Chapter 15: I'll Catch You When You Fall

He was sick of it. So, so sick of it.

Jimin yawned as he rubbed his tired eyes, placing his notebook back in his bag then getting up to return the textbook to the librarian. He just spent what felt like hours, and probably was, studying chapter after chapter in the library. He didn't own the textbook so he had to come to the library to use their copy.

He felt like he hadn't slept for hours, head aching and a pressure behind his eyes from the constant reading and looking at computer screens he's been doing these days. He called his friend, Taemin, earlier to swap shifts with him. He just couldn't handle going to work tonight.

Zipping up his jacket, Jimin stepped out of the library into the chilly winter cold, since Jungkook is working late tonight he gets the car. So Jimin made his way to the bus stop that is luckily only 2 blocks away from the library. The bus took a good 20 minutes to arrive and Jimin was sure if he stayed out any longer he would freeze to death. So once the bus made it to his stop, he quickly ran inside the apartment complex, into their apartment '13J', blowing into his hands to warm up his numb fingers.

The apartment was quiet, and oh did he miss Jungkook, he checked the time on his phone. It was currently '7:18pm', Jungkook should be home in a couple of hours. Jimin walked to the bedroom, changing out of his days clothes for something for comfortable, sweatpants and a loose shirt. He considered what he was gonna make for dinner, but he found he couldn't come up with anything, like he was unable to...think. With a frustrated sigh, he took out his phone to send a quick text to Jungkook, asking him to bring something on his way home. Usually he would call Jungkook, but he might be too busy to answer the phone right now, so a text would have to do.

He strolled into the living room, taking up the remote as he sat on the couch, turning on the tv. The station was on some documentary, talking about stephen hawking and his quest for the 'theory of everything'. Normally, Jimin would be ok watching it, documentaires were actually quite interesting, but today he found it so boring. He flipped through channels, sports, news, wildlife, nothing at all peeked his interest, he was about to give up when he realized it was in the kids category.

It was a cartoon show of a little boy who summoned a pink shield out of nowhere, and a girl who was wielding a pink sword. They were fighting a tall, buff orange looking woman, who had a yellow gem for a nose. Jimin pressed the button on the remote for the tv to show him the name of the cartoon, 'Steven Universe'. Before he knew it, the credits started rolling, indicating the end of the show. He felt kind of disappointed, when the show ended, but then shook his head with a start when he noticed that he actually...enjoyed, watching a kids show. He must be tired.

He turned off the tv, before another cartoon could start. Maybe he should call it a night. With that thought, he quickly went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash up, before making his way to the bedroom. He honestly couldn't bring himself to change into pajamas, thus he was about to just hop in bed when something caught his eye. Sitting on the dresser, leaning against the mirror, was the little brown teddy with the red bow tied around it's ear that Jungkook got him. He hesitated before moving towards it, picking it up gently, he had jokingly called the bear 'Mr NumNums', but found that the name stuck. He can still recall that day, and all the talks they had beforehand about 'little space', though they haven't really done much. He tested out calling Jungkook 'Daddy' a few times, unable to say it without blushing furiously, and still not sure what that fluttering feeling in his chest was when he did say it. Then he remembered something, putting 'Mr NumNums' back down, then opened the bottom drawer, pulling out an item underneath the clothing. It was the pacifier Jungkook gave him, baby blue with little white stars on it, still sealed in it's packaging.

Jimin took it out the packaging, holding the pacifier closer to inspect, running his thumb over the soother. He couldn't understand the sudden urge he felt, biting his lip in hopes to alleviate it, but it didn't help at all. Without realizing it, the pacifier was soon in his mouth. He gave an experimental suck and was almost shocked at the feeling, it was practically exhilarating, his shoulders sagging that he didn't even know was tense. He nearly felt guilty about how much he enjoyed sucking on the soother, but nearly spat it out at the sound of the front door opening.

"Hyung! I'm home!" he whipped around at the sound of Jungkook's voice, could hear him moving around and soon approaching the bedroom. Jimin thought about putting the away the pacifier, but found he didn't want to.

"Hyung? Are you in here?" Jungkook said before opening the door "Oh! There you are." he smiled at the sight of Jimin, but his expression soon changed to a look of surprise when he saw what was in his mouth.

Jimin fidgeting on his feet, eyes downcast and cheeks blushing, but he still couldn't bring himself to take out the pacifier. Would Jungkook find him weird?

"Hey, hey, it's ok" he didn't hear when Jungkook walked up to him, gently fingers lifting his face up so his eyes could meet the youngers. "It's ok...are you feeling little hyung?"

Jimin paused and realized with a start that, yes, he actually did feel little. He never once thought, even after all the research they did together, that he would ever become little. But it just felt so...natural.

He gave Jungkook a little nod, and the younger smiled softly at him in return, hugging Jimin to his chest. "It's ok, I've got you. I'm sorry I couldn't be here sooner, but I'm here now. I'll look after you."

Jimin nuzzled into Jungkook's chest, unable to stop the little whimper he let out, oh how he missed Jungkook and his touch comforted him greatly.

"I bet you're hungry, huh little one? Come on, let's get you some food." Jungkook gently guided them to the kitchen, a bag of take away he bought home on the table. Jungkook sat them down before taking out the food, chinese take out. "We are gonna have to take out the pacifier for me to feed you baby." Jungkook smiled encouragingly.

Jimin didn't want to remove the pacifier, but then he replayed what Jungkook just said, blushing. Jungkook has never fed him before, his toes curled at the mere thought. He gave a slight nod, words obviously weren't a thing right now.

Jungkook gently pulled the pacifier, a small 'pop' sounding as it left his mouth, he almost whined at the lost but then Jungkook was prodding a forkful of noodles towards him and he remembered how hungry he was. It felt almost surreal, Jungkook feeding him, his mind feeling fuzzy. Jungkook was smiling at him like he enjoyed feeding Jimin just as much, almost forgetting to feed himself. Once they finished, Jungkook gave him back his pacifier, and he suckled on it contently.

"Good boy." Jungkook said as he kissed his forehead and oh there's that fuzzy feeling again.

His mind went into mild panic though when jungkook pulled away, picking up the empty take away boxes and getting up from the table. Although he didn't get very far, Jimin's body running on auto as he gripped Jungkook's shirt tightly, whimpering out a small "Daddy!"

Time seemed to freeze at that moment, Jungkook giving him a wide eyed look, Jimin's own expression quite similar. But then Jungkook gave him a big smile, expression full of so much love Jimin nearly felt overwhelmed. "Hey, I'm not going anywhere. Just putting away the trash." he gently pried Jimin's hands from his shirt, throwing away said trash, then he was soon by Jimin's side again. "See! I didn't go anywhere."

Jimin felt silly, but the feeling of Jungkook holding him closely outweighed everything else. They made their way to the living room couch, Jungkook holding him in his arms as he laid on top of him. He turned on the tv, and blushed heavily when the cartoon channel came on.

"You wanna watch cartoons little one? It's ok if you want to." Jungkook whispered in his hair. Jimin thought on it, Jungkook had been nothing but encouraging since this whole...whatever this is started. Jimin felt so protected and loved and...little, in Jungkook's arms. He felt like he could do anything, enjoy anything, as long as he had Jungkook by his side. So he gave Jungkook a nod, nuzzling even more into his chest.

"Ok baby love." Jungkook replied, shifting so they could lay more comfortably. He kissed the crown of Jimin's head before hugging him closer. "I love you little one."