Chapter 1105: Switch

Long Chen entered the Royal City of Du, changing his looks. 

He believed he still wasn't in perfect shape to fight against anyone. His health was still weak, which was why he was avoiding any conflict and even the guards as he advanced towards the Royal City. 

He believed he needed to have a few Teleportations inside the Royal Palace before getting to the room which had the Teleportation portal. Fortunately, all he needed was these Teleportations since he had already walked from that Teleportation formation to the exit last time when he had arrived there. All the conditions of teleporting were satisfied. 

If he could, he would have directly Teleported to the formation room instead of having multiple Teleportation, but 200 meter short range Teleportation limits were the problem. 

The Royal Palace was much much longer, and a few corridors themselves were hundreds of meters long.