Chapter 14: You're Too Little

The bright sunlight peeping through the gap of the curtains is what wakes Jimin up, his eyes squint at the harsh light, groaning as he turned his back to it. His nose came in contact with a solid chest, steady breaths gently caressing through his hair. Jimin looks up to see the face of his sleeping boyfriend and wow was he handsome. Chiseled jaw, straight nose, soft brown hair, Jimin could practically count the eyelashes that rested on his cheeks. Jimin thought Jungkook looked so beautiful when he was asleep, well, Jungkook looked good all the time but you get the point.

Jimin felt something buzzing through his veins as he studied the younger's face, memories of them wrapped up in bed last night, Jungkook holding him like he was delicate, whispering sweet nothings in his ears that made him feel so light headed, kisses so gentle with feeling. Jimin loved Jungkook, is in love with Jungkook, his boyfriend, his best friend, his Daddy.

Jimin wasn't sure what time it was, but he guessed it was pretty early. A soft growl disrupted his train of thought, he pouted as he patted his protesting tummy. He looked back up to Jungkook who was still sleeping so soundly, so peacefully. Jungkook always told him that he must tell him whenever Jimin needed him, but after taking one more look at his blissed out face, Jimin couldn't bring himself to wake him. So with that thought, he tugged the covers off, shivering as the morning cold air came in contact with his skin.

He picked up his pacifier of the bedside table, popping it into his mouth, then his little brown teddy bear 'Mr NumNums', before waddling out the room, glad he had his little blue socks on to protect him from the cold floor. He had on little white pajama shorts with blue polka dots on, with a matching pajama shirt. It was one of his favorite pajamas because it made him feel so cute and small.

"Come on Mr NumNums, let's make food for Daddy!" he spoke to his teddy bear. Jimin toddled into the kitchen, thinking what he should make for breakfast. Sometimes Jungkook made pancakes, and he would put little chocolate chips in Jimin's. His stomach growled at the mere thought of chocolate chip pancakes, but, he wasn't entirely sure how to make them. Jimin let out a frustrated sigh, if he was big this wouldn't be an issue, but Jimin felt so little and lost without Jungkook right now.He placed his teddy on the counter, then walked over to the pantry, stumbling a little but was able to steady himself. He opened it to come face with so many cans and bags that he didn't really understand at the moment, but he recognized the white bag that contained the white fluffy stuff that Jungkook used to make pancakes. He picked up the bag, wondering if it was always this heavy, heaving it onto the counter. The force causing some of the white fluffy stuff to spill out, some getting on Mr NumNums fur. Jimin poked a chubby finger in it, loving the feel of the soft texture. Then an idea came to him and he shuffled over to the fridge, it took a while for him to pull it open, not feeling nearly as strong as he usually was. He picked up the carton of eggs, taking small careful steps as he bought them back to the counter. Picking out two eggs, one in each hand, he realized he did not have a mixing bowl. The bowls were in the overhead cupboard, the said cupboard that was a little out of Jimin's reach and Jungkook had to sometimes reach up for him. He hesitated for a moment before deciding that he didn't need a bowl, he gently tapped one of the eggs against the counter, brows furrowing when it didn't crack. He tapped the egg a little harder, the shell slightly giving way, before he hit the egg on the counter and it splat open. He gave the other egg the same treatment, the gooey stuff mixing with the white fluffy stuff. He just needed one more thing, he tottered over to the cupboard he knew Jungkook put the chocolate chips, bringing it over and emptying nearly the entire contents of the bag. Chocolate chips spewed onto the counter and floor, Jimin grabbed a spoon from the draw and started mixing everything on the counter together.

He soon tired of the spoon, finding it wasn't doing it's job right, and instead used his hands to squish everything together. The sticky mixture felt funny against his palms, Jimin squished the mixture in his hands, watching as his it gooed out between his fingers and on the floor. He whipped his hands on his shorts before grabbing another handful of sticky mixture, giggling behind his pacifier at the funny feeling. He clapped his hands together, watching as it stringed apart in his hands, giggling some more as he threw it in the air, landing in his hair, the thought of pancakes long forgotten has he grabbed another egg to smash on the counter, mixing it with the fluffy white stuff and chocolate chips.

Jimin was so occupied with smearing the mess on the counter that he didn't hear the sound of the bedroom door creaking, or the sound of footsteps, what did stop him in his tracks though was a loud gasp, spinning around to see Jungkook with a look of shocked horror on his face.

Jungkook's eyes widened as he took in the crime scene in front of him, flour everywhere, a mess of egg and egg shells all over the counter and floor, Jungkook nearly had a heart attack at the smears of chocolate. He took in Jimin, and was he a mess, his hands were covered in the sticky mess, his pajamas didn't get spared either if the stains on them had anything to say about it. Jungkook noticed Mr NumNums caked in flour and egg yolk, he would have to put him in the wash. There was flour all over Jimin's face and Jungkook had to close his eyes and pray he was dreaming because it was even in his hair. He wondered if he should go wake up again.

Jungkook pinched his nose as he counted to 10 in his head, before slowly opening his eyes and narrowed them, and that's when Jimin knew he was in big trouble.

"Jimin...what exactly..." Jungkook took another second to steel himself and not cry because the kitchen was a mess. "What exactly do you think you are doing?"

Jungkook crossed his arms, foot tapping impatiently. Jimin shuffled on his toes, pulling out his pacifier and getting that dirty too. "M-minnie was m-making pancakes Daddy."

Jungkook took steady steps to the other, lifting Jimin's chin up so he looked at him "Jimin, you're too little to be making pancakes, or anything for that matter. Daddy told you if you need me then you have to come and get me right?"

Jimin's bottom lip wobbled, tears appearing in his eyes as he sullenly nodded. Jungkook's face softened at that, taking Jimin's sticky hand in his, not forgetting to also pick up the little teddy bear, before leading them out to the bathroom. "Bath time."

He scrubbed Jimin clean, washing the mess out of his hair and the caked up batter in his fingernails. He threw the dirty pajamas and Mr NumNums in the laundry hamper, then dried Jimin and put on fresh clean clothes, a red shirt and cute overalls. He carried the other into the living room, placing him in the couch and gave him a clean pacifier.

"Now you stay here and watch cartoons, Daddy is going to clean the mess and make you actual pancakes." Jungkook kissed his forehead before moving over to leave, but was stopped at the small fist that grabbed his shirt.

"Jimni sowy Daddy" Jimin mumbled, giving Jungkook such a sad look.

Jungkook kissed his forehead again before kissing his button nose, "I know baby, Daddy forgives you." he smiled sweetly at Jimin. "Daddy's little monster. I'll be right back." He kissed on top of Jimin's pacifier, loving the cute giggle he got in return, before heading back to conquer the battlefield of a kitchen.

It took him a while, but he huffed out a satisfied sigh when he was done, smiling in accomplishment. He got out the necessary items to make pancakes, unfortunately no chocolate chips were spared in the mass destruction earlier so he would just have to stick to plain for now. As he flipped the pancake on the frying pan, an idea came to mind, he took the milk out of the fridge and poured some in a pot, warming it up. He finished up the pancakes, plating them and dribbling a good amount of syrup on top. After, Jungkook turns off the fire for the pot, taking out one of Jimin's bottles from the cupboard and poured the warm milk in it. His baby looked so upset thinking he made Jungkook mad, while he was shocked, Jungkook could never be made at his little one, so hopefully a nice bottle feeding will make him feel all better. Taking the stack of pancakes and bottle, he made his way back to Jimin.

"Look what Daddy's got baby boy" he loved the way Jimin's entire face brightened up at the sight of the bottle, chubby fingers reaching out towards it "Not yet baby, you need to eat first"

He put the bottle down before he gently pulled the pacifier from Jimin's mouth, placing it next to the bottle. He cut a piece of the pancakes, making airplane noises as he flew the fork of food in the air. "The plane is coming in for landing Minnie, say ah!" His heart fluttered as Jimin clapped his hands excitedly, giggling cutely before opening his mouth wide for Jungkook to feed him, chewing enthusiastically.

He continued this a couple more times, taking a few bites himself, Jimin squealed with excitement each time, letting out adorable babbles as he slipped further into head space.

"All done! Well done baby!" Jungkook praised as Jimin took the last bite, he set the plate aside, then pulled Jimin in his lap, leaving kisses all over his face. He then cradled the other in his arms before picking up the bottle, bringing it to Jimin's mouth who suckled contently. He looked lovingly at the other, Jimin looking up to him with those sparkly pretty eyes, lifting up his small hand to run over Jungkook's face, Jungkook kissed lightly at the tips of his fingers. "I love you so much my baby prince."