Chapter 1162: Inside the Clan

"These Eagles are not bad. Don't worry," Long Chen answered. 

"Wait! Sister Lin, I sat behind you. Where will I sit if these two sit with you?' Gu Ren protested.

"Sit with Wen. You two can share. I'll take the guests," Gu Lin replied sharply as she sat on the Dark Eagle. 

Long Chen and Ji Shan also sat on the same eagle behind her. Even though the Eagle was very big, it seemed to only be big enough for three people to sit. So the three of them had to adjust slightly. 

Long Chen's knees touched Gu Lin's back as he sat behind her, facing the other direction. 

Ji Shan also took a similar position as his shoulders clashed with Long Chen. 

"I apologize for the lack of space. Generally, only two people sit on an Eagle. We didn't know we would meet you here; otherwise, we would have brought more," Gu Lin told Long Chen apologetically as the Eagle started flying towards the city.