Chapter 979: Lost Powers

"Do you even need to thank me for that? What kind of a man would I be if I can't even do something like that for my woman?" Long Chen asked, frowning. 

Mingyu felt her heartbeat skip a beat as she heard the words of Long Chen. 

"You know, I have something to tell you," Mingyu muttered as she lowered her gaze, only to realize that her gaze ended up on his waist. She once again raised her gaze with an embarrassed look on her face. 

"Say what? You can tell me everything," Long Chen alluded to her as he touched her cheeks that were already red because of what had happened recently.

Mingyu could only gaze in Long Chen's eyes as she couldn't look down.

She gazed into his deep eyes as she placed her hand over his hand, which was resting on her cheeks. 

With misty eyes, she started speaking, "I realized that I don't say it often, but I really love you. I love you so much; I don't think I can describe. Thank you for coming into my life."