Chapter 981: Test

A man was standing in front of Long Chen, who he assumed to be the Prince of this Empire. The Prince who was also Mingyu's brother. 

"Who are you?" The Prince asked Long Chen about his identity as he squinted his eyes.

"Are you Lu Wang?" Long Chen asked the man instead of answering. 

"I'm the one asking questions here," Lu Wang asked Long Chen, frowning. He was wondering if this was Long Chen that he was supposed to kill.

"I'm Long Chen, the husband of Princess Mingyu," Long Chen answered. It wasn't worth it to keep arguing with the guy. He was the stranger in Lu Wang's Palace, after all. 

"Mingyu's husband? She married?" Lu Wang exclaimed as he frowned. He couldn't believe Long Chen's words. He had known that Long Chen was close to his sister romantically from what he heard from the Half Masked man, but he hadn't expected they were already married.