Chapter 873: Troubled girl

"Man, it had been so peaceful yesterday. Today just happened to be another snowstorm. Without it, we would have been in the Royal City by night."

Ji Shan was sitting on the bed, complaining about the snowstorm. He had the Beer bottle in his hand, which he was gazing at. 

Long Chen stood at the window, gazing outside.

"It's just a little delay. It should be getting over soon. Also, Snowstorms are pretty good on their own. Since it's the War Season, the snowstorm can create a moment of peace between the Empires. We can take our time now," Long Chen answered, shaking his head.

"That's true as well. It is good too. Since it's like that, we can relax a little," Ji Shan let out as he took a sip of the beer.

"Yeah. We'll be leaving as soon as the snowstorm is over. You rest here. I'll be in my room." Long Chen turned around and nodded his head. 

He left the room and went inside the room on the left where Ming Lan was resting.