and whining as Jungkook rammed into his tight heat. He watched as Jimin's ass jiggled from the impact, groaning alone at the sight, he couldn't help landing a few spanks.

"So good baby, you take Daddy so well." Jungkook loved the way Jimin arched his back, taking him deeper, whines so desperate. All for Jungkook.

"D-daddy" Jimin rasped "G-gonna...wanna-ah- c-cum."

Jungkook pulled out, Jimin whimpering at the empty feeling, as he flipped the older on his back. Raising his sock clad feet up, pushing his knees to his chest, Jimin hooked his hands around his legs, spreading them wider for him. Jungkook loved how flexible he was.

"Such a pretty boy." he growled as his slid back in, Jimin keening at the praise. He watched as he fucked into Jimin, holding him up as his legs shaked, thrusts slow but steady. "You gonna cum for me baby love?"

"Can't - Daddy - p-please" Jimin cries.

"Cum" Jungkook fucks into him hard, wanting Jimin to come undone with his cock inside him, removing the cock ring around Jimin. Jimin's little cock twitched, pearls of precum dribbling down to his balls. "Cum for Daddy."

Jungkook angles himself to hit Jimin's prostate better, adoring the blissed out expression on the older's face as he hits his sweet spot. He feels the way Jimin's hole tightens around him, clenching walls pulling him in as he cums, ropes of white spraying up his stomach.

"Gorgeous" Jungkook praised "Fucking gorgeous."

"Oh!" Jimin gasped, trying to catch his breath. "Oh~ Daddy! Please cum inside minnie!"

"Such a good boy, just for me." Jungkook's chest heaves, he feels the heat of his impending orgasm in his lower belly.

Jimin whines in over stimulation, fluttering around Jungkook, and that's what brings Jungkook over the edge. He groans deeply as he paints Jimin's insides white, Jimin whimpering as he fills him up.

"My good boy, my precious boy." Jungkook whispers out of breath, leaning down to press a kiss against his forehead, nose, over his closed eyes and cheeks, before finally kissing him fully on the mouth, Jimin completely melting.

He slowly pulls out, mind going haywire at the sight of his seed gushing out Jimin's puffy hole. "So pretty. I'll be right back baby." he kissed him before getting up to leave for the bathroom, coming back with a warm cloth in hands.

He cleaned them both up, leaving kisses across Jimin's body and whispering words of praise. He picked up the salve from the side table and rubbed it on Jimin's reddened bottom, soothing the skin. Removing the collar from around Jimin's neck and his own pants, he then pulled them both underneath the blanket, Jimin's head against his chest, naked skin pressed together.

"Love you Daddy." Jimin mumbled tiredly, letting out a cute yawn.

Jungkook kissed the crown of his head, snuggling him closer. "I love you more little one."