Chapter 1104: Possible to Trace

"I don't know what you're talking about. I did find an injured body and dragged it here, thinking I might be able to heal that person, but it was too late. He was dead by the time I got her, so I burned his body," she said, lying to protect Long Chen. 

"Oh? So you burned the body? Do you know who that dark-haired silver-eyed boy was? Without knowing anything, you burned his body?" The First Envoy asked, sneakily testing to see if the person who came here was indeed Long Chen or the other person in the fight. 

He didn't directly ask for the guy's look since he believed that the woman would give him the same description.

"How should I know who he was? I saw an injured body, tried to save him, and failed. It's not like I could have asked a dead guy who he was?" The old lady answered as she sighed. 

"True, it's not like you could have asked Long Chen who he was," the First Envoy said as he nodded while folding his arms, agreeing with the lady.