Chapter 555: God Star Power

" You need to understand the importance of this mission," he continued as he warned the Dragon Generals. "No failure will be tolerated!'

The Generals nodded their heads as they declared to the Dragon King that they would definitely finish the mission.

"Leave now and prepare what you need. I don't want to see a single second of delay on the 8th day," The Dragon King declared as he looked at the guards and the Dark Dragons.

All of them left the hall and left.

"Your Majesty, do you think that the generals can successfully plant those boxes everywhere? It seems difficult for them to enter places like the Demon Realm and the Heavens. The White Tiger Clan's realm is also difficult. It might spark some outrage if they caught out men sneaking inside," Someone said, but no person other than the Dragon King was visible inside.

"It can be a test for them in a way. If they are Successful, then fine, if they fail, then I'll go personally," the Dragon King replied as he closed his eyes.
