02. goodbye home.

i woke up to see hak gone, quite sad. really sad. i never thought he would be gone without me. i got up and went to the bathroom not knowing the shower was on i wasn't thinking and i took off my clothes and moved the shower curtain aside to see hak naked, and he seen me but didn't freak out but i was freaking out and going crazy not knowing he was staring at me naked, he blushed. "you like what you see?" he smirked? i covered myself and closed the curtain. "you wanna join me?" he asked. "uh, n-no" i muttered. the curtains opened and hak pulled me inside the shows with him and then observed me "stay" he says "stay?" i blushed hard and hak grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him as my hand touched his private area. "i don't mind it at all." he said as i couldn't say anything but just blushed. he got closer to my ear and whispered "grab it and i mean grab it harder." chills went down my spine, and i grabbed it harder. i couldn't say anything but i liked it. he breathed hard against my ear, and he grabbed my neck gently and was sucking my neck. i was breathing heavy, trying to hold back a moan. he moved his hand down to my breast and he started to massage my breast and it felt good, so great. "you're mine!" he says as he kissed me, and we started making out. "you're wet." he mentioned. "we're both wet." i chuckled. "you know what i mean" as he put his hand lower down my body, as i got nervous "you look stunning princess" "i do?" he nodded his head yes. he went lower to my lower area and my heart started beating fast... it's just racing as i'm trying to stay calm then he stop. "this will stay between us right?" he asked? "yes" i quietly said as he smiled for the first time in a while. "promise?" he added. "promise." i chuckled. he gripped by neck again he pecked (kiss) me on the lips "ha, good girl." he smoothly said "this was just a tease" he added once more and let go of me and he got out the shower and changed. "oh, princess. the village gave you new clothes but i picked it out" he smirked "but i think it wold look sexy on you. it would most likely bring me out the closest" he looked me again and winked and then he left the bathroom. in totally shocked. i slid down the bathroom tub and was in my thoughts. wow... just wow. i took a 1 hour shower because i was distracted by hak and i got changed. the outfit was revealing somewhat i'll be fine. i got out the bathroom and i went down stairs to the village in the back to practice with my bowing skills. i grab a rock and mark where i wanted to shoot the bow at. i wanted to do this on my own. i grabbed the bow and the arrows, i try to aim my bow at the mark. okay, so i have to breathe and relax. i pull back on the arrow and used one eye to aim at the mark, and the i release the arrow and missed completely. i keep trying but keep missing. i try once more and someone lift my arm up "and you aim here yona." he sound familiar voice. i did it again and i hit the mark. i turn around to see jaeha. jaeha is the green dragon. he weapon is his right leg. i was shocked to see him! "thank you!l i smiled. "no problem. where is your protector?" he asked me. "oh hak... i'm not sure." jaeha got closer as i back up against the tree. "like the outfit you got." he smirked at me. "let's see what you look like without it, but i won't go that far. you need help with training because hak won't help. you have me." i slightly blushed "sure" after a while jaeha helped me with training but what stopped me from aiming right was hak that's all i could think about was him. someone started screaming. i stopped training and ran to what was happing jaeha followed me. everyone screamed. when lord soo-won came to our village and held one of our villagers hostage.. where is hak? "stay here, i'll go find the rest!" jaeha said as he stormed off and jump over top of house trying to find them. soo-won had a knife to the villagers throat. "where is she?" he asked. "who is she?" they asked him. "the red hair girl. where is she? or i'll kill him." soo-won asked once more. "you're not going to do nothing, old friend." hak said as he walked up to him. "why would i let the princess to you? huh? give me a good reason" hak said as he was being too cocky. "hm, you wanna bet?" soo-won asked hak. hak nodded. "farewell" he was about to cut his neck... until hak stepped in and used his glaive and use it and it cut somewhat of soo-won's face and he face was bleeding. soo-won threw the hostage on the ground and pulled out the sword that he killed my father with "you will go to hell along with him hak!" hak got angry! and soo-won ran up to attack hak but they started fighting, and i couldn't watch. my heart aches. i can't sit here and do nothing. i was about to pull out my bow but sinha stopped me. "no, don't." sinha is the blue dragon. "we will save him yona if he needs us." kija said as he tried to keep me and he is the white dragon, and the yellow dragon is just eating as always and his name is zeno. i turned back to see hak and soo-won fighting and it hurts me, my two child hood friends... why? "come kill them all!" soo-won yelled and all the villagers from my old home... that got taken over they came to attack us. hak ran off.. i ran to soo-won and the dragons tried to stop me, and i ran up and got done up by him, he smacked me. "why? you choose him over me? huh? is hak that important? nevermind lets go." he grabbed me and everyone was watching... hak was disappointed in me. he just put his head down. i looked at hak and i want him to help me.. he need how scared i was and i tried to fight him off of me but he threw me onto the ground and hak cut his arm with his glaive. "you thought you was gonna leave untouched?" hak smirked "you thought wrong" hak laughed. soo-won got angrier. someone grabbed me from behind. it wasn't hak! "HAK!" i yelled. he looked at me and was gonna to attack but jaeha came from mid air kicked the guy in his face, and picked me up and ran off with me and the 3 other dragons came along with me while hak and soo-won fought once again. we ran deep into the forest... far away! i want to go back! i just have to. i got out of jaeha's arms and i ran back but sinha got me. he hugged me tight and i couldn't let go, from a lot of stress i passed out.