Chapter 969: Ugly

"But still, we need to follow the formality and make sure that you're indeed Prince Zen and not someone impersonating him. Can you show me the Royal Seal of Tricion?" he further asked. 

He had seen Pei Zen and the face matched. He was sure that the man in front of him was Pei Zen. However, it was still formality to check the identity of all Royalties before allowing them entry into the Empire since there were a few people who tried to impersonate Royalty of other Empires to enter. 

"Of Course," Long Chen responded calmly. 

He already had the ring of Pei Zen. He didn't need to worry. That's also why he allowed himself to be seen. 

If he tried to sneak instead and was caught, it was going to be much tougher than proving himself to be Pei Zen

He brought out a scroll from the storage ring of Pei Zen.