Chapter 970: Promise

"Shut up, you idiot. Stop messing around!" Long Chen couldn't help but chide the Snake Monarch as he saw him constantly mocking the leader of the guards. 

Here, he was trying to make a good impression, and this Snake was trying to cause a full-blown war with the guards at the first meeting. He needed to stop this guy

"But I'm only telling the tru-" 

"I don't care. It's no time for you to talk about your nonsense. Keep your mouth shut!"

The Snake Monarch tried to answer Long Chen, who didn't even let him finish.

The Snake Monarch couldn't help but pout as he rolled his eyes. He was angry at Long Chen, but he decided to listen as he closed his eyes. 

The white-haired man was still glaring at Snake Monarch but watching Long Chen scold this foul creature gave him a good impression of Long Chen and made him think that Long Clen was right when he said this guy always talks nonsense. He could see it on Long Chen's face.