03. a dead man.

after waking up, we was in a huge cave with one light. "you're okay? princess?" someone said sounded so much like hak... "hak?" i mumbled. "no, it's kija." he said. i woke up. "where's hak?" i got up. kija sat me back down. "we don't know yona. we promise we'll find him okay?" he quietly said as he hugged me. "sinha found him?" he asked. sinha shook his head no. i start to cry. those moments i had with him. i miss him, i need him. i want him. i started to cry and everyone was just looking at me and they felt bad. "maybe we should REALLY find him" zeno said "agreed" jaeha nodded. "you shall cry no more tears cause they will just turn me off instead of on. you're making me feel bad." jaela also added. i ignored him, and got up. i will find him watch me "guys can i help?" i asked and they all smiled and agreed yes. "we're only going to let two at time go" kija stated "someone will stay with the princess for now and the other 2 or 3 will go, once you guys come back the princess and the other person will go." kija simply shared the plan with everyone. kija and jaeha stayed while sinha left and went to find hak.


hours has past. he haven't been found we all took turns and it's was a fail. i try not to cry and i tried to be brave for him. "we need to go back to the village i have a plan." they sighed at me that knew this wasn't gonna be good. they walked us back to the village which took hours, and hours and it's sucked. i wish this never happened. hours has past again days has come. we entered the gate and we seen the village had a few folks down and then and village look kinda the same just a little messed up. people were bleeding, dying. it was sad, and i went up to a random person "where is everyone?" i asked he replied and said "in the houses checking on hak!" my eyes lit up hak!? "hak!? the thunder beast?" he nodded yes. "where is he?" i asked once more. "home". i said thank you and we ran to my room i pecked through the door and a lot of females were touching on him and just spoiling him. ugh, did he forget about me. kija told me to go in. i opened the door slowly. one of the girls asked hak "what is yona to you?" hak was just stuck on that ... "yona is just a friend.." he muttered. the girls started to cuddle up on him. i couldn't had much longer. "friend?" i shouted. "so i am just a friend to you?" hak looked at me and his eyes lit up.. "princess.." he got up to approach me. i walked away from him. hak pushed past the 4 dragon warriors. "yona!" he grabbed my arm and took me into another room. he hug me, but i didn't hug back. "so i am just a friend?" i asked him but he didn't answer he just didn't wanna let me go! "hak!" i said and i tried to push him off of me but he wasn't letting up he just didn't wanna let me go, and i cried.. "i'm sorry, princess. it wasn't suppose to be meant like that. they liked me and they knew i liked you." he said. "liked me?". he nodded "yes, like you. i do like you, and i mean more then a friend but that doesn't change the fact that i love you yona." "i love you too hak" i cried more and hugged him back, as everyone watched someone said "off with the head yona!" wait what? i seen one of the guards running up which was hak's friend and he had a sword. i tried to break loose from hak but before the guard can take step a towards me hak let go of me, and hak stumped on his knee as the guard fell down to the ground crying "what's your issue? you knew you wasn't going to get to her and i would never let you. listen it's not her fault that this place got trash it wasn't. i guess my old friend decided that it was okay to just sit there and try to take yona from me after a year later? what the hell? i don't get it. y'all don't get it." he shouted. he grabs me and yells at me "yona, listen. i don't care! i want you! and i like you damn it. i don't care about me saying you were just a friend me hiding my feelings is very common and you should know that!" and he pushed me away. "listen everyone else, get out or i'll do it myself!" he picked up his glaive and was ab to swing it but everyone ran, after they ran he dropped it and grabbed me. "yona! sleep with me!" he said. "wait, what you mean? sleep with me? like sleep?" i asked. he sighed "you're stupid at times you know that." he looked very uninterested, and he sighed once more "no, yona... have sex with me." he said as he muttered and my eyes lid up. "hold up. what?!" i shouted. he covered my mouth "shh!" he said. he grabs me "no, not now." i said, pushing him away. "i'm okay!" i put my head down. "princess, whenever you are ready but just know no need to be worried i'll be gentle." he said as he sat down. "don't take me calling you a friend offensive cause it wasn't meant like that." he mentioned. i walked up to him. "you're a great person hak! i hope you know that." i smiled at him and he put his head down. i lift his head up. "listen i don't care what over people say about you." i spoke without any regrets. he pulled me closer. "at least i'm not just a friend to you , hak you told me you're feelings and you meant it. thank you." i hugged him but he just sat me on his lap. and hugged me tightly. "you know this position right here you on top of me. i can be drilling into you right about now." he put his hands lower. "wait, drill?" i seemed to be confused. "you're naive yona!" he laughed. we looked into each other eyes and he kissed. this is like the first time these felt so right. we made out for a while and then things turned south really quickly. he just stripped off my clothes and he did it, we made love. wondering what the people was doing we don't know but all i know is that the door was lock and it was just us two. as i was moaning he was just 'drilling' in me. thrusting hard it felt painful but it was great, we both breathing heavy and hard. he laid me down and continued to tease me like he usually do but i moaned his name almost the whole time but you know him thrusting into me more and i creamed and he kept going he didn't wanna stop and i was begging for more and more, hours past and then we stopped. i fell asleep afterwards and i wake up in my bed and hak was next to me, but he was cuddled up next to me, i am still in pain and i wish it will please go away. i had to change my clothes and wash up, and that's what i did i washed myself but i couldn't walk, my legs were shaking and it was in pain also and it hurted so i can to crawl to the bathroom and wash myself and then crawl back and changed. hak was still fast asleep. after i got changed i went out to train, and again i had to drag myself across the village. after training for a while hak came out looking for me but i sat down cause my legs were giving up on me. "hey! princess." he smiled. "hi hak." i smiled back. "get up." he said "help me up!" i begged him. that smile on his face turned into a frown. "well why? can't you just get up on your own?" he was being cocky. "listen here, you're gonna get you're ass here and help me!" i yelled. "why should i?" he smirked "cause you caused this?" i got angry. "caused what?" he seemed confused. "this pain. so please help!" i begged. he sighed. "you win." he grabbed my hand and picked me up. he checked me out. "what was that for?" i asked. "nothing much." he said i know he lying. "i'm going to teach you how to use a sword? okay? remember this sword i bought from last year." he turned away and sighed. "i was gonna give it to you... but i kept it because you weren't ready." he took it out and he put it in my hand. "now try to attack me." he suggested. i was gonna ask a question but i run up, and it cocked me in the back of my head and i fell and no he didn't even hit me that hard. "yona i know you can do better." i got back up on my own but i was shaking. "why are you shakin- nevermind." he just laughed. "what's funny?" i got angry, and walked towards him. "you're walking funny! did i pipped down too hard princess? you can't take it can you." he laughed more. i sighed and be noticed "i'm sorry, now listen you run up and you have to know when to dip this. so i will try to hit you with the same hand before" he said. i didn't listen and i ran up again and i kicked him in his dick, and he fell to the ground. "you ain't shit!!" he got mad. "you lucky i didn't trap you!" he also added. "what do you mean trap me?" as i helped him up. "you're stupid! once again." he hand palmed his face. "well i am not everyone dummy." i rolled my eyes. he smirked "you wanna be like that? huh? well what i mean is he trap in other words meaning sex wised. i was saying you're lucky i didn't get you pregnant. i pulled out when i had the chance." i cannot believe he just said that to me. "okay, well. kiss my ass!" i said as his eyes opened wide and he was shocked. he grabbed my neck and he whispered in my ear "keep fucking with me and you won't be able to walk how about that?" he let go. "now let's train." i was shocked... just sat there for a second. "okay." i ran up and he swing his hand again and i dipped but then he dropped kicked me. "hak!! i wasn't ready." "you have to learn to be ready babe now try again." babe??! babe??!!?? okay. i ran up again, and i dipped but before you can drop kick me, i hit him in the back of the head. "you did great today. i'm proud." he smiles. i hugged him, and he hugged back and we kissed again but the four dragons saw and they were mad except for sinha, he was just smiling at us both along with his little pet squirrel Ao that's his name. he's cute trust me. he was cheering for us, and then me and hak hugged again and he kissed me one last time. "i'm sorry, i love you." and then before i could say it back it turned me away and then he pushed me and then he was shot in his chest as blood fame out of his mouth i watched him look at me as he fell to the ground i cried, and the four dragons made sure he was okay... i ran to him. "hak!" i grabbed his face. "listen stay with me." i begged. as he eyes slowly trying to roll back.. "what ere you hiding from me?" i asked him. as he cough up blood. "i'm sorry.. i didn't warn you, take my glaive with you. okay? i'm sorry princess that i wasn't strong enough for you... i'm sorr-" before he can finish he was gone. "hak, please don't leave me!" i busted out crying. sinha try to stop as much blood from leave his body. i was slowly blacking out from stress i couldn't face the truth, and i was gone.