Chapter 872: Tian Shen's Location

A red coffin was placed in the center of the isolated room in an unknown place that was untouched by even the gods.

No one knew where this place was or who stayed in this place. Its existence was a secret.

The blood-red coffin had various veins that were golden in color. The golden veins were surrounding the coffin, wrapping it entirely.

The top of the coffin was lying on the ground near the casket. There was a Dragon Symbol on it, but the dragon had Wings that were like Phoenix. It also seemed to be on fire like it was the ruler of fire.

Inside the coffin, a man was lying. 

The man seemed like he was barely thirty years old. There was not a single wrinkle on his face. His skin was smooth. The man had no beard, but he did have beautiful long red hair that was flaming red.

As the man's eyes were closed, it was difficult to guess his eye color. There was a red trail on the corner of his eyes as if a tear of blood had spilled out a long time ago, which had dried now.