Chapter 980: Seen

"That's good. I have been awakened from death for this only. You gave me life and made me able to come back. I will definitely finish the thing you awakened me for so I can walk free," the young man let out as he gazed towards his hand. 

"It's not that simple. If he was able to kill Wu Lia, he isn't someone you can face. I had underestimated him," the half-masked man muttered as he gazed towards the Window. 

"Also, he is inside your palace from what it seems. As I can't see everything about him, I don't know why he is here. Maybe he brought your sister back, and that's why? In any case, you need to be careful. Brutal strength alone isn't the answer. You need to mix it with something more," he added. 

"What more should I do? If he is in the palace, I should directly attack him and kill him," the young man muttered. He was known as Lu Wang inside the Empire, who was the Prince of the Esteria Empire and the brother of Mingyu.