Chapter 556: Enacting the plan

"Have you discussed it? What did your mother say?" Long Chen asked Ming Lan as soon as she entered the room. He was curious if he was about to get an honest answer or not.

Ming Lan looked at Long Chen and started frowning. She looked around as if she was suspicious about something

"What happened?" Long Chen asked in full seriousness. He wondered if she had realized that there was someone else in the room at the moment or not

"I smell something strange in this room. There seems to be a strange scent lingering in this room. Did someone else come here after I left?" She asked Long Chen with a suspicious look on her face.

"Nope. You can ask your Guards if you doubt me. You can also search the room if that's what you want. Tell me if you find someone. As for the scent, I don't smell anything. It might be your imagination," Long Chen said as he smiled casually while he stretched his arms while projecting the air of confidence.