Chapter 1163: Seduction

"That's right. Even if he doesn't help us, just his presence on our side will be prestigious. I'll try to invite him with us tomorrow. Hopefully, he'll say yes. Until then, keep them happy," Gu Wang said, nodding. 

"Also, those two are alone, right? Send a few women to their rooms to keep them company," he continued. 

"Yes, father. After dinner, I'll send a few maids to service them," Gu Lin agreed.

"No! Don't send a maid. If they're truly that strong, they must be from a good family in a High Kingdom. They might think we're disrespecting them with this if we send maids," Gu Wang straightly refused. 

" Then who, father?" Gu Lin asked, frowning. "Surely you don't mean..."

"That's right. Send some young women from Gu Clan to keep them company tonight. You'll handle this," Gu Wang said. 

"But father, this..."